I'm not following.
Are you saying that the web service would like something like this:
<WebService>Public Function GetClientUpdates() as dataset
...logic to generate dataset
GetClientUpdates = dataset
Catch ex as Exception
Throw New Exception
End Try
Then my client looks like below...
Public Sub GetClientUpdates()
ws.BeginClientUpdatesToClient(" ", "", "", "10:45:00 07/3/00", AddressOf GetClientUpdatesCompleteInvoke, Nothing)
End Sub
Protected Sub GetClientUpdatesCompleteInvoke(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Me.Invoke(New GetClientUpdatesDelegate(AddressOf Me.GetClientUpdatesComplete), New Object() {ar})
End Sub
Protected Delegate Sub GetClientUpdatesDelegate(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Protected Sub GetClientUpdatesComplete(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Dim dsTemp As New Mohawk.MohawkWebServices.dsItems
dsTemp = ws.EndClientUpdatesToClient(ar)
UpdateComplete = dsTemp.Items.Count
Catch ex As Exception
UpdateComplete = 0
End Try
End Sub
This is not working for me....