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  1. I've got an application that utilizes a custom icon for the Programs group and the Recently Run items. When I use 32x32x16, the icon appears properly in the Programs group but incorrectly in the Recently Run items. When I use 16x16x16, the icon appears correctly in the Recently Run items but incorrectly in the Programs group. My question is, how can I specify two different icons (I have seen this done with other PocketPc applications) or how can I correct this problem? As an aside, I tried this with icons included with Visual Studio (rocket.ico, specifically). I did not have this problem with the rocket.ico file which is formatted as 32x32x16. That would lead me to believe that my problem is with my icon file but I can't figure what it might be. I'm attaching my icon files in case anyone would like to play with them. nwGrn.zip
  2. Does anyone have any good reference material for the .Net Compact Framework user interface? Specifically, I cannot get an icon to appear properly in the Programs group, despite it showing correctly in the Recently Used list. Anyone have a line on that?
  3. So having multiple users connect to the same database at the same time, I can use the identical connection string?
  4. I am calling a WebService which returns a XML data to a client. My question is, how can I have each client connect to the database as a different connection so that there are not concurrency issues? Each client will have data unique to them and should not have any problems with concurrency (other clients trying to modify the same records). Can I change this connection string to accomodate a new connection for each call from a client? Will I have to change from "integrated security"? Would I have to make that change anyway once my database and web server are on two different machines? Basically, can someone educate me on connection strings? :D connString = "workstation id=SERVER;packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=SERVER;persist security info=False;initial catalog=Mohawk" Thanks!
  5. I'm looking for a good book (I try to read the manual when it's absolutely necessary...) on .NET Compact Framework. Specifically, deployment issues. I have found nothing meaningful on the MSDN site for deploying Pocket PC applications and need assistance. Any ideas here? Thanks.
  6. I'm an idiot. What's required (the components involved) in receiving HTTPS posts to my server? For example, an application is going to post back to my server URL https://www.somesite.com/postback.aspx. Is there some administrative work to be done with IIS or is it a completely new install of an additional application which gives me encryption capability? Thanks.
  7. Is it possible to pass a mail message as an argument to a WebMethod? Such as: <WebMethod()> Public Function SendNote(ByVal Msg As MailMessage) As Boolean .... End Function Currently when I try to compile I get this error message: The property 'From' on type 'System.Web.Mail.MailMessage' cannot be serialized because it is decorated with declarative security permission attributes. Consider using imperative asserts or demands in the property accessors. Any thoughts?
  8. I'm not following. Are you saying that the web service would like something like this: <WebService>Public Function GetClientUpdates() as dataset Try ...logic to generate dataset GetClientUpdates = dataset Catch ex as Exception Throw New Exception End Try Then my client looks like below... Public Sub GetClientUpdates() ws.BeginClientUpdatesToClient(" ", "", "", "10:45:00 07/3/00", AddressOf GetClientUpdatesCompleteInvoke, Nothing) End Sub Protected Sub GetClientUpdatesCompleteInvoke(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult) Me.Invoke(New GetClientUpdatesDelegate(AddressOf Me.GetClientUpdatesComplete), New Object() {ar}) End Sub Protected Delegate Sub GetClientUpdatesDelegate(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult) Protected Sub GetClientUpdatesComplete(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult) Try Dim dsTemp As New Mohawk.MohawkWebServices.dsItems dsTemp = ws.EndClientUpdatesToClient(ar) dsI.Merge(dsTemp) UpdateComplete = dsTemp.Items.Count Catch ex As Exception UpdateComplete = 0 End Try End Sub This is not working for me....
  9. I have a windows app which calls webservice functions on my server. If the functions runs successfully, it returns a dataset to my client app. What I want to know is how to get error messages from the webservice in the event the function does not run correctly to display in a msgbox on the client. I have something similar to below: <WebService> Public Function ReturnDataset(ByVal UserName) as Dataset ...function logic works ReturnDataset = dataset ...function logic fails ??? End Function Any thoughts?
  10. I would like an app which runs on my server (as a windows service or windows application) and monitors my web application. Specifically, I have a windows app which calls web services and passes username and password parameters. I would like my "console" app to show me users logged in and what they are currently doing (by function name called, for example). I suppose I could tracelog each function and write to the Event Viewer but that would be most inflexible. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how this can be accomplished or point me in a direction? Thanks!
  11. How can I add an item to an Outlook context menu? For example, WinZip adds the "Add to Zip..." to the Windows Explorer context menu. I would like to do the same with the Outlook "message list" window's context menu. Thanks.
  12. Could you not use a web service to process your request and return your data to webapp1?
  13. How can I add an item to an Outlook context menu? For example, WinZip adds the "Add to Zip..." to the Windows Explorer context menu. I would like to do the same with the Outlook "message list" window's context menu. Thanks.
  14. I generated that dataset through the data adapter as I did 3 others. My question is, why does just one of the datasets I generated show in the object browser of a project that references my webservice? Why don't they all, as I would like?
  15. I'm not sure if this will be helpful but I thought I'd try. Maybe you haven't already read this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconsessionstate.asp
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