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Everything posted by DayWalker

  1. Hi there I have a VB app that the user enters in data into a textbox then prints it out on a form. The textbox is a multiline now when it is printed onto the form it runs off the edge and doesnt start a new line. Basically i need to split the text into 60 characters and put them in a array then run through the array and print the text.....hope it sounds ok...... I am abit lost here dont really know where to start. Any help to get me started will be appreciated
  2. Thanks MikeJ but could you perhaps show me a example im lost in a thoughtless state.
  3. I was wondering if anyone could help. I hav created a document with VB ,The user enters in a description into a textbox and when they click the button it prints out what they have typed on to the document. The only thing is sometimes the string is long so it goes off the page to the right and does not start at a new line (vbcrlf). Here is a piece of my code: Dim strCode As String strCode1 = txtCode1.Text e.Graphics.DrawString(strCode1, fntInput, Brushes.Black, 40, 425) Any help would be great thanks. :rolleyes:
  4. I have a windows app that i have created. The first time you use it you need to enter in a software key. I write a file to the HDD and and every time the program is started again it checks to see if the file exists and reads the key. My problem is that i want to encrypt the key( at the moment i am using a streamwriter and you can view the file in Notepad) so that it cant be viewed. Is this possible?:confused:
  5. Declare the forms in a module. And refrence the checkboxes as Form1.CheckBox1.CheckState.....ect
  6. ASP.Net. Sorry for the ignorance but how would i go about doing that?
  7. I have a real starter question here. I am filling a dataset from a sql db. I then bind data to a drop down list so the user can select a certain model. Once the user has selected the model i want to bind the models specifications into labels so that it will be displayed. For the life of me i cant get it to work in ASP. :confused:
  8. No not at all. I found the problem though i have a form that loads ontop of the main form at startup. For some reason Win98 did not like this piece of code i put in : Form1.TopMost = True After i commented that out it worked fine??
  9. I have deployed a windows app to a Windows 98 second edition machine. All the necessary updates have been loaded(MDAC2.7, IE6, DotnetFrameworkv1.1). It installs fine but when you click on the exe it gives me a error saying "This program has preformed a illegal operation and will be shut down".This app works fine on 200 and xp. And according to Microsoft should work on 98 as well. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  10. Yeah if you dont wanna use underscores try camel casing eg: firstName; lastName ect. Try stay clear from spaces will only cause more confusion in coding.
  11. I was wondering if anybody could assist me. I have a windows app and it is connecting to a SQL db. Now the server name is not the same in all the locations. And it will be a huge task to redo the connection string for each location just to change the server name. Is there a way that i can make the app search the network for a server (kinda like sql server service) or by using the app.config somehow?
  12. No just as a welcome note on the top of the page that will display the user logged on.eg"ref=UID" Datahighway's syntax seems to be the easiest. I am new to ASP.
  13. Thanks i will try that
  14. Great, thanks for the help
  15. Starter question... How can i change the font and position of the output when i use response.Write in ASP.Net? The output is always at the top left of the page.
  16. I declared my sql connection string in a module to make it available to all the forms within the project. Now i need to make something like a dialog box that once i have deployed it the user can enter the name of the server into it and it will be able to connect. Is this possible or is there a easier way of doing this? :confused:
  17. I have a button on each form if the user wants to close page by page. Then when i open all the forms and close one (hide), the others are normal.
  18. I have mine set like that aswell but when i open many forms and hide the top form the other forms are at thier normal size.
  19. I was wondering if there is a way to keep all the child forms in a MDI parent Maximised? If you open many forms within the MDI parent and switch between them they always seemed to change back to the normal size. Is there a way to call like a load event once you recall a form after you have hidden it??Any suggestions?
  20. Great thanks for the help i never actually thought of 2 & 4. I will give it a bash
  21. I spose this is more a SQL question but maybe someone can help out. I want to deploy a windows application at a clients office. The app queries a SQL db. I have created the db for the client but i want to give it to them as a autoexecuting script that they can run on there server. Is this possible or do i have to generate the normal script and run it in Query Analyser??
  22. The problem is you need to install Internet Information Services before you install .Net. Try uninstalling .Net and IIS then adding IIS first. If you understand what i mean.
  23. The Framework should be included on the Update CD of the Visual Studio.Net package (dotnetfx.exe). You can add a Launch Condition the file into your deployment package and it will detect whether the client machine has the framework installed or not. If not it will ask whether you want to install it, and then go from there.
  24. I am executing a stored procedure from VB.Net the SP looks something like this: CREATE PROC Name @MachineID char(10), @DateCreated smalldatetime, @CreatedBy Varchar(20) AS IF EXISTS(SELECT Machine_ID FROM Table WHERE Machine_ID=@MachineID) BEGIN RAISERROR(50007,10,1) RETURN -2 END INSERT dbo.Table (Machine_ID, DateCreated, CreatedBy) VALUES (@MachineID, @DateCreated, @CreatedBy) ------ How would i go about getting the returned value of -2 in VB. I can Insert no problem but if the MachineID already exists in the db it completes it as normal and i cannot show the user that the record already exists and that it did not complete they need to change the machineID before it will enter the data.
  25. Yip thxs the problem was i created the SP on my machine it set the SP owner as 'My Name'.Even though i had given the relevant permissions it still didnt work. When i changed it to dbo it worked on all the client machines. Thanks for the help. SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO setuser N'dbo' --this was set to myname GO CREATE PROC ****
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