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Everything posted by WebJumper

  1. Consider: For the solution I typed at the moment, you have NOT to use following I have typed before some months...
  2. Maybe you have to run "dcomcnfg" I have german Windows XP, so I will write down how to do: 1. Start->Ausführen... (the command promt) 2. type dcomcnfg 3. a window should appear 4. On the left side is a tree, open first node. 5. Open the computer node 6. Open the next subnode 7. Open DCOM-Konfiguration 8. Search for "Microsoft Word-Document" 9. Right-Click (with mouse) the Word-Document 10. Eigenschaften / us: Properties 11. Go to tab "Security" 12. Change the three properties to "Anpassen" -> All radiobutons have to select the second entry. 13. Klick on the button "Edit" or some like this. 14. Add the ASP.NET user and gibe him full control. 15. Do step 13+14 for the three properties! 16. Try again! Regards, Stefan
  3. Hello, I get a formula string from user like following: IF(((L[0]Z[60-62]==7) AND (L[1]Z[60-62]==7))OR(L[-0]Z[60-62]!=70))THEN(L[-0]Z[60-62])ELSE(L[-1]Z[60-62]) This string comes from a XML config file which is tolding my converter on which positions it have to read in a ASCII file. So, L[0]Z[60-62] means, read in line 0 (L[0]) the chars 60 till 62 (Z[60-62]). Getting the values is no prob using Regex. But now I have to regard the innermost bracket: ((L[0]Z[60-62]==7) AND (L[1]Z[60-62]==7)) But how to go into the innermost bracket? I mean, from where do I know that this is the innermost bracket? Any easy ways? Any algorythmus that will do this? Converting the pseudo code to real C# code is no prob... Thanks for any good ideas! -Stefan
  4. This is same I wrote! But think about it, the textbox has about 40 properties and with your example i would need to add 40 variables to do this! There must be a easier way! But anyway, thanks for your help! -Stefan
  5. Hi, I'm trying to get my usercontrol working but without success! Heres what I want to do: Buil a usercontrol which contains a label, a textbox and maybe some other controls. I want to set all proberties of my label and textbox in designer from VS.Net. I've done this: public TextBox tb { get { return this.textBox1; } } So, in the VS.Net Designer the subcontrol appears, but when set the .Text property and build my project, the property will set automatically to default text. Is there a way to access all subproperties at designtime without write for each proberty some like this: public string TextBoxText { get { return this.textBox1.Text; } set { this.textBox1.Text = value; } } Thanks for any help! -Stefan
  6. Hallo, need to know on the server if javascript is enabled or not. I found 'Request.Browser.Javascript' but it's set to 'true' when I have disabled 'Active Scripting' in IE6 !? Any ideas how to get this information on the server? I know there is a tag "<noscript></noscript>" in html, but this is clientside... Regards, Stefan
  7. Cache: Response.Expires=-1 Response.AddHeader "Pragma","no-cache" Response.AddHeader "cache-control", "no-store" Refresh: only with javascript, else complete page from server regards, stefan
  8. Hi, first of all you have to think about if this is really useful! What happens if the function is missing? Why to develope a control if you have to insert a function into each pare you want to use the control? Maybe you have to insert the function into your UserControl? But if you still want to do: See about System.Reflection! I have written some class to set public variables in my page and I'll think, methods can be called with this feature too. System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = Page.GetType().GetMethod("YourMethod"); mi.[doSomething] Regards, Stefan
  9. Your code normaly should work but ASP.net has it's own "server span" and it's named "Literal". Try it with this Control! Regards, Stefan
  10. You can do a trick to disable the back-button: Open each page in a new window and in the options of window.open() function set the target to _self, so the iw-window is the same but the history is cleared... After postback of any button or something you have to do the same: E.g.: window.open(window.location, _self, ""); Maybe it works for your prob. Regards, Stefan
  11. sql server has some locking function, maybe they work for you, read the doku. other dbs i don't know! maybe to set a col named "locked" to true while editing... regards, Stefan
  12. look about infragistics ultrawebgrid (v4), very good datgrind with 2-way databinding regards, stefan
  13. Hi all, you have to cancel the ENTER event and "click" the 2nd Button manually <script language="javascript"> function jsKeyPress() { if (window.event.keycode == 13) { document.all["Button2"].click(); return false; } } </script> <body onkeypress="return jsKeyPress();"> Regards, Stefan
  14. I snipped code from you... "if (DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ExpDate") < myDate)" Where are you using the DataBinder? In the "HTML" File (in c# this is the .aspx file -> you are using vb and i don't know the name...) First of all, when you are using the DataBinder in the "HTML" file, you can't do any "if" commands with the DataBinder!!! Therefore you have to do this: codebehind: public string MyFunction(object o) { return ((DateTime)o).ToShortDateString(); } html: <%# MyFunction(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ExpDate")) %> When you use the DataBinder in your code-behind you only have to typecast... if ((DateTime)DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ExpDate") < myDate) Regards, Stefan
  15. controls developed in .ascx and .cs can't installed into the toolbar i'll think. the toolbar is for .dll (webcostumcontrol) i think, the .ascx and cs file have to be included in the project because of .cs file is not executeable... and when you including it to your project it will be compiled into your project.dll regadrs, stefan
  16. Hi, you are writing "...send the string in the body of an email..." -> I'll think you are using html email. There you have to linebreak with <br> While you can not put <> into a string in the web.config you can do mystring[br]xxxxxxx[br] and string s = ConfigurationSettings.Appsetting["anything"].Replace("[br]", "<br>"); or in web.config mystring <br> xxxxxxxx Regards, Stefan
  17. use DropDownList.Items.Insert(index, NewListItem); or DataView dv = new DataView(); //fill dataview dv.Sort(); DropDownList.DataSource = dv; DropDownList.DataBind();
  18. use a linkbutton and response.redirect
  19. first of all you have to upload (fileupload) the .xls file from the client-machine to the server. then open the excel-file on the server, read the informations and write them to the sql server... all this can be done with ado.net quick example to read excel: string ConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\\Excelfile.xls; Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;Text; HDR=No; IMEX=1; Mode=Read\";"; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(ConnStr); conn.Open(); string SQL = "Select * From Tablename"; OleDbDataAdapter Adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(SQL, conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Adapter.Fill (ds); conn.close(); foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { //insert into sql-server } Regards, WebJumper
  20. you can try this: . . . <script language="javascript"> function jsInit() { document.all["CheckBox1"].attachEvent("onclick", jsCheckedChange) //note: funtionname wirthout () } </script> . . . <body onload="jsInit();"> . . .
  21. <HEAD> . . . <script language="javascript"> function jsCheckedChange() { if (document.all["CheckBox1"].checked) { document.all["CheckBox2"].disabled = false; document.all["CheckBox2"].parentElement.disabled = false; } else { document.all["CheckBox2"].disabled = true; document.all["CheckBox2"].parentElement.disabled = true; document.all["CheckBox2"].checked = false; } } </script> </HEAD> . . . <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"> <asp:CheckBox id="CheckBox1" runat="server" onclick="jsCheckedChange();"></asp:CheckBox><br> <asp:CheckBox id="CheckBox2" runat="server" Enabled="false"></asp:CheckBox> </form> . . .
  22. you can add events on the clientside!! javascript function that is called: function jsTestFunction() { if (true) { alert("true"); return true; } else { alert("false"); return false; } } javascript add event to listbox: document.all["DualSelectListBox1"].attachEvent("onchange", jsTestFunction) //note: funtionname without () the events you want to attach can be created at "code-behind"! e.g. string js = "<script language='javascript'>document.all['DualSelectListBox1'].attachEvent('onchange', jsTestFunction)</script>"; Page.RegisterStartupScript(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), js); Regards, Stefan
  23. when you do a postback your new added rows will be lost at pageload! this means, you have no access to the js-added rows, so this solution will not work for your problem... You have no "back-databind" in your grid!!! workaround: write in a hidden textbox or hidden field the values you added to you rows (spaced with e.g. "$") , read this server-field at server and write these values to your db...
  24. and mayve the attributes collection of the costumcontrol is not supported, maybe a programming error. look at the generated source code of your browser ans search for your added js-events...
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