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Everything posted by rufus

  1. as your error says system.data.oldeexception, is the fields are of same type. did you made the company1 varchar and the textbox.trim, sometimes the space values in the textbox may cause error. if it is failing on ole_connect, your connection string is wrong, try to check the login and psswd and check the datasource.
  2. hi mrdutchie, try this. Dim command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand() command.CommandText = "insert into companyinformation (company1) values (@company1)" command.Connection = oledb_connect With command .Parameters.Add("@company1", txtcity.Text.Trim) End With command.ExecuteNonQuery()
  3. I try to use Databinding property to the a table by using OLeDb connection. I want to create a new instance of the BindingManagerBase, and bind to the bindingcontext() of the form to find all the controls on the form to the datasouce, but Iam not able to intialize it. If I type Dim bmb as ......, it is not shwing the bindingmanagerbase. Can anybody can help.
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