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Everything posted by AlexCode

  1. Hi! I need to know how do I create a .net Solution outside the Visual Studio Environment. Want to be able to create the whole thing: - Create the Solution - Create Projects and add them to the Solution - Add *.cs files to the projects - Add references to the projects the whole pack... :) Thanks! Alex :p
  2. Hi... I'm building a custom control that needs to have a DataSource property... pretty much like a datagrid. Can anyone point me the guide lines on how to do this? I know that I need to add support to: -> IList interface -> IListSource interface -> IEnumerable interface but I need to do this ASAP... Thanks! Alex :p
  3. Hi guys... I'm working with VS 2005 and Visual SourceSafe 2005... I have a lot of errors specially when trying to see forms at design-time (some internal references errors, displaying an error message instead of the form, but the project compiles and runs perfectly). This can be fixed restarting Visual Studio... :( Some VSS plug-in errors also appear... Have you experienced these errors?? Fixes?? Alex :p
  4. "... the connection initialization is too slow" We can use connection pooling. "...MS now recommends MSDE over Access" The deployment is the big issue. We can't compare the two on this field. We sell about 6 apps on top of an Access DB... we just have to add the .mdb file to the installation... "...MS Access is primarily single user." Agree and disagree. I believe it was meant for a single user access but it behaves very well on a multi-user scenario. The problem isn't how many people access the mdb file, it's: - How many field changing queries (Updates, Inserts & Deletes) - The amount of records processed per query - The amount or existence of concurrency - The predicted DB growth - The predicted DB Clients growth For me, these are the factors that make me choose between MS Access and a SQL Server Engine (MSSQL Server 2000, MySQL or Oracle). Alex :p
  5. Hi... I'm sorry but I can't give you that answer just because I didn't actually benchmarked it. Like I said, in my scenario, looping thru the child controls wasn't an option, so I didn't have much choice. You can do it yourself tho... Go and add some controls to your Form... don't forget to nest controls inside Tabs and Panels, also Panels inside Panels and complex scenarios like this. Then test... My prediction is that for plain child controls search Reflection will be slower... but when it comes to nested controls, looping will take more time, and Reflection will take exactly the same time. No matter where the control is, Reflection will take allways the same time. Alex :p
  6. Hi... I want to ask you guys what's the best way to update a database using ADO.net. I'm not using Datasets, nor DataAdapters. I have my own IDBCommand objects, trying to keep it as DBProvider independant as possible. My main question is: having the 3 records save commands (Insert, Update & Delete), and a bunch of rows to update (a DataRow collection), what's the best code to apply the commands on the rows? Thanks, Alex :p
  7. I use Reflection a lot... There's another thing, that uses Reflection, and that is related to this thread, that's getting a control by its name instead of looping thru the Controls array. And this also works for components... where u don't have an array to loop... Shared Function FindObject(ByVal ParentControl As Object, ByVal Name As String) As Object Dim propInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo If TypeOf ParentControl Is Control Then propInfo = ParentControl.GetType().GetProperty( _ Name, _ System.Reflection.BindingFlags.IgnoreCase Or _ System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance Or _ System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or _ System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public) If Not propInfo Is Nothing Then Dim value As Object = propInfo.GetValue(ParentControl, Nothing) Return value End If End If Return Nothing End Function Hope u enjoy... Alex :p
  8. Hi... many thanks for your reply. I already managed to get the name of a component: using System.Reflection; FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach(FieldInfo field in fields) { if (field.GetValue(this) is [The component type we're looking for]) Console.WriteLine(field.Name); } The problem with this approach is that it returns the correct name but with a underscore first. Someting like: _Component1 for a component named Component1 at design-time. We can safelly remove the underscore tho, cause this is a generic behaviour for all components. Again, thank for your reply. Alex :p
  9. Right now I'm having another problem with Components... How do I know their name at run-time?? We can set and see their name at design-time on the property grid, but they have no run-time accessible property... Thanks in advance, Alex :p
  10. Thanks... You know... hope is the last one to die... ehehehehe Alex :p
  11. Glad u liked it! :) Alex :p
  12. Take a look here: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=85168 This is an old thread of mine, read it all and you'll find your code there. Alex :p
  13. Hi! I need to get a string containing a specified control full location namespace... Explaining it better, imagine this: MyProject +-> MyForm1 +-> TabControl1 +-> TabPage1 +-> Button1 Giving the Button1 object as a parameter, I need to have a function that can retrieve me: "MyProject.MyForm1.TabControl1.TabPage1.Button1" My current solution looks like this: Shared Function GetParentTreeNamespace(ByVal ctrl As Control) As String If ctrl Is Nothing Then Return "" Dim pForm As Form = ctrl.FindForm Dim retval As String = ctrl.Name Dim cCtrl As Control = ctrl Do While Not cCtrl.Parent Is Nothing If cCtrl.Parent Is pForm Then retval = pForm.GetType.FullName & "." & retval Else retval = cCtrl.Parent.Name & "." & retval End If cCtrl = cCtrl.Parent Loop Return retval End Function I was hoping that there were a solution without loops and stuff... Thanks, Alex :p
  14. "Generally speaking, you might have been trying to use the child form's .Left, .Top, or .Location properties in an attempt to position the form. However, as you would have seen by now, this doesn't appear to work." It works... you just have to set the StartPosition of the child form to Manual... Alex :p
  15. Hi! I need to know how can I show a CollectionBase's items on a PropertyGrid. I don't want to edit it, as usual, on the Collection Editor, instead, I want to show the items as a tree. Typed Collections behave like this, letting us edit them with the Collection Editor but also displaying its items in this form. Thanks. Alex :p
  16. I have some links to some books: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0750658673/qid=1121787831/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/102-0109725-2078539 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0818689064/qid=1121787831/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-0109725-2078539 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0818671947/qid=1121787831/sr=2-3/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_3/102-0109725-2078539 Anyone have anything to say about them? thanks, Alex :p
  17. Thaks for the support guys!! I really mean to make this great. I have some good support documents... many thanks. Keep your feedback active. Shortly I'll have a web page for this, where the beta releases will be available for download. I also need some samples of documents (real paper prints templates) that you guys may use in some situations... BAsicly, and for starters, some quotations samples for example (the document we give to the client with all the software functionalities description and price)... Again... Many many many thanks for the support... I'll make it worth! :) Alex :p
  18. Hi! Thank you very much for your help. I would only ask you for a better description, or some resources on one thing you mentioned... "The two big things missing out of the the whole process in my opinion are the no-glory, prequisite tools. I have been unable to find a decent tool (open source or otherwise) for either collaberative risk management or collaberative requirements tracing (where you specify requirements and trace them down to the test that actually verifies that the requirement was met). Those are two things that would need to be studied and implimented for a total process, in my opinion." I didn't thought about this but, in fact, is a very important thing. Do you have any support on this? Thanks! Alex :p
  19. It must be the styles... Start your application using the sub main, and then, before calling the Application.Run, call: Application.EnableStyles() Application.DoEvents() This will do it... Alex :p
  20. Hi! I kept searching and got no real help... So I decided to start structuring my one of my own. Now here's the deal :) I make the software and you guys give me your knowledge on the matter. Everything you have and know about the applications life cycle (thoughts, knowledge gain over time, specific situations, document templates you have and where you apply them... etc) In exchange I commit myself to: 1. Deliver 2 versions of it: 1.1. A commercial version 1.2. A community version (free with less functionalities) 2. Give a Commercial version to everyone who helps me on this. Again... I don't need coding help, just the already mentioned above. The project will consist, for now, on: - The MSF methodology, combining both Waterfall and Spiral models. - Programming language independent. - Will be able to manage teams and stand-alone developers, including: - Occupation time - Skills by area (programming language, database engines... etc) - Grades (every team and/or person will have a grade at the end of each project, so an average can be calculated for each) - Documents management - Every document created can be stored as part of a project inside the application (Word, Visio, Excel, XML, plain text... whatever) - A simple clients database will also be available - Enabling the ability of project associations with clients... creating historics per client and such analysis. - Adding the project quotation(s) sent to the client - As for the programming helpers, I think some code snippets and some areas do document thoughts would be nice for now. - A bug reports and solutions repository (keeping track of who reported it and who solved it, and how!) - Implementation dates, per client, and version tracking also per client (so we know witch version each client have). I think it's enough for now. I just want you guys to have an idea of what coming up... Give me some feedback on this ok? Thanks, Alex :p
  21. You must create your own ColumnStyle. Take a look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dv_vstechart/html/vbtchformattingwindowsformsdatagridvisualbasicprimer.asp Alex :p
  22. You must create your own inherited controls, and create your own InvokeEvent Methods. All they have to do is: RaiseEvent Event(arguments) Alex :p
  23. Never faced that problem, but seems to me like a feature of the control. Try to handle that yourself, using the EnabledChanged Event of the textbox. This way you'll be shure that you'll get the correct colors. Just a short note. When desabling, you'll need to have a background variable to hold the backcolor you want to appear when enabled... Set this variable before setting the desable color. Alex :p
  24. Ok... now I'm on the right path... The DataTable implements IListSource, so it has a GetList function that is the one that really returns the collection that is shown on the DataGrid... I wasn't expecting to see that what DataTable hides behind the scenes is a DataView. Yeah... Now... why a DataView? Simple... because it implements the real core interface that let it do what it does... ITypedList. Simply put, ITypedList lets you present data based on 2 arrays, one for schema and the other one for data... just what I needed. I'm gonna do some testing on that... ITypedList have a GetItemProperties function that is a little tricky. If anyone have any info abou ITyped List I can use I would be gratefull... Alex :p
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