With the launch of Visual Studio.Net and the changes in Visual Basic mostly, is there a change in the etiquette and "proper coding practices" itself? I was reading a forum and it listed a coding 'no-no' for Visual Basic that has came through the ages and latest releases as never using 'End' to end your program.
Then I thought to myself, "Well, what are we supposed to do?"
I guess my question is -- Is there a single resource for this new era of coding practices? Is it even formed yet? The .Net architecture is still an infant, even in this rapid pace world. Is this the medium to even start such a task to develop the "expert opinion" when it comes to the best way to do things.
I come from a long history of asm, C, and C++ programming. I have ingrained into my psyche the proper coding elements that separated the puppies from the Big Dogs. Now I find myself out of school, in a job and I'm programming Visual Basic.Net and I try to use these old school style practices and sometimes I end up making more trouble than I sought to avoid.
In the end it comes down to the particular coder and their way of doing things; Case in point using "select" or a switch statement over an If-then. Even for a mundane yes/no test. People will argue both ways, some will even concede. But I want to avoid the bad no-no's of VB.Net. Instead of just killing my program, I want to specifically free up all my memory used and terminate it correctly, I want to purge the memory I used and no-longer need in the middle of my program to avoid leaks. Flush the input and output streams, dot every 'i' and semi-colon every command (err, oh wait this is VB :D ).
This is more of theory than stone cold syntax. What do you think?
Any references? If there isn't one, should there be?