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  1. Hi Thanks for that, its making a bit more sense now. I had managed to find bits of information but nothing which put it all together for me. Cheers john.;)
  2. Hi I'm trying to out put data from a database to a page which allows users to edit the text and then re-submit it. I know about datagrids ( abit ) but i have listboxs which must be dislplayed as well. I can get the date into the listbox but i cannot read it, or any of the other text boxes. So....... in either a repeater or a datagrid how do i read through my form elements to get the new values. is it similar to reading through a standard listbox using a for each loop? thanks john.
  3. cheers for the link but i'm still abit confused. I have tried doing this is a repeater, but i cannot link to the listbox. I think my fundimentals are a bit wobbly, but surely there must be a way of calling a list box or any other dynamic list object from within another object. thanks again john.
  4. Hi I have a form which allows users to edit the information about an image. On the form there are loads of textboxes etc and a listbox. The Listbox displays a list of subjects which are available to be picked. this is populated by calling a function which return values from a SQL call. I have managed to populate the listbox with these options and the value previously selected by the user which is stored in the database. What i need to know is how to selected (highlight ) the first option in the listbox. I know of the listbox1.setselected(listbox1 type thing but none of these calls to the listbox work because its inside the datagrid. Any advise / information greatly appreciated. john.
  5. Hi I have a simple form which allows users to upload files along with other data to a database. My problem is when a user clicks the submit button and the form is validated, if the form returns an error ( based on the users entry ) the file browse box which contains the file URL which is to uploaded becomes blank. I know this is because of the security thing, but are there other ways of uploading files from the clients machine to my server other than using the postedfile.saveAS scripting. This is more of an annonce, as the user then has to reselect the file and try again. Many thanks John.
  6. Fair enough. I'd done it before on an asp Page using javascript, but was just curious to see if it was possible using .NET Cheers.
  7. Hi I'm trying to detect when a user clicks the right mouse button. I've tried various bits of code, but only got this far Sub OnMyControlButtonUp(ByVal sender As object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then MsgBox("HI") ' other code to execute end if End Sub but errors saying MouseeventArgus is not defined. From what i have found so far the import namespace for this is System.Windows.form. Any help welcome. as i've jumped in at the deep end and can't work it out. Thanks
  8. Hi Found out what it was..... :D I had allowCustumepaging = true. This was preventing it from moving to the next page. Don't know why, but it now works. Thanks for the replies
  9. Thanks Slowly getting to grips with .NET. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, got it working. Cheers
  10. Help! I have a datagrid which displays records by using a sql stored procedure and has paging on it. I have the OnPageIndexChanged="setpage" which fires the procedure to change the page the datagrid displays but its not working. I know the function is runnng as it displays the page number to the screen for testing, but it does not seem to be altering the datagrid currentpage Sub setpage (ByVal src As Object, ByVal e As DataGridPageChangedEventArgs) DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = e.newpageindex BindGrid() end sub Do i have to some how tell the datagrid to change page other than the above function. Many thanks, this is driving me crazy.
  11. Hi, I have a page called results.aspx which has a datagrid on with paging enabled. The datagrid displays loads of records, whic all have a dynamic link to another page which displays the record in full. What i want to do is to be able to pass the page number from results.aspx to the full detail page so that i may return to the correct results.aspx page with out the user having to start from the beginning of the recordlist. I've tried searching for this everywhere and have not had a simple solution. I don't care if the values are stored in the URL or as a session variable. many thanks John
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