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  1. I have two Mdi children, Form1 and Form2. There is only ever one instance of the Form1 child and I want it always to remain top most above the multiple Form2 children. If I set TopMost = true for Form1, it doesn't work -- when a Form2 child is activated it lies top most. I realize that if I don't make Form1 a child, it works as desired; but I really want to keep Form1 as an Mdi child. Thanks
  2. Using C#, I want to create only one instance of a Mdi child form, called DataEntry, that is always visible on top of another Mdi child form that can have multiple instances. How do I code this so that when I press a button on the DataEntry form, the child form directly below receives the data from DataEntry? Thanks
  3. How would one go about creating a tab control that is both minimizable and movable once the program is run? Thanks
  4. How would one go about saving an Mdi child that is a conglomerate of a RichTextBox and a PictureBox? That is, application files saved to disk would be of type filename.xyz I cannot use something like richTextBox1.SaveFile(saveFile1.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText) because the PictureBox won't be saved. Do I have to use serialization? Thanks
  5. Hi, I want to pass a parameter from one windows form to another. //this function is in Form2, where c is a global public variable private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { c = (int) numericUpDown1.Value + (int) numericUpDown2.Value; Form1.PrintToTextBox(this); } //this is the function in Form1 public static void PrintToTextBox(Form2 obj) { string b; b = obj.c.ToString(); } This is the error I get: Cannot pass 'WindowsApplication1.Form2.c' as ref or out, because 'WindowsApplication1.Form2.c' is a marshal-by-reference class Any help would be much appreciated, -Tim
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