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About fadi

  • Birthday 01/10/1980

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Application Developer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio .NET Professional
  • .NET Preferred Language

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hello all, does anyone know if their exists something like the evel function in .net. the problem is that i want to set a variable value that i dont know its name at design time ex: let's say i have a set of variables str1_1, str1_2, str1_3, etc... i want to set them all in a single for loop for i=1 to 20 somefunction("str1_" & i) = "somevalue" & i next in javascript the function is eval is there a way to do that in .net?
  2. yes u should add an item at the top, like --select-- and then any change will raise selectedindexchanged
  3. just say yourdataadapter.Fill(yourdatatable) u can fill the data into a dataset,but then ull need to set datagrid's datasource to yourdataset.tables("yourtablename")
  4. build builds the only partions of code u changed last, rebuild performs a comlplete build operation.
  5. get the values by using request.querystring("idX") do what ever u want to do then response.redirect("http://www.server1.com/received.aspx?id1=" & newValue & "&id2=" & newValue
  6. once you use the wizard then u should not set the select command properties anymore since u should have set them in the wizard. everything should work fine from there
  7. create a template column and insert a combobox inside it and onitemdatabound set the datasource for the combo
  8. run the command aspnet_regiis in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vx.x.xxxx with -i switch
  9. its much easier for u to build ur adapter using the wizard, or u can use a direct insert to the database without using a dataadapter, this would be preferrable
  10. this is a bug in .net framework 1.0 i guess it's solved in 1.1
  11. fadi


    how can u do that? when the user prints the screen, he's taking a snapshot of what's visible
  12. use either one of the ways, either remove the custom errors and place the redirections in global.asax or remove the application_error event they both do the same job
  13. no no no i got it u need to put the acceptchanges after the update
  14. ur code seams fine, u can try 2 things, 1st try to use a datatable instead of a dataset, if this didnt work try in ur select statement to put all the fields preceeded by the [tablename][.]
  15. its sorting like that since the values are interpreted as string values, make ur own sorting function or sort as database level if u r using a database
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