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Everything posted by Volte

  1. Click Here.
  2. I suppose it would be possible to add it as a trial run forum to see how much activity it gets, as people may not ask the questions if they don't see a specific forum for it. Adding it may increase the traffic. The other CE forum was on the regular VB forums, so who knows what kind of popularity it will get in the .NET world.
  3. Hehe, I've been C#-ing for a few days. :p
  4. Don't use the Winsock control. The best way is to write your own class using the System.Sockets class (look in your MSDN for more). You can probably get tons of premade classes for winsock, too, on places such as PlanetSourceCode. I personally don't like PlanetSourceCode, but a class you'll get there is probably better that using the Winsock control. If you can avoid it, try not using any ActiveX controls at all (unless there are no good alternatives, such as is the case with the CodeSense control). [edit]I realize this may not be an option currently, and sorry if that is the case, I will be of no help, but in the future try not to use the Winsock control[/edit]
  5. Private Sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel1.LinkClicked Process.Start("mailto:junior@kwic.com?subject=Enter Subject Here") End Sub
  6. There actually used to be one here, but it was closed due to lack of activity. If there are enough CE questions asked in the main forum, then perhaps the admins will create a new board. For now, you can just ask questions in the General section.
  7. Making less work for yourself is not being lazy, it's being an efficient programmer. Having broken code standards simply because you couldn't be bothered fixing them or learning about how to fix them is being lazy. If you spend years making a machine that will do all of your house work for you so you never have to do it again, does that make you a lazy person? I guess in a way, and I guess that could be applied here. So I see what you're saying, but I also stick with what I am saying. Planning ahead != lazy Taking the easy way out == lazy So I guess in programming, you're kind of planning ahead so you can take the easy way out in the future. Er.. :p I'm confusing myself.
  8. Because that's usually very inefficient. Sloooooow development span if you were developing anything major, and it would get done faster and without much of a performance hit with C++ or VB.NET.
  9. Well, for C# you can stay right here. C# and VB.NET are essentially the same language, so you'll get the same help here as you would if you were using VB.NET. For legacy VB (6 and under), visit http://www.visualbasicforum.com. You can also get C++ help there if you need it, but the userbase for that section is limited. I hear that http://www.cprogramming.com/cboard/ is a pretty good forum for C/C++.
  10. ^ Indeed. If you can get by with something that is simpler and minimally less functional, then go for it I say. However, if there are two methods of doing something, one better (in terms of functionality) than the other, and you go for the worse one simply because you're too lazy to look at the other one, that is, I think, a bad thing.
  11. Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If Label19.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please enter Data") Else Dim psInfo As New _ System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo _ (Label19.Text) psInfo.WindowStyle = _ System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal Dim myProcess As Process = _ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psInfo) End If End Sub
  12. I read the MSDN :) It should have been installed with .NET if you chose to install it.
  13. Change the Application.ExecutablePath).ToString & "\Temp.txt") bit to something else, like 'C:\stuff\Temp.txt'. You can give it a relative path like I did, or an absolute path.
  14. 'Create a file and write to it Dim f As IO.StreamWriter f = IO.File.CreateText(IO.Directory.GetParent( _ Application.ExecutablePath).ToString & "\Temp.txt") f.Write("blah") f.Close()
  15. Try the Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds Rectangle structure.
  16. Try going to Project->Add Reference and add System.Windows.Forms.dll to the list and click OK, and see if that fixed it.
  17. Lazy programmers are not good programmers. There are no "features" of VB6 that are not in VB.NET, although they may have taken out some less-functional, dumbed-down-for-the-lazy-programmer elements. Everything that you need to create just about anything you need is in VB.NET. They really haven't taken away anything.
  18. Volte

    DirectX 9

    Did you reboot after you installed the SDK? I downloaded the full package and it worked perfectly fine. Try re-installing it. (You did remember to actually install the package, didn't you? ;))
  19. I wouldn't even go there. That'd be a massive project.
  20. One thing to keep in mind though is that if you have a very large drive, something like this will take absolutely ages to run start to finish. Unless you are making some sort of virus scanner or something that needs to look at all the files in one go, avoid this. If you are making some kind of explorer, get all the folders in C drive's root to start off. Then when the user opens another folder, get the contents of that folder, etc etc.
  21. I recommend that you do a search on Google for the 'CodeSense' control; it does all that you need here, I believe. It has built in syntax coloring, line numbers, etc. Anything other than that could probably be implemented fairly easily. If by 'grouping' you mean the #Region tags, that's quite a bit harder and is probably more trouble than it's worth. It would mean you wouldn't be able to use the CodeSense control and would have to write your own control.
  22. See this post from earlier today: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49741
  23. Dim frm As New Form2() frm.MdiParent = Me frm.Show() frm.Location = New Point((Me.ClientSize.Width - frm.Width) / 2, _ (Me.ClientSize.Height - frm.Height) / 2) From within the MDI form.
  24. At the top of your code, above where the class or whatever is defined, type Imports System.Data.SqlClient For example, in a Form, it might look like this: Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form '... more code
  25. It's because you're using Smart Tab mode. Go into the Properties, find the 'Text Editor' -> 'Basic' -> 'Tabs' option, and change the tab mode to 'Block'.
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