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Everything posted by Volte

  1. Actually MSDN Universal is about $1700 IIRC. I will be getting an MSDN Professional subscription soon, and it will cost us about $1200 Canadian.
  2. The downside to this is that the Academic version is non-upgradeable, so you need to either continue purchasing the academic full versions, or get a non-academic full version and upgrade from that in the future.
  3. Volte

    Combo Box?

    How aboutcomboBox1.SelectedIndex = comboBox1.FindString("Turnip")
  4. Try having a look at http://www.brinkster.com/ - I've heard good things, but never actually used it myself.
  5. I've looked into this before, and it looks like this is not possible to do at all. Sorry. http://developer.irt.org/script/244.htm
  6. Look at SendKeys.Send() in the MSDN.
  7. Too bad the only way to get it is to be on the Windows Longhorn beta team. ;)
  8. Not to mention that IE is the only browser still to force popup ads.
  9. Excellent that everything went smoothly. So, since we're on UNIX again and no longer need to switch to ASP.NET, will we be moving to vBulletin 3.0.0?
  10. There isn't one in .NET due to the platform-specific constraints, so you need API. However, don't use sndPlaySound. Use [api]PlaySound[/api] instead. sndPlaySound is deprecated.
  11. The only thing MD5 is good for is storing things like passwords or other information, and then you can check the MD5 hash of the input against the stored hash. For example:If CalculateMD5(password) = storedMd5 Then CorrectPassword() End IfIf you want to store it so it can be retreived, use some other kind of encoding or encryption.
  12. Try calling it like this:myType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);You may need to specify the BindingFlags.
  13. Use ModuleBuilder.GetType (use the name of the ModuleBuilder you're using to define the types) to retrieve unfinished types. You can't use the regular GetType keyword for that.
  14. Set it to Double.MaxValue - that's the highest value a Double can hold, approximately 1.79769313486232e308. [edit]Heh, d'oh - I should've realized Iceplug was going to reply to this thread. Got to it through Who's Online.[/edit]
  15. It's the same as Serializing, only call the 'Deserialize' method of the XmlSerializer object, instead of the 'Serialize' method.
  16. As far as I know, the reason that the .NET framework does not contain any multimedia functionality is because MS is trying to make the framework compatible with other platforms. The way multimedia works between the different operating systems is just too different to make it work reliably.
  17. use ListView1.SelectedItem to reference the currently selected item. So ListView1.SelectedItem.SubItems(subItemIndex)
  18. ListView1.Items(itemIndex).SubItems(subItemIndex)
  19. STAThread means the app uses Single-Threaded Apartment threading. It specifies the threading model used when you use COM interop. Likely it won't affect your program, since COM isn't usually needed in .NET in most cases.
  20. Look at the SystemInformation class in the MSDN. It contains a lot of system metrics stuff.
  21. Actually, it left in on with the root directory (C:\) but left it off with others (C:\MyProgs\App1). I believe it also left it on if you were running from a network path (\\SERVER\Apps\).
  22. If you want to store many boolean values (1 and 0) in one variable, you can look at storing flags as bits inside an Integer. In one Integer you can store 32 on/off values by using bitwise operators to set each of the 32 bits individually. There's not really much of an advantage over using an array of Booleans though, other than its easier to store.
  23. I suggest you try and find a good book. I doubt any website will be as good at actually teaching (rather than just handing out code) as a real book. Here's one for example: http://www.shopping2.com/products/1590590511 Take a look around amazon.com or anything similar for books on DX9 with .NET.
  24. One for each vertical border - two on the MDI form, two on the child form.
  25. I don't know if that is the cause, but it very well could be. Does the "Recent Projects" menu at the bottom of the File menu update properly?
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