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Everything posted by Volte

  1. TextBox.SelectAll()Will highlight everything in a textbox.
  2. You can use the Cursor object to set the position of the mouse cursor. Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point(10,10) would move the cursor to the point 10,10 from the top left corner of the screen. Calculating the center of a control isn't hard; just find the left/top position of the control on the screen (using the PointToScreen method, I believe) and add half the width/height to the position.
  3. No problem. :) Anyway, C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\EXTRAC32.EXE It appears that's where it is for me. I don't know exactly how to use it, but Open With... calls it a "CAB Extraction Utility", so I assume that's what aewarnick is speaking of.
  4. Here is where you do: Move your Sub Main over to Form3, and set your project's startup form to Form3. Then, change the Sub Main method to this: static void Main() { Form3 frm3 = new Form3(); frm3.Show(); Application.Run(); }Then, in Form1's Closed event, add this: Application.Exit();It should work now. Click 'YES' and it will open your Form1, and then closing that form will end the program. BTW, Nerseus, WinZip will open CABs, and perhaps Windows will too? [edit]Oops, accidentally used VB tags; switched to C#[/edit]
  5. I don't believe there is any easy, built in way (I could be wrong). I looked into possibly using the Debug window to evaluate expressions, but I couldn't see any way to do it by code. However, it may be worth further investigation. You could look online for an expression evaluator, or search the MSDN to see if I am indeed incorrent; there could be a built in one, I'm not sure.
  6. If you open the SHELL32.DLL file in your System directory in the .NET IDE (or some other icon extraction program) you can get the system icons out. Not sure if they're redistributable or not.
  7. Ah. Well then, I believe this should work: Right click on the 'References' folder of your project in the Solution Explorer of .NET, click the "COM" tab, click "Browse" and find the DLL. Add it to the list of referenced DLLs by double clicking on it, and then click OK. I've never used a COM component in .NET before, so no guarantees, but that's how you do it for .NET components. If that doesn't automatically register it, go to "Run" in the Start menu and type: regsvr32 <the full path to your DLL here>
  8. You can't use a .NET component as a COM component; you have to make a COM component (you can do this in .NET). Look in the MSDN for info on how to do that.
  9. Heh, you're just bitter because you hate PHP. :p
  10. Ah, I see. You are trying to close the form which the application is running off of. I'm not sure how to get around it... You might try changing the Application.Run(new Form3()); line to Application.Run(); and then attempting to open the form manually using the method I showed you above. [edit]Make sure to call Application.Exit(); to close the program![/edit]
  11. ShowDialog restricts focus to the form you are showing until it is closed, while Show doesn't. Use this.Close();to close the current form. If you want to close the form from within another form, you'll need to keep the object you used to initialize the form and use the Close method on it.
  12. Try doing this:Form1 frm = new Form1; frm.Show(); //or frm.ShowDialog(), depending on if you want it to be modal or not.
  13. Wow, that does take a long time; I have it turned off by default over on vBulletin.com, but I just turned it on and you're right; it took 9 seconds to load for me on DSL. Being chosen as a beta site certainly would be neat though. :)
  14. Look here.
  15. Do you mean VB.NET, or VB6? If you mean VB6, you can't reference it there without first compiling it as a COM DLL (look in the MSDN for info on that). If you mean VB.NET, then you'll need to give us more on what you're doing and what you're trying to do.
  16. Oh well, vB3 has a nifty WYSIWYG posting interface (optional, of course) like a RichTextBox, so that will pretty much eliminate the need for a Preview Post button at all.
  17. You most likely need to give it the full path to the .vb file. C:\>vbc /t:library C:\My Documents\Projects\MyDLL\Class1.vb Or wherever it is on your computer.
  18. Well, it wouldn't be all that hard (just a small template change), but the preview would just take you to the 'New Reply' screen as it would be if you clicked it there, with the preview at the top. It would take some major hacking to make it show the preview in any sort of customized spot
  19. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69043 There is a component there which induces owner drawn menus on a forum; you can easily change the source to add in a different font.
  20. Use Me.ActiveControl to return the currently active control on a form.
  21. I haven't done much with ASP.NET, but I don't particularly like that forms designer thing that generates the code. It doesn't seem very HTML-like. I would download some customizable "developer's notepad" and see if you can find an ASP.NET syntax colorer. http://www.editplus.com has a good text editor.
  22. Volte


    The .NET OS? Operating System? Are you sure you don't mean the .NET framework? There are some very good books on the subject there as well. You might want to look at this book, as I've heard some pretty good things about it.
  23. With my way the image will stretch by itself in the .DrawImage method (that second parameter is the size to draw it as, and in this case, we're setting it to the size of the form).
  24. When doing it my way, does it still do that?
  25. Wow, I was going to suggest that, but it seems even slimier. :p It does seem very effective though.
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