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Everything posted by Volte

  1. Thanks. However, we can't do anything about it until the admins get FTP access, and god only knows when that will be. Hopefully next week sometime.
  2. I hope we will be upgrading very soon into the new year to vBulletin 3. This will eliminate the bug.
  3. You should look into using regular expressions for parsing strings. System.Text.RegularExpressions. Alternatively, you can use the StringVar.IndexOf() method to find the position of the first bracket before the number and the space afterwards, and StringVar.SubString() to extract the correct number of characters.
  4. Try here: http://staff.develop.com/woodring/dotnet/#getprocaddress
  5. Perhaps you should make the return type of 'GetProcAddress' a Delegate type.
  6. Volte


    You need to create the class programmatically and insert your functionality into the class, and compile the whole thing at once. You can't just inject your code into the compiled DLL.
  7. You can either put the control inside a Panel control and disable only the panel, or you can set the ReadOnly property of the TextBox to True. The latter will still let the TextBox get focus, but you won't be able to type into it.
  8. There are examples in your MSDN. Look at the System.IO namespace, particularly System.IO.StreamWriter and System.IO.StreamReader.
  9. It's not really practical, although there is an article at http://www.elitevb.com about hosting the .NET framework in C++. However, it should not take all that much work to convert the application to managed C++ 7.0. Then you can use the .NET DLL. Look here: http://www.codeproject.com/managedcpp/Quake2.asp
  10. An easier method would be to set the Caption to "" (zero length) and the ControlBox property to False. The caption will disappear, but leave the sizable border.
  11. You don't need to. You can declare it from code:Dim p As New Process() p.Start("test.exe") 'etc
  12. Show the form using the ShowDialog method of the Form, rather than the Show method.
  13. You can set it in the 'Common Properties -> General' section of the Project Properties.
  14. You need to keep a variable on your form called 'IsChanged' or something similar. When you type anything into the document (or modify it in any way), set 'IsChanged' to true. When you save, set it to false.
  15. That's not the constructor, that's the Add() method of the MenuItemCollection. Try using this instead:With mnuFile .menutems.add(New MenuItem("&New", New eventhandler(AddressOf mnuNew_Click), Shortcut.CtrlN)) End With
  16. If you want to go by index:ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0 'first item
  17. Happy Birthday! :)
  18. You should look at the TimeSpan class, which returns the difference in the standard DateTime format.
  19. We don't write code for you here. http://www.rentacoder.com
  20. We recently changed servers. I assume that's when something happened.
  21. It's the same issue, it's just gotten a bit worse. We know the cause, and how to fix it, but the only person who can fix it is Gabriel, the guy who runs the servers now. We're hoping to get it fixed soon, and maybe upgrade to a new version of vBulletin.
  22. The bug has gotten worse in the past few days. We'll have to work something out, because you are indeed correct. Even non-search results are affected.
  23. You might be right. Doesn't matter to me though, I don't qualify for academic myself until I get out of highschool and into higher education.
  24. I didn't mention anything about it being Academic.
  25. I didn't realize you meant Academic pricing. I wouldn't get that, since it can't be upgraded, and so ends up being more expensive if you plan on getting new versions.
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