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Everything posted by Volte

  1. But I hope you realize that, except for syntax and minor functionality differences, VB.NET and C# are pretty much identical. The code for two different programs will be pretty much the same, but with a different syntax. Unless you are talking about syntax, or compatability with other languages or similar, there's no such thing as a "VB.NET question". Regardless of what language you're using, the answer to the question will, 95% of the time, apply to both languages.
  2. [api]mouse_event[/api]
  3. DirectDraw is part of DirectX. :)
  4. I doubt they'll ever catch up to the raw speed of API, but the extreme ease and flexibility of GDI+ makes it worth the small performance hit (in many cases). If you are really serious about speed, DX9 is the best route.
  5. Well, regardless, I'm pretty sure there is a way to do it without locking the forum (user group permissions, I guess). I personally think that it would be better if Language Specific was just one forum where you could discuss any language, rather than one for each language.
  6. I assume it's to keep people from posting in the root Language Specific forum. Personally, I don't like it, as it prevents me from seeing if there are new posts, and there was never any trouble with people doing that in the past. Language Specific is a iffy forum anyway, with 95% of users posting their posts in their rather than the forum they belong in. Remember, Language Specific is only for syntax/compatability related question!
  7. Probably not, but you might get banned from the network or something. Also, you'll never manage to make anything better than AIM interface by ripping the info from the AIM interface. It will still require the current interface to be open, and even then, it won't be easy to get text and stuff, because there is a chance that many of the controls are custom drawn. Sorry.
  8. Er... As far as I know there's no such thing as regular "Spy"... "Spy++" however, allows you to find out the registered classnames, hWnds, window message, windows styles, etc, so you can use the classname with FindWindow. It's too complicated too explain here, so you should look into documentation about window classes and the FindWindow API. However, why would you need to scrame the AIM window? I doubt it will be worth the effort.
  9. I doubt you will be able to do this easily, nor reliably. I suggest you look to see if there's a way to directly connect to AIM using Winsock and actually making your own client. If you really want to do it your way, look at [api]FindWindow[/api] or [api]FindWindowEx[/api], and use Spy++ extensively.
  10. ImageLists can have only one size. If you want other sizes, make other ImageLists (or make your own ImageList component which supports multiple sizes).
  11. Your way is probably the easiest. I don't think it's quite the method that the DataTable uses though (not exactly sure on that one).
  12. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnnetdep/html/redisteula.asp
  13. No such thing exists. All controls/forms can be owned by other control/forms.
  14. Try making your borderless form owned by the main form. When you create and show it, MainForm.AddOwnedForm(frm) 'where frm is the instance of your borderless form.
  15. I've heard some good things about http://www.34sp.com, but it all depends on what you want, what kind of space you need, what kind of bandwidth, PHP/ASP/MySQL/SQL Server, etc. You'll need to shop around to get the best deal.
  16. If you get the IDesignerHost service of the designer, you can handle its Deactivated event to catch when the designer is deactivated. For example, in the Initialize override of the designer: Dim dh As IDesignerHost = DirectCast(Me.GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost) AddHandler dh.Deactivate, AddressOf OnDesignerDeactivateThen you just need to create your handler routine and you can put any deactivation code in there. Don't forget to unhook the hander in the Finalize override.
  17. Are you using VB.NET?? :confused:
  18. Are there, by any chance, child menuitems that belong to these items? If that is the case, the event won't be raised.
  19. Paste your code. I assure you it is not a bug in C#.
  20. Other than the fact that I accidentally put Loop instead of Next at the end of the For loop, my code does exactly that. Just display runningTotal in a textbox.
  21. Finalize is called when an object is marked for garbage collection and becomes un-usable. It is used for cleaning up resources and things before the GC gets to it. Dispose is called when you want to destroy the object and mark it for garbage collection. When you call Dispose on an object, the memory used by it will be freed and the GC will collect it when it can. So yes... you should use the Finalize method for cleaning up objects used in the class. You can't call the Finalize method yourself (it's Protected), but unless you use GC.SuppressFinalize, the Finalize method will automatically be called when you dispose of an object.
  22. Try downloading it again. It works fine for me (the binary zip at least).
  23. There is a discussion on visualbasicforum.com which covers this. We discovered that you can't sell any products made with Visual Studio 6 Academic, but the EULA for VS.NET Academic said nothing like this. Therefore, we can assume it is safe to redistribute (commerically or otherwise) products made with it. http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?threadid=74111
  24. Generally files of a certain type contain a header. For example, a .GIF file contains a header that says "GIF87a" or "GIF89a" so that programs can determine that it is a GIF. All files can be interpreted as text or interpreted as binary.
  25. Well, I'm not exactly sure. You may need to modify my code a little bit and change all the instances of "MainMenu" to "ContextMenu". The MenuItems they use are the same, but I may have hardcoded the use of MainMenus into it, so a bit of tweaking should do it.
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