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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Volte

  1. Are you sure it's hanging? .NET takes quite a long time to install (it took about 3 hours the first time I installed it, but it only takes about 30 minutes if you copy it to your HD first... that takes awhile, but it saves time in the future). You might just try waiting to see if it goes anywhere. Also, you should shut off anti-virus stuff, and anything else that may be interfering.
  2. .NET isn't faster than unmanaged code. Potentially, unmanaged code is much faster... If you want speed when doing graphics, you need to use DX9 or GDI32. Obviously with GDI32 you don't get the insane flexibility of GDI+, but you get the raw speed. In DX9 you do get flexibility and speed, but you get a large overhead. The reason sound and multimedia aren't part of the framework is that they are too platform dependent for them to be properly ported to another platform without changing it. C++.NET is actually C++ 7 with managed extensions. You can also create an unmanaged C++ 7 project from within the .NET IDE and it won't use the .NET framework at all. And I don't know what you mean about the IL being longer in VB. There should be no reason for that, as long as you do things exactly the same way in both languages. VB.NET was designed for the .NET framework, as was C#. VB.NET isn't just a version of VB6 or something..
  3. Oops I dunno what I was thinking.... 1024^1 bytes = 1 KB 1024^2 bytes = 1 MB 1024^3 bytes = 1 GB etc... Also, you could be right about the 16-bit pointers.. I just thought pointers were 32-bit. 65535 bytes available for pointers just doesn't seem reasonable.
  4. I'm fairly sure pointers are 4 bytes. And yes, 1MB is 1024 bytes.
  5. VB.NET adopts bad coding styles only if you do. You can make excellent code in .NET or you can make very messy code. VB.NET does have VB6 compatability functions that you should never use (C# doesn't), but as long as you don't use them, VB.NET is perfectly fine.
  6. I've never really understood the point of C++.NET myself. VB.NET can do everything the .NET framework is capable of, as is C#. If you need to do low-level and/or dependency free programming you'd use regular C++. You use C++.NET when you still want to use the .NET framework, but need to do low level programming, but most of that is possible in VB.NET... I can't think of anything you can do in C++.NET that you can't do in C#.
  7. No. It simply takes the background image/color of the form and paints it on the picture box. You'll probably need to draw the contents of the picture box directly on the form manually usings its OnPaint event.
  8. If you want to use properties, like this:Public Class SearchResults 'these are the private fields Private _fileNames As New ArrayList() Private _paths As New ArrayList() 'these are the public properties Public Property Paths As ArrayList Get Return _paths End Get Set (value As ArrayList) _paths = value End Set End Property Public Property FileNames As ArrayList Get Return _fileNames End Get Set (value As ArrayList) _fileNames = value End Set End Property End ClassTo use it, Dim results As New SearchResults() 'do stuff Return resultsIt may even be wise to put the "stuff" inside the class so that it can fill itself out. Makes for better OOP code.
  9. You can't simply make a sub called Form_Load; it needs to be told to handle the event. Assuming you have the IDE, choose '(Base Class Events)' from the top-left combo in the code window, and choose 'Load' from the right one. The IDE will wire the event for you. You should take notice that it requires a sender object (that's the object that invoked the event), an eventargs object (used as an alternative to a list of parameters), and a Handles statement to tell it the actual event to handle. You no longer need for the sub to be called Form_Load; you can call it anything you want as long as you tell it to Handle Form.Load. Consult your MSDN for more info. :)
  10. You can get raw assembly from standard EXE files, but no source. Even if you know assembler, the assembly that is created from C++ code is probably very optimized and so not very readable unless you are an uber assembler-guru. You can very very easily retrieve source (in any .NET language) from the IL inside the assembly. The IL is sort of like assembler in that it uses op-codes in the form of bytes, but the op-codes are directly translated from .NET source, and are generally very close.
  11. I should also add that I like VB.NET, but I would definately not recommend starting with it (obviously it's too late for you, Duncan, but for others...) because of Microsoft's idiotic idea of VB6 compatability. Learning with VB.NET allows you to learn incorrectly using old concepts which should now be avoided, while C# does not allow this.
  12. Volte

    E-mail Class

    You may have to build an SMTP mailer yourself. Look here. It's for VB6, but the protocol is the same.
  13. As far as I know, ProgressBars are not container controls. You will probably have to ownerdraw one of the panels yourself and draw the progress bar in it manually.
  14. Put it in the constructor.
  15. PDB is the Program Database file which holds debugging information about your EXE. If you compile in Release mode, it will not be created.
  16. Try the .IsSpecialName property of the MethodInfo.
  17. Well, C# and VB.NET go hand in hand; if you know how to use one, you basically know how to use the other. All you need to get down is the syntax. I recommend removing your attention from any specific language and learning .NET and its concepts, rather than VB.NET or C#, since the knowledge is directly transferrable to either language. I say spend a week or so getting familiar with C#'s syntax and the few language differences it does have with VB.NET, and then concentrating on .NET as a whole. Also, I don't know anything about the job market, sorry.
  18. Just retrieve all of the constant fields, instead of all the members.
  19. Try Here
  20. What code are you using for your HTML parsing? You may be able to use Application.DoEvents() to remove the delay.
  21. [api]waveOutSetVolume[/api] API.
  22. Volte

    If Or

    Or is for boolean math, OrElse is for logical comparison. It's basically Or in VB is | in C++, and OrElse in VB is || in C++. I believe it will evaluate each expression individually and if it is false, it'll evaluate the next one, and if it's true it'll go right into the If block.
  23. You need to do a FillRectangle with SystemColors.Window to clear it. Just copy the e.Graphics.FillRectangle line from the "If it's selected" block, and paste it to the other one, changing the color to SystemColors.Window.
  24. Are a and c EXACTLY the same value, or are you getting these values by rounding? Do they both contain exactly 2 decimal places? If they are not exactly the same (no matter how close) the Double's precision is high enough that it will not exactly equal zero (in your case, 0.00000000000000710547357601).
  25. aewarnick: That will most likely be unreasonably slow, since there is (oddly) no function to draw a point in GDI+, so you'd need to draw many 1x1 rectangles.
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