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Everything posted by Volte

  1. If you are using IE or Netscape, the browsers are already telling the server that's what you are using. I suggest you use something like Telnet or CURL to download the source directly.
  2. You mean you want to *set* the user-agent? I doubt that's possible; the browser is what does that when it sends the HTTP headers. It is done automatically however, so you should never need to worry about it.
  3. The UserAgent property of the HttpRequest object will contain the raw user-agent string.
  4. I also might mention, that non-IE browsers such as Opera and Mozilla will probably allow Control-C regardless of JavaScript - I know right-click disablers don't work in Opera and Mozilla. Might I ask what it is that you are trying to stop people from downloading?
  5. It's not possible to completely stop people from doing this. Even if you stopped print-screen, a good screen-capture program would still do it. The only reason that print-screen doesn't get RealVideo is because the video uses the overlay features of the video card to display the video, so although they are displayed on the screen, it's not really being drawn on the desktop.
  6. GDI+ is indeed a separate API library (it can be used from VB6 if you want, using COM wrappers), but I believe the .NET implementation is a set of managed wrappers for GDI+; although GDI+ itself is unmanaged, I believe the .NET wrappers are managed.
  7. Tools -> Options menu - in the dialog box, under Environment:General make sure "Tabbed Environment" is checked and not "MDI Environment".
  8. Assuming you are using VB.NET, you do it the same as you did in VB6, with Public Declare Function SomeFunction Lib "netapi32.dll" (argument As Integer, argument2 As Integer)At which point use SomeFunction as usual. Remember, if you are translating the definitions from VB6 to change all Longs to Integers in VB.NET. If you are using C#, do what BrianHanson said.
  9. There's no way to do this anyway -- all you need to do is use Telnet and connect to the site and it will send back the HTML, free for you to copy. If you don't want people to use the text, I wouldn't put it on the internet at all. If you want protection from web-spyders, use images.
  10. The EXE name is not necessarily the window class - you can find out by using Spy++ which is included with VS.NET and using the Find Window tool with the Winamp window.
  11. What DLL? What's in it? Why do you need it?
  12. Use Me.Controls.Add() to add a control to the form. Something like this:'once you've set up all the PictureBoxes Dim p As New PictureBox() For Each p in pictureBoxArray Me.Controls.Add(p) Next p
  13. Use the TabControl.SelectedIndexChanged event. The TabPage's click event only fires (as far as I know) when you click on the background of the tab - not when you change the tab selected.
  14. If you do what Bucky said, you'll want to avoid using labels at all; use the FillRectangle method of the graphics object (e.Graphics in the Paint event) to paint the solid colored backgrounds, and then the [d]DrawString[/b] method to draw the text.
  15. If you want to search for something like 'OCX' you can search for 'OCX*' -- it will search for all words beginning with OCX, but there aren't many of those. :p This might not work for somethings, obviously, like 'COM*' since there are many words that start with COM.
  16. Every word that you ever enter into a forum post is indexed in the database for searching, which, obviously, can get extremely large. However, since there are so many common short words, indexing words such as "the" and "as" would cause the size of the database to increase significantly. It would also force a reindex of the database (using up bandwidth) and probably slow the forum down significantly as well.
  17. You need to use your instance of the form, not the form class itself.Dim f As New FormMain f.Method() '<-- Valid FormMain.Method() '<-- Invalid if the Method is not declared "Shared"
  18. Is it possible that SelectedItem is nothing, because no item is selected? Also, why do you have a DropDownList control called "Label1"? :p
  19. When compiled, there are no "form files" or anything. It's all part of the executable.
  20. What file?
  21. When an event fires, the handler sub is called just like if you called it. Shouldn't be any different.
  22. If you're using the BlueVelvet style, try changing to another style and trying.
  23. That file appears to be empty.
  24. The framework code definately internally uses Windows API to implement it, but it could easily be transferred to another platform. For example, System.Graphics wraps Windows' internal graphics functions (like the GDI32). Obviously the GDI32 wouldn't work on Linux, but the Mono project's implementation probably wraps something different, like Gtk+ for its graphics. That means that although the implementation of the .NET framework is different, the code to create a window and draw an image is the same on both platforms.
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