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Everything posted by Volte

  1. I really don't recommend using the VB6 Migration Wizard at all. It generates terrible code that is hard to maintain and is very messy. It'll just create more work for you. I really recommend rewriting the project if possible. It will make things much easier to maintain and expand.
  2. Just to clarify what nemaroller said, you want your class to Inherit from the Component class, not the Control class.
  3. That's sort of half right. You need two objects.Bitmap b = new Bitmap(wbb.Bmp.Size.Width, wbb.Bmp.Size.Height); Graphics db = Graphics.FromImage(b); // double buffer Graphics g = Me.CreateGraphics(); // draw your stuff on db, the backbuffer g.DrawImage(db, /* etc */); // show the memory bitmapSomething like that.
  4. Well, I haven't tested on a form, but the other day when making an analog clock control (a UserControl), settings those styles did nothing to the flicker. When I subclassed for WM_PAINT and doublebuffered myself (with a temporary Graphics object and Bitmap) it was totally flickerless.
  5. As far as I know, UserPaint and whatnot has no effect when used directly on the surface of a form. I believe you will have to subclass (simply Override WndProc) and capture the WM_PAINT message.
  6. DDE is horribly outdated and should be avoided if possible. If you tell us what you're trying to do, we may be able to come up with a better way to do it. Oh, and by the way, the problem with the delcare is that the Longs need to be Integers in .NET.
  7. What language is this? This looks like some form of JavaScript to me.
  8. You may be able to do something with the ParentControlDesigner class, but I'm sure you'll be able to make a designable tab control that easily. It will most likely be easier to design your controls on a form and then copy and paste the designer code into the TabControl.
  9. I bought my current computer wholesale and put it together myself. Here's what I bought: AthlonXP 1800+ processor 256MB RAM GeForce 3 TI 200 128MB AOpen AthlonXP Motherboard Case and 350W Power Supply Bought that about a year ago, and it all came out to about $750 CAD. If you added a 19" monitor, 60GB HD, and DVD-ROM, it'd probably come to about $1100 CAD, which is only about $810 USD. Mind you, this was wholesale (i.e. straight from a distributor, no profit to be made by a store) so you may not be able to find quite the same deal, but if you can, you should consider doing that.
  10. Set the style to DropdownList. :)
  11. When I was seven I started VB, and when I was 13 I really got into it (and http://www.visualbasicforum.com). When I was 14 I started to learn .NET, and now I'm 15 and still learning.
  12. You could clear the list and then use the AddRange method of the ListBox's Items collection to add the entire array all at once.
  13. Looks like you're setting an int to -500... 0-500 is just zero subtract 500... -500. And a virtual class means a class that must only be inherited and cannot be used on its own. (example: a PrimaryColor class that you inherit RedColor, BlueColor and GreenColor from, but don't want PrimaryColor itself being used).
  14. I used to use the IDE on a Celeron 666MHz and it was terrible. :-\ That was Beta 2 though, so I suppose they could have vastly improved it.
  15. Yes you can (for the most part). Why anyone would use C++.NET is beyond me though... if you're going to use C++, why load yourself down with the framework?
  16. Create a Rectangle object and put the info into it for the rectangle you will draw. Then use the DrawRectangle function (of the Graphics object) to draw the rectangle. Then, call rect.Inflate(-3, -3) to make the rectangle 3 pixels smaller, and then call DrawRectangle again.
  17. Change the number to 51. And also, it would be the second number minus 1. 1 minus the second number would be -49. :p
  18. Obviously you didn't even read Squirm's post:Sound.PlaySound("Data/Sounds/Alarm.wav", 0, SND_LOOP Or SND_ASYNC)You need the ASYNC flag.
  19. The IDE itself will most likely be extremely slow on a machine like that, however the actual framework shouldn't be too terribly slow. The minimum is 90Mhz Pentium, so you're well within that limit. I suggest either doing your development on a faster machine, or using Notepad (or some equivilant, like EditPlus) to do your coding.
  20. No.
  21. Use the TreeView.SelectedNode property to return the TreeNode object which is selected.
  22. Works for me. Try switching styles.
  23. Yes.
  24. What you most likely want to do it make your startup object Sub Main, and in the Sub Main (declare it Shared inside a class) show the splash screen manually, and then the main form. When you wish the program to exit, use Application.Exit but make sure you have cleaned up all your resources properly first.
  25. If you create a blank project, you can probably just modify the project properties to make it of type 'Class Library' (it's in a drop-down combo I think). Then just add a class and you're set. Alternatively, check out this link: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49406
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