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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Volte

  1. From the FAQ: e) What do I get when I order something from you? You get the CD(s) with the software in jewel case and labels. You also get the activation key, serial number or cd key necessary to activate the software. Note, that you will not be able to register the software with the manufacturer and get their support, but we will do our best to support you any way possible. This includes providing different updates and service packs. However some updates will still be available from manufacturers, in fact most of them. It's pirated. Not to mention OEM software is only legal to be sold with new hardware.
  2. MP3? Ew. Try Ogg Vorbis. :p The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet
  3. http://www.wholetomato.com/
  4. I've been a doomer for 10 years, but I recently purchased UT2K4, and have gotten into that quite a bit. I don't play a lot of different games though - generally I find something good and stick with it until I find something as good or better.
  5. Actually he's back to his roots making adventure/arcade-style games with Tom Hall at Monkeystone Games, as well as working at Midway Entertainment. I think Daikatana was just a fluke. :p
  6. Having been a Doom fiend for approximately 10 years now, I'm gonna have to go with Doom 3; that is, if my computer doesn't implode whilst attempting to play it. I don't plan to spend $700 on a new computer just for one game which may or may not have good gameplay (since Romero left id Software, and he was the brains behind the gameplay in the original Doom).
  7. I haven't seen the beta (I played with an early alpha awhile back that was too buggy to do anything with), but it sounds like the properties/events thing you mentioned has been in C# since the beginning. :)
  8. In this particular case I would agree that VB's syntax is rather lacking compared with other languages. However, that doesn't make it a bad language, by any means. I'm not even touching these comments, since we've been here before already, a few times. Agree. Look at as many languages as you can, but don't limit yourself to one (and don't force yourself away from any either...). Your superiority complex is becoming tiring. Despite what you may believe in your head, we all have our own opinions, and yours is just as meaningless as everyone else's. You've collectively insulted half the people who visit this board, as well as some of the greatest programmers I know. Watch yourself.
  9. Funny you should mention that MMORPG.com is "optical overload" -- looks to me like it has less "non-content" (that is, the non-essential borders and stuff) graphics (and it looks much nicer to boot) than this forum. I really don't care how it is rationalized, but the forum is too graphically intensive for me, and clearly for many others. Plus it's ugly. It lacks color (unless I use one of the other skins which just clash completely, given that the aforementioned unnecessary border graphics prevent any headers or borders from being altered color-wise) and has too much dynamic bloat. Am I the only one that preferred the old Lite w/ Blue style from the old forum? :-\
  10. Oh, I thought you meant you had an account already. The secondary email is to notify you in case the Gmail service goes down or something, I would guess. It's not required.
  11. Uh no, it's a separate Inbox. You log into Gmail and get all your mail from there. Your hotmail account remains unchanged. Oh, and though it is in beta, you can still use it. That's what they want. They need people to test it.
  12. I have a Gmail account, and yes it is 1GB. The interface is spiffy too. You have to be invited by another user to get an account during the test period though.
  13. Everyone settle down, or I'm locking this thread. There is no need for hostility here. Joe Mamma, you have been warned about your obnoxious and public disdain towards Visual Basic and its users. Personal insults especially will not be tolerated.
  14. Have you tried a reinstall of .NET 2002? I've never run into any of these...
  15. I just watched the video, and it seems like a bunch of eye candy and fluff to me. :-\ Sure, it's kind of cool to rotate your Windows around in a 3D space and all that, but is it really necessary?
  16. I don't understand... What's the point?
  17. Wow. How pointless. Especially since he brushes off the entire .NET framework as high level crap. :rolleyes:
  18. Name=\[(.+)\]
  19. Volte


    Sure, Courier New and Lucida Console to name a couple. They are called "Monospace" fonts.
  20. If TextBox1.Text.Length > 0 Then Label1.Text = "stuff is in the textbox!" Else Label1.Text = "" End If
  21. Your code is still flawed; If Me.WindowState.Minimized = 1 ThenMe.WindowState is the actual property you have to check. Me.WindowState.Minimized is a constant - if you check the value of that it will always remain the same.
  22. If Me.WindowState.Minimized = FormWindowState.Minimized ThenThat needs to be If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then
  23. It's not an OS meant for the end-user. If you don't like it, don't use it.
  24. .tar compresses a bunch of files at once, and .gz can only do one at a time, so you mix them and you get a nicely compressed file. Any half decent archive program (in Linux or Windows) can do it automatically.
  25. I think most likely the reason it is not targeted as much is because not nearly as many people use Linux. Who would want to target only a small fraction of users when they could target millions?
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