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Everything posted by Volte

  1. No. You need the framework installed.
  2. I bet if you search the MSDN library you'll find all sorts of great articles on stuff like that. For example: [mshelp]ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/dn_voices_hess/html/hess12112000.htm[/mshelp] [mshelp]ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/cpguide/html/cpconcommonlanguageruntimeoverview.htm[/mshelp]
  3. How does it work? Is it a CD/Floppy with a special file, or some sort of special USB/serial device?
  4. To do the searching bit, you need to code it yourself. Here's a bit of code I wrote to do it (just put this in your keypress event of the combo):If Not (e.KeyChar = ControlChars.Back) And _ Not (e.KeyChar = ControlChars.Tab) And _ (cbo.Text.Length > 0) Then Dim itemIndex As Integer = -1 Dim i As New String Dim index As Integer = 0 For Each i In cbo.Items If i.ToUpper.StartsWith(cbo.Text.ToUpper) Then itemIndex = index Exit For End If index += 1 Next If itemIndex > -1 Then Dim oldText As String = cbo.Text cbo.Text &= cbo.Items(itemIndex).Substring(cbo.Text.Length) cbo.SelectionStart = oldText.Length cbo.SelectionLength = cbo.Text.Length - oldText.Length End If End IfYou'll obviously need to modify cbo to fit the name of your combo.
  5. whosyodaddy: right click on your project name in the Solution Explorer, and click the Properties item that pops up, and use the text that's in the "Root Namespace" textbox as your namespace. If your project has multiple words, the namespace probably has _ separated words or something, since namespaces can't have spaces.
  6. And ballista is the name of your base namespace (usually the same as your project name)? Dim img As Image = Image.FromStream(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("VBTestApp.av.jpg")) Me.BackgroundImage = imgWorks for me, and my project is called VBTestApp.
  7. Have you remembered to set the Build Action of the image to Embedded Resource?
  8. You can use the System.Net.WebClient class and its DownloadFile method to download files to your hard drive. Use Client.ExecutablePath to return the location of your app.
  9. Oops, sorry, that should be:img = Image.FromStream(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("YourNamespace.YourFileName"))
  10. You need to set the image's Build Action property to 'Embedded Resource', and then use:Dim img As Image img = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("YourNamespace.YourFileName")If the base namespace is called "WordProc" and the file is called "toolbar.bmp", the resource stream name would be "WordProc.toolbar.bmp".
  11. Microsoft doesn't need to compete with Macromedia Flash. That idea is laughable. Maybe for small hobby programmers Flash is decent, but let's see you create a business enterprise which depends on Macromedia Flash. .NET can be installed on anything >= Windows 2000, not just Windows XP, and Microsoft specifically designed .NET to be potentially cross platform. The framework is not cumbersome for anything except downloading, and as new versions of Windows become more widespread (Windows 98 has already been obselete for a long time, we can't keep supporting it) it will become less so. Microsoft haven't deprived millions of VB programmers. VB6 will be supported until something like 2008, and people are free to program in it if they want. It's not like they just made it stop working. Bottom line: if you don't want to use .NET, don't use it, but I think the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to alternatives.
  12. You can use C++.NET DLLs, but regular C++ DLLs require you to use P/Invoke to interop with them.
  13. As long as they are in a separate assembly (separate project) you can, since it's all just .NET IL in the end.
  14. I'm almost positive you can't just use inline VBScript in queries as you can from Access. You need to select the data you want to format from the database, format it yourself, and then update the record with that data.
  15. Try replacing that last line with:MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
  16. You could write a utility to do it for you. The XML documentation is stored separately from the class, so you could write a utility to generate XML docs for your class. C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\System.Windows.Forms.xml contains the docs for the Winforms classes, for example. That may be my next project. :p
  17. the syntax can be confusing if you've never seen it before. I think it's the only tertiary operator there is, in C# at least.
  18. Robby, you've been away for too long. :p The other site is http://www.visualbasicforum.com. :D
  19. Note, in C# it is the ?: operator. It's kind of wierd. String desc; desc = (5 > 7) ? "greater" : "less"; MessageBox.Show("5 is " + desc + " than 7");It works like this: <var> = <expression> ? <true part> : <false part>
  20. Try SystemInformation.UserName.
  21. This is what is in my start menu: Chart DataExpress DataObjects FlexGrid Input List Menus and Toolbars Preview Reports Spell True DBGrid Zip Looks great! :)
  22. Got it downloaded. It's got all kinds of cool stuff, including free ComponentOne components. If you have a good connection, grab it (or just order the CD).
  23. Looks like a very comprehensive suite of controls and samples and stuff. Looks like it will be great. The download will be done in like 15 minutes, so I'll be able to check it then.
  24. Actually, you'll probably need [api]SetWindowPlacement[/api] if you actually want to change the window state. SetForegroundWindow will just bring it to the front. There's an example of using the API on the site that you can transfer to .NET easily - just change the Longs in the declaration to Int32s, and the hWnd params to IntPtr.
  25. Are you sure? It appears to do a 1x1 pixel for me. [edit]Oh, try using FillRectangle instead[/edit]
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