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Everything posted by Volte

  1. No, you need to use the compilers for the compact framework provided. Because the compact framework does not support everything that the desktop one does, there would be some serious compatability problems.
  2. You also have to handle the backspace key. The ASCII code is 8, I believe, so you can useIf Char.IsNumber(e.KeyChar) OrElse KeyChar = Convert.ToChar(8) Then
  3. OLE does not exist within .NET. Sorry.
  4. Try this:System.IO.Directory.GetParent(pathToFile)
  5. I had heard that they planned to release a service pack for 2002 shortly after they released 2003, but they never did. We'll just have to wait and see.
  6. Volte

    VPN Client

    That's nice. I don't pretend to know anything about what you're talking about, but I found this on a quick trip to Google: http://www.certicom.com/products/movian/movianvpn.html
  7. If you want one that badly, write your own, but it is my opinion that they are totally useless.... If you need to use a colored rectangle, you can use a panel if you want to hold controls or the GDI+ if it's just for show. You can even derive from the panel and draw custom stuff on it. I can't think of any reason to need circles and the like, but again, you can use the GDI+ if you need to.
  8. Probably not at first. There may be a service pack later for 2003 and/or 2002 to make it compatible though.
  9. As long as the thing on the forum is public (I think controls are private by default; set it from the Property Grid) you should be able to access it, provided you've stored the instance variable of the form you wish to use.
  10. I suggest you read a book on the basics of C++; this isn't the place to learn the fundamentals.
  11. An edit control is a textbox, and to create one is quite a lot of work. Is there a reason you need to create one?
  12. Use the [api]SHAppBarMessage[/api] API to make your screen's real-estate decrease and put the form containing the XP Bar into the space. AllAPI will tell you what to do.
  13. This is weird... I can't find any info on ThreadStopException in my MSDN, and Google turns up only 15 pages about it, one of them being this thread. Are you using any third party DLLs or anything?
  14. It looks like a very good product and a significant update to Office (unlike OfficeXP which was basically just an update to make the menus look good :p). I would never uninstall something because it looked bad (unless it was so terrible it made it hard to use), and I'm sure I will get used to it. I just wish Microsoft would pick a style and stick with it. The OfficeXP style looks great and professional, I can't see why they would want to drop it after only one generation of products which use it.
  15. Volte


    What's the error?
  16. Volte


    What do you mean by sidebar? I made a WindowsXP style sidebar which you can obtain in the Code Library, though it doesn't support the stuff you mentioned. You could change it to fit your needs though, as source is included. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74889
  17. I just told you. UseMe.Opacity = 0.5You had the right idea before, you just weren't referencing the form correctly.
  18. I don't understand what you mean by "in" the listview. ListView controls are not containers, and so cannot contain other controls in the designer. Do you mean the ListView is inside the Panel?
  19. You can't call a form like that. You need to reference the class instance, not the class itself. Do it like this:Me.Opacity = 0.5
  20. You need to make sure the value is between 0 and 1. For example, 0.5 is 50% opacity.
  21. Set the Opacity property of the form to do it. Only works in Windows 2000 and up.
  22. Did you remember also to delete the empty 32x32 image type that was there when you created the icon? Since icons can hold multiple icons in one file, you need to delete the 32x32 one by selecting it as the current image type and then choosing "Delete Image Type" from the Image menu.
  23. It's probably just because you created the panel and then the listview, so the listview takes Z-Order priority. If you right clicked on the panel and clicked "Bring to Front" it would probably have fixed it.
  24. Try calling Panel1.BringToFront()
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