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Everything posted by Volte

  1. Look at the [api]SHAppBarMessage[/api] API. Be warned though, it's fairly to make work well, and I couldn't get it to work right in .NET at all.
  2. wmp.URL = "filename"
  3. You could try setting the URL property.
  4. Try here: http://directory.google.com/Top/Science/Math/Applications/Communication_Theory/Cryptography/Algorithms/?tc=1
  5. That doesn't do much. That opens the file for text input, which will do you no good with a media file. I suggest you look at the [api]mciSendString[/api] API for doing things like this. Using the Media Player control - especially in .NET where COM Interop is needed to make it work - adds excessive overhead.
  6. Some operator overloading, and inline support for XML documentation, and that's about it. C# and VB.NET both compile to exactly the same MSIL bytecode underneath (more or less) anyway. One huge advantage is does have though is that it doesn't include all the VB backwards compatability stuff, so you don't have to worry about doing things the "right" way. However, if he knowns what he is doing, there's no reason he should choose one over the other. If he is just learning, however, he should probably go with C#, since it has less room to be sloppy.
  7. You need to make sure the ASP.NET user account that the app is using has appropriate permissions.
  8. Use DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek. Just for example:If DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Tuesday Then MessageBox.Show("It's Tuesday!") End If
  9. What do you mean by that? Can't you use Convert.ToChar?
  10. Use the DayOfWeek property of the DateTime object to check what day it is.
  11. Was that file open in some other program (or perhaps by a StreamWriter/Reader in your own program), and are you sure the file exists?
  12. I don't know much about WDDX, but I do know that .NET does not have any built in support for it. It does, however, have tremendous support for plain XML. I suggest you look here: http://www.openwddx.org/faq/
  13. Crystal Reports is heavily integrated into .NET in this version, however, and you can design reports right inside the IDE.
  14. I'll throw my "approval" into the ring as well. :) However, we should make it so that only badged members can start threads there too - whenever a code sample or tutorial is posted (or moved by a moderator), whoever did the posting/moving will also create a discussion thread in the appropriate forum. No need to let every user create a thread whenever he/she wants to say one little thing.
  15. It comes with Windows. Start -> Run -> charmap.exe
  16. Many of the characters above 128 are not all the same in every font. Make sure you're looking at the ASCII table for the right font. I recommend the Character Map for that.
  17. What happens when you try 97?
  18. That depends...what ASCII code are you attempting to display?
  19. Button1.Text = Convert.ToChar(code number)
  20. Look at the ReadOnly property as well.
  21. You might be thinking of the unsafe keyword which allows the usage of pointers and such in C#.
  22. Choose Console Application.
  23. I would keep it around anyway. Some .NET programs need it.
  24. Well, perhaps you could post *your* code?
  25. That sounds like it would be quite feasible. In fact, I may look into this myself and write an article about it. I haven't written anything for Tutors Corner in awhile.
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