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Everything posted by quahog

  1. Irving Lugo, I have some code samples to help you and some general info. This URL is great for sample code for developing graphics in VB6 http://www.catenary.com/siteindx.html This news group will be able to help you along: news:microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.drawing However, you may want to create animated TIFs rather than animated GIF files, because vb.net's system drawing framework supprts the animated tif files easier than animated GIF's This knowledgebase artical will tell you how to work with a single GIF. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;319591 Things you should research include: system.drawing: EncoderValue.FrameDimensionPage Good Luck
  2. This works but it is sloppy and slow. Add the following at the just after you open your do loop: Do Until HostLine.IndexOf(" ") = -1 HostLine = HostLine.Replace(" ", " ") Loop It is not a pretty solution and you will take a performance hit but it is the best I could think of. If you get a better solution, I would like to see it.
  3. If the internship does not workout: If you want experience, go to your local church/ synogue / temples / fire station / VFW / union / political party or candidate, etc... and see if they need some application. Do it for the experience, if you get paid good. If you do not get paid ask if you could donate your work (get a tax write-off and a professional reference) Example: Volunteer Fire departments have to report on the number of fires that their members attend. In Maryland, many fire stations record this in a notebook. If anything happens to the notebook....Their members recieve a pension if they attend enough fires, so this is very important. They tally this up by hand but pushing a button for a report is easier. You would end up with full life cycle development experience and something for your resume. Keep the rights to whatever you sell and you can resell it.
  4. Go for both. You have to start somewhere. There are ups and downs with both Many companies like people with little formal experience but are technically knowledgeable, because they can pay them less. On the other hand, internships are great but many companies would not let interns get near a pc to write code. Why would they? If the intern writes something good, the intern is gone in 3 months. Someone else would have to pick up the code. Many internships that I have seen are great if you want to know how to file and copy. But internships can work out well also. You may get new skills/experience/ and contacts. Either way, good luck.
  5. Most companies would tech interview you. They would either give you a test or have you grilled by one of their techs. Showing them code or a web page that you created is great but how do they know that you created it? They are going to tech interview you. If you do not have a long list of technobabble on your resume, do not worry. Your resume will not get you a good job. It should just get you in the door. If your are savvy enough to answer a good portion of the technical questions, you have a good shot at the job. Good luck. (Wyrd, it does not sound like you need to go for an internship. I have worked with many developers who got hired despite not knowing what a query was).
  6. The problem with Delphi is: Borland. They can't market a product. Any product. They develop great products but can't sell them. I dabbled in Delphi briefly but I never got too into it. Did anyone say that it uses turbo pascal? For all those who were forced to learn pascal in college. It is great. From a data standpoint, delphi is much easier to code than VB.net. The components are data aware as soon as you drop them onto the form. This is great for developing when you can see how large you need a field to be. Other borlands products include: Quattro Pro Cold fusion reactors Quantom Flux Capacitors Perpectual motion machine
  7. I have never developed games professionally or otherwise, so these are just general observations. (Item 3 would work for game developers) ****************************************** From my experience, interviewers look for: (1) relational databases of scale: Oracle not Access/sql server rather foxpro. (On the resume) (2) types of applications, for example I specialized in medical applications. (on the resume but explained in the interview) - I worked for 3 differant government agencies doing medical related applications. When an interviewer looked at my resume, they knew my learning curve was smaller than a developer who worked in the financial field. (3) depth of experience. Are you a coder or did you work in all phases of the SDLC (explained mostly in the interview)
  8. Loyal, If you are still interested in doing this, I will offer a simple count down method. coun = 100 ####This is the counter x = 1 do until x = 5000 ##I think this is about 5 seconds. Using a timer 1000 = 1 second x = x + 1 loop coun = coun - 1 label1.text = cstr(coun) You can also use a timer and do the same thing. There are more reliable ways measuring the passing of time but since your application is not going to be cpu intensive this should be ok. -Quahog
  9. I like the O'Reilly series but I agree with Mutant. O'Reilly has samples of their books online. Below is one of their vb.net links. http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/excerpt/progvisbasic_ch08-2/index.html
  10. Andy, This is a link to an O'Reilly page. It provides a good tutorial on accessing a database with vb.net. It is an online sample of a book that they are selling. O'Reilly sells pretty good (& cheap) technical books. But the sample provides a good overivew of ado, without buying the book. As for the 2 tables, well, this may not have the detail that you want on that. http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/excerpt/progvisbasic_ch08/index.html Please note I am not related to O'reilly publishing or the author of the book in any way. I have, however, wasted alot of money on bad programming books. -Quahog
  11. what about a simple databse program like an inventory program or a interest calculator. those are the programs they always have you write in computer classes
  12. Jasonseay, This should help. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;313795
  13. Thanks Robby. I wondered why I was not getting any responses from my posting. I was wonderring if people that it was an advertisement posting! Regards, Quahog
  14. Has anyone checked out this site? It provides you with a free area on a document management server for development purposes. (I am not financially affiliated with the site in anyway)
  15. Try ths "Compleat Strategist". The book is only 40 years old but it is considered the classic book on Game Theory. This book transformed that area of thought.
  16. A possibility In the past I have used PGP. It used to come with a developers handbook. http://www.pgpi.org/products/pgp/versions/freeware/
  17. Many good points. Wyrd, for me langauges are just a means to an end. I use an object oriented approach to whatever task I am performing. Every task has certain characteristics and language is just one of those characteristics. If I create a tool that I like in one language, I try to improve it in another. If I develop a game, I see what I can steal for other assignments. Games are very similar to simulators. My job requires that I develop traffic simulators and other fun things. I work out most of the problems for work by developing games or personal projects on the side. And I agree with Heiko, there is more to programming than writing code. There is gathering the business rules, design, qa, program management, etc...SDLC Good Luck
  18. Cool. As long as it is for free. I checked it out briefly, it looks good to me.
  19. If you need the code I could work it out for you. It would take me about a couple of hours. This is the classic method ***************** When the application loads, read info from a text file such as a license file: (1) if the file does not have a date the system writes a date 0 days in advance. (You can use a simple letter for number system for encrytion or something more complicated.) (2) if the file has a date the program grabs the system date and checks to see which one is greater using the datediff function. If the program is beyond the 30 trial a message box pops up saying so and the app closes (3) If the user requests a full license, send him a new license text file with an encrypted date 1/1/2030 . If you need to make this more fool proof there are ways to do this.
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