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Everything posted by quahog

  1. This may help.....http://www.leasetrader.com/default.aspx or it may not. I got the url from a search on transferring automobile leases. It will definitely walk you through the process of finding a seller who wants to transfer a lease. Another suggestion is call yur local DMV custoimer service rep. They will tell you the process pf transferring the lease to a buyer. As usual, I am not financially connected to either http://www.leasetrader.com or your local DMV. Either way good luck.
  2. MIS would be the better degree for a business analyst but if you want to program and take advantage of your MIS degree, try looking towards programming in companies in the financial areas. SAP Financials, Oracle Financials, Peoplesoft - etc....companies that use these or similar tools love programmers that they do not have to teach basic finance so that they can program. Companies like Accenture, Booz Allen, etc... frequently hire MBA's, CPA's, etc then teach them how to program for their financial clients. Either way, good luck
  3. Yes! I know what you mean. I liked the reports in vb 6.0. My company has been spiralling down to bankrupcty for 3 years, so I had to buy my own development tools, when it became part of my responsibilities. My problem is that my user group wanted something a little more user friendly than crystal reports. They wanted a billion reports which were slightly differant. I could do this but it got too ridicuolus. They did not want to use a report interface to make the report criterias themselves. Initially, I cam up with my own report the way you did. I did not have the problem with line wrapping just because of my data. Now I export directly to Excel. I format the output so that it has a professional look. My users are happy because now they can their own sorting/filtering/etc...My reports contain several thousand lines of data and are just too big and the info that the users look for require that user manipulation. Excel worked well. Data wrapping.....export to Word.
  4. OK, I put something together but it assumes that (a) you are using ms access as your tool. (b) textbox2 is the master text box © I left out the grading part of the code and provided the letter comparison part instead. (d) what you enter in the textboxes are not words but some simple identifying code like a social security number/credit card number/name/etc... Item (d) is important because you need a more complicated routine if you are enterring words (looking for something like a critical change). The routine I provided looks for an exact match on the entries between the boxes. Dim x, y, t, tt, z x = Len(TextBox1.Text) y = Len(TextBox2.Text) If x > y Then t = y / x Else t = x / y End If If t < 0.8 Then Msgbox.Show("the text is tooo short") End If tt = 1 z = 0 Do Until tt > y If Mid(TextBox1.Text, tt, 1) = Mid(TextBox2.Text, tt, 1) Then z = z + 1 End If tt = tt + 1 Loop MsgBox.Show(CStr(z / y)) I hope this helps. Q
  5. I can give you some code for this but are you talking about MSAccess or MS Excel or MS Word or .Net as your development tool?
  6. Does anyone know how to change the color of an Excel cell from within vb.net? Or change the color of the text within the cell. Either would be a help. Dim oExcel As Object Dim oBook As Object Dim oSheet As Object oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(1) oSheet.Range("A1:J1").Font.name = "arial black" oSheet.Range("A1:J1").Font.Bold = True oSheet.Range("A1:J1").Font.size = 10 oSheet.Range("A1:J1").?????? I have tried every variation that I could think of. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Q
  7. Eleventeen - you are the best thanks!
  8. Does any know how to fire off a MSAccess macro from within vb.net? I have a data set that needs extensive cleaning, so I perform the cleaning by running several queries inside MSAccess. I have the queries grouped within a macro, which I would like to fire from my vb.net application. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Morlem - How can I do more then one skin this way? Yes. I put the following VB code in the on_click event of a button. (I don't know C# but I think you will be able to make the change.) Me.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile("C:\pictures\matrix.bmp", True) You could fire this code off from a listbox of file names or a few check boxes or a dialog window. - And also I found that skincrafter can make different window shapes, depending on the skins... is it also easy to implement? +++++ It sounds like all you have to do is follow the steps I provided previously and you should be all set. From what little I have seen of skincrafter, it looks like a good tool to generate skins. Good Luck, Quahog
  10. I have done skins but I use a normal graphic editor. I can't give your a critique on the quality of the Skin editor tools other than paintshop pro/paint/etc... It sounds like you may need to know how to create a skin? (If not just ignore this posting). A skin is a graphic with one color that does not display, such as the arrow on the mouse pointer. Do the following: (1) Create you the graphic that you would like to use as a skin. The outside of your skin is a single common color such white. Whatever color you choose will not be displayed when you display the form so make sure the color is not on a part of the skin that you want displayed. (2) Select the color that you choose not to display from the palette in your form Transparency Key attribute. (3) Form attribute: form borderstyle change to none (4) Form attribute: maximize box change to false (5) select your graphic as a background image. If the color in your image that your want to NOT display, matches the color that you selected as a Transparency Key than you have your skin.
  11. I am trying to output data from a dataset to an Excel file. This worked fine when I did it as a client - server app but now I am moving to the web and it chokes when I try to create an Excel object. Dim oExcel As Object Dim oBook As Object Dim oSheet As Object oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")''<---Chokes!!!!!!! oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=306022 Any suggestions?
  12. I was 12 or 13. I remember using the TRS-80 with the tape recorder as data storage device. My accomplishments included: * a football game that was nothing like madden 84. * a screensaver that turned individual pixcells on or off in an endless loop - there were only 2 colors back then black or white so this was state of the art. It has been alll down hill since then.
  13. Thanks alot, Derek. That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Longhorn had taken me by surprise, as I was busy on my own product release. I had heard that a release was coming out in 2 weeks, which is true, but it turns out to be a pre-beta. Longhorn UI publicly unveiled: Expected October 2003*** Longhorn public developer preview: Expected October 2003 Longhorn Beta 1: Expected early 2004 Longhorn Beta 2: Expected late 2004 Longhorn final release: Expected 2005
  14. Actually, I never said I expected there to be less integration, but thanks for the comment anyways. Does anyone else info? I was asking if anyone had heard about effects on the new operating system & security would have on .Net programming. Whenever Microsoft comes out with a new operating system, their programming tools usually lag behind in a few areas. Usually, you can find developers who know these areas in advance because they Beta tested the release. For example, when windows 95 came out one of the features was the "long file name". VB4, MSAccess & VBA tools did not have this functionality, but work arounds were out before windows 95 was released. The new operating systen seems to have dropped the sdi motiff for the web look, but I have not seen any similar looks in the .NET tool box. The ASP's that I have seen have been significantly behind, what is coming out. Go Red Sox
  15. Has anyone heard about the effects that Long Horn/Palladium/et al are going to have on .net programming? http://www.winsupersite.com/faq/longhorn.asp For example, the new version of word is called word .net. It seems to be a more integrated to the overall operating system then the current version of Word. Also, it appears to be a web-based paradigm.
  16. I was just researching this myself: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;306022
  17. The web route works. I added the reference and used the code that you suggested and it works. Thank you, gentleman.
  18. Mutant or anyone else who wants to help. If you have a better way of sending the mail, I would appreciate it. I am not stuck on the method that I have listed above.
  19. Mutant, Thanks for the quick response. I tried using your suggestion. My code references interop.cdo, which I should have told you to start with. I have placed more of my code below so you see what I am doing. I am using your code inside my existing code which has a reference to interop.cdo. '===>I have also included the errors that I recieved, after the arrow. I grabbed this code from an old KB article which is not available any longer. ******************************************* Dim oMsg As CDO.Message = New CDO.Message() Dim iconfg As CDO.Configuration Dim ofields As ADODB.Fields Dim ofield As ADODB.Field iconfg = oMsg.Configuration ofields = iconfg.Fields ofield = ofields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") ofield.Value = 2 '************************* Dim attch As New Web.Mail.MailAttachment("Filename") '=======>Error: type web.mail.attachment is not defined. oMsg.Attachements.Add(attch) '=======>Error: Attachments is not a member of cdo.message '****************************** ofield = ofields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") ofield.Value = "mail server name" ofields.Update() oMsg.Configuration = iconfg oMsg.TextBody = "This is my message" oMsg.Subject = "This is my title" oMsg.From = "xxxx@xxx.com" oMsg.To = "yyyy@xxx.com" oMsg.Send() oMsg = Nothing iconfg = Nothing ofields = Nothing ofield = Nothing
  20. Hello all, I have a quick question. How do I send an e-mail with and attachment? I am creating a reporting engine which sends reports via e-mail. I know there are more glorious ways to do. Currently, I send the email out with the report embedded as a csv file in the message. I want to attach the report instead. Most of the code I am using is below. oMsg.TextBody = "This is my message" oMsg.Subject = "This is my title" oMsg.From = "xxxx@xxx.com" oMsg.To = "yyyy@xxx.com" oMsg.Send() oMsg = Nothing iconfg = Nothing ofields = Nothing ofield = Nothing I can send an e-mail. No problem. I have not been able to figure out how to send the attachment. I have been messing around with variations of the code listed below: oMsg.Attachments.Add.FileName = "c:\file.xls" Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Quahog [code]
  21. First, I do not know anything about the game programming industry. However, I have a few general suggestions: (1) You may want to put your computer skills up front. Most recruiters/hiring look at this before they look at anything else. (2) You may want to drop the beginner/intermediate. Save that for the interveiw. If the job requires a skill they will test you for it. (3) Under Hobbies/Interests or something similar: why not put down that you are a senior contributer on this web page? You do not have to give your online name. Something like: * performs as senior contributer to the Extreme .Net Forums web page by providing solutions for various programming problems. The Extreme .Net Forums web page focusses on a,b, and directx programming. (replace a,b with areas that your contribute) That way get in another plug on your gaming experience. Actually my suggested entry for your resume above needs work, but you get the idea. Good luck on the job though (I did not check out the link for it)
  22. If you want to set a bookmark linking to text within another topic then this link should do it. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/htmlhelp/html/vsconhtbook3.asp good luck
  23. You need to set a book mark. I have developed help files with many differant tools but not the one you mentioned so I cheated and found the URL explaining it: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/htmlhelp/html/vsconhtbook2.asp Good luck.
  24. The problem is you are 2 versions back. They used to offer an upgrade from vb6 to vbstudio2002 but they are on vbstudio03 now. You may to want to check these web pages for deals. Otherwise, the academic version is very cheap if you can hook up with a student. http://shop.microsoft.com/devtools/default.asp The current upgrade offer http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/howtobuy/upgrade/vstudio03/
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