Hi All
As it says in the subject this is leading me to become bald.
I have installed the .NET framework on a Domain Controller.
I then installed my project were I got the lovely problem with Aspnet_wp.exe
I have tried all the tricks from Microsoft to fix this including
Setting up a new user ASPUSER and giving this all the nessary permisions + given it Log on as a batch job rights
I have given ASPNET and ASPUSER write access to the Temp ASP.NET folder the \WINNT\TEMP folder, my project and inetpub folders ...
I have changed the machine.config file to use ASPUSER (didnt work), I tried changing the password for ASPNET and using that (didnt work), I tried using SYSTEM (didnt work)
OK I'm at my wits end ... need help/sleep/beer .. probally in that order ...
here's hoping someone knows what to do