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About zubie

  • Birthday 06/19/1974

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Project Manager/System Analyst/Programmer - dogsbody!!
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    .NET Enterprise
  • .NET Preferred Language

zubie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well put ... and any way isnt all that stuff only theory that was developed in the eighties ... I seem to remember someone saying "64k should be enough for anyone" (Bill Gates) :)
  2. Yeah the crystal reports dates are all dd/mm/yyyy It's an access problem so I am changing my date/time fields to text so that they display correctly and adding another field yyyymmdd for searching. seems to work ... dont you just love all these different date formats ZuBiE
  3. Well I checked all the dates ... I have worked a solution that seems to work for all concerned. I am changing my date/time fields to text so that they display correctly. For searching I am adding another field with the date in the format of YYYYMMDD Well it seems to work OK so I'm leaving it like that .. any DB admin would kill me for not normalizing it correctly :) ZuBiE
  4. Well I need to sort by date What I'm testing now is already in a project and is causing all types of problems
  5. Well I am only testing at the moment My problem is tha even if I use the parameter I'm still getting 25/12/2004 and 12/01/2004 instead of 25/12/2004 and 01/12/2004
  6. Hi All I am using SQL to insert a date into an access table: Regional settings are set to dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm When I insert the following SQL = "insert into DateTest (MyDate, MyTime) values ('25/12/2004', '12:00') I get 25/12/2004 BUT When I insert the following SQL = "insert into DateTest (MyDate, MyTime) values ('01/12/2004', '12:00') I get 12/01/2004 anyone know why this happens?? cheers ZuBiE
  7. Hi All My project is on a server off site. Regional setting have the date as dd/mm/yyyy In my access db I have date/time fields defined as dd/MM/yyyy When I display my data in a crystal report however verything is displayed as mm/dd/yyyy anyone know why this is happening? cheers ZuBiE
  8. well blow me over with a feather ... I got it ... In Access you can use the * as a wild card and it works fine BUT in .net you have to use % Man but that wrecked my head!!! later ZuBiE
  9. Hi All I'm still trying to figure out why like doesnt work when used in ASP.NET Anyone out there know why?
  10. strSql = "SELECT Customers.CustomerCode, Customers.CustomerName, Customers.Addr1, Customers.Addr2, Customers.Addr3, Customers.Addr4, Groups.GroupName, Reps.RepName, Territories.TerritoryName, Customers.AttentionOf, Customers.PhoneNo " & _ "FROM (Groups RIGHT JOIN (Customers LEFT JOIN Reps ON Customers.RepNo = Reps.RepCode) ON Groups.GroupCode = Customers.GroupCode) LEFT JOIN Territories ON Reps.TerritoryNo = Territories.TerritoryNo " strSql = strSql & "WHERE Customers.AttentionOf Like '*" & strSearch & "*'" in this case strSearch is "Murp"
  11. OK I tried that, it works fine in Access but when I execute it from .net it isnt returning any rows? any ideas why?
  12. how do I use that in a select statement? I am using the SQL to fill a dataset to pass back
  13. Hi there I need some SQL for Access that will find a string within a string e.g Find "Murp" in "Dr Eugene Murphys Surgery" thanks ZuBiE
  14. Excellent .. thats exactly what I was looking for .. cheers ZuBiE
  15. I looked up truncate in the help (vb.net) and all I got was Int and Fix. Both these round the number up and down I only want to round down
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