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About madcrow74

  • Birthday 07/17/1974

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  1. This is to pass data from a main report to the subreport.... I want to make the opposite... or is it valid for both ways? :-O ty
  2. I have a mainreport which contains a subreport. The subreport contains a field which i need to pass the value to the mainreport. How can I do? Have I to use parameters? Examples welcome :-D ty, Denis
  3. It seems that, changing the location of the database source from internal dataset to the related XSD file, it will work. But i've checked the old project, it works with either the dataset or the XSD file. Can someone tell me why?
  4. HI, I have a project with 2 forms: - form1 opens a connection with a DB and fill a dataset - form2 has a report viewer and istantiate a report object with a connection to the dataset in form1. With the report designer i have created the template report. It makes the connection to the dataset and retrieves all the tables and fields in it. But, when i run the program and show the report viewer, it asks to me to fill a logon dialog for the tables in the dataset. I have no logon info to pass to the report, and I don't want to do logon.... In another project, more complex, it works fine... the dataset is a little bit different, but connects to the same DB. Why does this happens?
  5. I saw that, if u add a toolbar to the MDIparent, it will not been redrawed, thus maintaining graphic garbage.
  6. If I would not use the foreach, can I find the MDIClient's index with a foreach, delete the foreach and permanently set the control's index to the found index?
  7. GREAT! But can you explain me two things? The MDIClient control is part of the Form or is the Form itself? What the "@" does? Instead of the Bitmap, can I use an Image loaded from a resource file? TY :-)
  8. Hi, I have a Splitter control inside my form; I use it to divide two datagrids. I use the Splitter_Moving event to resize the datagrids: private void splitterMoving(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.SplitterEventArgs e) If i write e.SplitX, it returns the splitter's upper left x coord value, but in client's coords. How can I convert this value in the Parent form's coords? Thank you Sara
  9. i've assigned a background image to a MDI form. When i resize the form, the image retain the same size, but I want it to resize with the form. i've tried in the Resize event this code: Graphic g = this.CreateGraphic(); g.DrawImage(img, this.ClientRectangle); but it doesn't works... How can I do?
  10. Hi # I have to preview the printing of a document using a PrintPreviewDialog. This control has a Print button that print directly to the default printer, but I would let the user select hte margins and number of page to print. So I'm trying to use PrintDialog and PageSetupDialog controls, but I don't know how to show them before printing. I cannot show them before the preview is shown, but i have to refresh the preview if the printing settings are modified... I can access the PrintPreviewDialog's toolbar, but I cannot hook to the Print method or event... Do I miss something?
  11. Yes, it's ok... But my main goal is to remember the status of a toolbar and a mainmenu with another function (that already have) then passing the result to abilita. So it's not very important to have an enumerator. But it's good example for another thing i have to do, thank u :-)
  12. Great! very optimized code, i like it :-D
  13. Anyone knows how to substitute the link to child tables in a datagrid with a relation source, with another datagrid? Some hints, links to resources but not microsoft (already searched)...:
  14. I am trying to have an AND done between two numbers... I expose the whole problem. I have a ToolBar with some buttons. The buttons are by itself indexed. My function must enable/disable the buttons due to the numerical value which I pass to him. The value is one and contains all the buttons to be enabled, it is a series of bits converted in decimal. The AND must be done between this value and a mask of bits, which changes at second of the button which I am verifying. If returns the masks ( in decimal ) then the button will be enabled, otherwise it will be disabled. Afterwards the code: public void abilita(long mint) { for(int i=0;i<toolbarMain.Buttons.Count;i++) { if((mint && Math.Pow(2,i))==Math.Pow(2,i)) { toolbarMain.Buttons[i].Enabled = true; } else { toolbarMain.Buttons[i].Enabled = false; } } } The C# does not accept that the AND is done between two numbers, of any kind ... Is it normal?
  15. Anyone knows how to substitute the link to child tables in a datagrid with a relation source, with another datagrid? Some hints, links to resources but not microsoft (already searched)...:
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