Hi everyone!
I would like to know if it is possible to use a hyperlink or another
method in crystal reports to call code in an windows application.
We have an crystal report viewer on a form. There are several events
that can be thrown by the viewer like
'CrystalReportViewer1_DrillDownSubreport'. But there is no event for
catching a hyperlink click. What we want to do is that the user can
click on some item in the report and some code is processed, like
closing the report on show another control. So what would be the way
to get a callback to the code?
We need it for an report that shows several lines. The user should be
able to press a detail link and then some code in the application
should be processed.
So is there an way to do this...hyperlinks always try to open a
browser and there is now way to catch the click event, or?
Hope for some answers