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About Iceplug

  • Birthday 08/19/1983

Personal Information

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  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    VS Acad 2003, VS 2005 Exp Beta
  • .NET Preferred Language
    VB.NET, C#, J#

Iceplug's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi and welcome. :)
  2. I put it after the 9 and it seems to work ^[A-Za-z0-9\s]{6,20}$
  3. 3rd degree from other presenters or other attendees? I agree with marble_eater: you should recognize that each programming language has its strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, people become biased because maybe they've used only one language or use one language primarily. Well, there is kind of a 'three-way dispute' between VB, C++, and Java. However, I find that it's mostly VB vs C++ and C++ vs Java. Not much VB on Java bashing... I find a lot of language bashing involves C++ guys... but let's not start!
  4. I agree. Checking a specific location of the bike to determine what side its on probably won't work unless you move it in set increments. Using the .IntersectsWith() is probably the best to determine that there is a collision. To determine which direction is blocked, you can just check what direction the user was moving. If the user can only move in one direction at a time, then just check which direction is true... it doesn't look like you are doing it that way. You might consider doing the left/right movements, then checking for collision. Then, doing the up/down movements and then checking for collision. Your program should not have to move the object left and then right in the same cycle. (Recommend using an If Direction = 2 Then... ElseIf Direction = 3 Then ... End If) So, now, if you do this, perform the collision check (intersectswith()) if it's true, Direction = 2 means the collision occurs while moving left (so the object was hit on the right side). Direction = 3 means the object was hit on the left side. Now, do the vertical movements and use intersectswith() again. Direction = 1 means the object was hit on the bottom because the bike was moving towards the top. Etc. :)
  5. Do you want to display them in one text box or several text boxes? For putting them in an imagebox, I would declare a separate Bitmap to draw the tiles to using Graphics, and then you'll have a picture that you can assign or draw to the ImageBox (assuming that an ImageBox is a picturebox) :).
  6. I don't know what a Mouse Listener is... be less specific please. To move a chess piece in three dimensions, you must first have some way of showing the chess piece. You can move the piece by applying translations to the world and then drawing the chess piece at 0,0 (which should actually correspond with the true coordinates of the chess piece, if your transformations are done correctly). :)
  7. There is the API [api]GlobalMemoryStatus[/api] - maybe that'll help you, at least with with the RAM and [api]GetDiskFreeSpace[/api]... they're in VB6, maybe you can convert them to C#. :confused:
  8. If you use the .Subtract method of a DateTime, it returns a timespan which represents the 'TimeSpan' between the two dates... you can check the .TotalSeconds of the timespan to see if it is more than 5 seconds. :)
  9. The question is how can you tell that the rectangle stays the same? According to your rectangle set up, the rectangle is always extending 100 pixels from the left end all the way over to the right from top to bottom.
  10. So, what do you have for code inside of the CalculateDays? Also, as a quick test, find the value of ComDay.Text immediately before the call to CalculateDays. Hint: MessageBox.Show(ComDay.Text) :)
  11. Well, showing all the XML files in a directory is easy to do. Directory.GetFiles() will do most of the work for you. Finding the XML files in subdirectories is harder, because you first have to find the (sub)directories in the directory and then do the above to find all of the files in this directory. :)
  12. Interesting... though I usually put my classes elsewhere in the namespace instead of in the main class.
  13. Apparently, creating unreadable languages are all of the rage in the 21st century, anyway. :-\
  14. How about checking the distance that each corner is from the center of the circle? Another method may be to compare the center of the rectangle to the center of the circle. X = R.X - C.X Y = R.Y - C.Y If X and Y are positive, use the top left corner. If X and Y are negative, use the bottom right corner. If X is negative and Y positive, use the top right corner and if X is positive and Y negative, use the bottom left corner. :)
  15. Are you considering uploading a ZIP file compression so that the masses (like me) can extract your files?
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