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Everything posted by Leade

  1. quick update, its not easy, i see why you all gave up, but i'll keep going just for you.
  2. Re: C# - Drawing an image (sprite) with Direct3D do not dispose the texture as that releases its resources and will need to be reloaded again, if you know you will be using the sprites allot, there is no need to dispose them. if you have already solved it, sorry for posting to an old thread.
  3. (doing this from my work pc) so i take it you mean if Texturereadytorender do whatever... if not do sod all, but won't that just do the same thing as its the extra thread thats halting the system, there is another way of doing it, if there's a way of getting the surface data or the date bytes/bits you can just paste to another layer.
  4. you have to do what the software app does and listen to the address for data coming in, since you know the data coming in would be audio you then need to convert the data stream to an audio stream and pass that to the soundcard, its sounds pretty simple in principal. I suppose the hardest part would be geting the data from the router, trail and error is your best friend here, just keep call that phone.
  5. When drawing the mesh just draw the subsets seperatly then all you need to do is apply a seperate rotation transform to the wheel subsets and you don't need to have animation. it works cos i've done it.
  6. This may be my first post, but I'm not a noob, been programming for some time, gonna have a crack at skinned meshes after sucessfully cracking animation with keyframes. took me a month but i'll get there. From what i gathered, its not about frames, but assigning matrices to vertecies and a hell of alot of matrix multiplying :D The aim is to get it in one class again. I'll let you know how i get on. .....Leade
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