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Everything posted by RazerWriter
Problem solved I got it to work.. what I did was load and create all the objects before I load anything else (like the form). Then, only dispose them at the end of the program. This way, I don't have to initialize and destroy objects constantly. The only thing that I load and unload during the program are the textures to free memory, everything else gets initialized right away. Another question... Should I use this method: Object.Dispose Object = nothing are they the same?
yea... um kinda sloppy with that.. thought maybee someone out there could use that clipping function. Well, I'm glad that you fixed your problem :)
I also find it difficult when code gets inferior.. like the recent .NET attack :) Not that it is hard to learn a new language, but that over and over again code and programs get lost... like a needle in a haystack. You'll find yourself with only the best code you've written because that's the code that lasted so long.. the rest kind of get thrown away or forgotten. Does anyone else know that i'm talking about here. It bogs you down when the code you right doesn't make it to the end.... :(
Think of it as building a house.. could be a shack (a simple utility) he he, or mansion. You have to starthe from the foundation and build up.. that's where the human mind can get creative. Well.. let's see.. where do I start? What is the foundation of the program what do I build upon? Also like: - Building a car (parts as classes, engine code, compents, and interface) Well.. you get the picture. Software construction is more of an art in the mind than on (white) paper. The results are just instructions, design outlines, comments, and structures, but they way they got like that came from a mind or group of minds that imaged a specific format or way on how to build a program.. now that's creativity!!
hmm..speaking of motivation.. Here is my experience: From Funnest to Hardest 1. Desgining the Product (Concept building)- Fun! 2. Starting the write the main code - Fun, but takes a while 3. Writing, debugging, and testing work in progress version - hard, difficult and gets repetitus. ------- Ice Breaker ---------------------------- 4. FInishing the product. Very Hard! You have to strap tape to your legs and your chair to get the program finished! 5. Publishing it - Hardest! Yes.. when the program is finally finished I shrug my shoulders and say now what? SHould I sell it like I planned or just give it out for free... it it worth it?? Yep.. that just about does it for me. :)
You're using DirectDraw right? Check out this code for clipping, it worked for me (I didn't write it): ..................................................................................................... Public Sub DDBltFast(surface As DirectDrawSurface7, RECTvar As RECT, x As Integer, y As Integer, Optional transparent As Boolean = True, Optional Clip As Boolean = True) 'This subroutine will BltFast a surface to the 'backbuffer. This wont work with clipper. 'CLIPPING 'Temporary rect Dim rectTemp As RECT rectTemp = RECTvar If Clip = True Then 'Set up screen rect for clipping Dim ScreenRect As RECT With ScreenRect .Top = y .Left = x .Bottom = y + (RECTvar.Bottom - RECTvar.Top) .Right = x + (RECTvar.Right - RECTvar.Left) End With 'Clip surface With ScreenRect If .Bottom > cWindowHeight Then rectTemp.Bottom = rectTemp.Bottom - (.Bottom - cWindowHeight) .Bottom = cWindowHeight End If If .Left < 0 Then rectTemp.Left = rectTemp.Left - .Left .Left = 0 x = 0 End If If .Right > cWindowWidth Then rectTemp.Right = rectTemp.Right - (.Right - cWindowWidth) .Right = cWindowWidth End If If .Top < 0 Then rectTemp.Top = rectTemp.Top - .Top .Top = 0 y = 0 End If End With End If If transparent = False Then Call ddsBack.BltFast(x, y, surface, rectTemp, DDBLTFAST_WAIT) Else Call ddsBack.BltFast(x, y, surface, rectTemp, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) End If End Sub .....................................................................................................
Okay, how do i got about this? I want a fullscreen dx form with visible and active main menus shown over at the top without any title bar and the border style set to zero. I would also like to show dialogs and forms on this dx window. How would I do this in FULLSCREEN? I've found a way to do it in windowed mode... observe: - Before creating the d3d device, create a direct draw device to set display mode to 640x480. this allows me the use main menus and other forms freely over a dx9 form with fullscreen display. Except I want a real fullscreen form using d3d with main menus visible. Any comments about this?
problem solved :)
Ah yes, thanks Nerseus, those optomizations worked very nicely. I also noticed that when I was loading the textures, I was using the wrong texture format (no 32-bit). Here is he updated code (which suprisingly works!): Just for laughs, I'll throw in the code to update the vertex:
I don't get it, I have had years of experience with DX and now somehow things are getting screwy with DX9. First it was the tex coords, which it took a while for me to figure out why it was acting funny, now its transparency. I don't know why, but Dx is drawing every method except simple colorkey transparency!! Can you beleive it, I don't know what's up! Why won't it do it. Here is the code, maybe i need another eye to figure this one out. Okay, so I'm loading the texture: ColorKey = Manganta Now I'm setting the alpha values: And, finally I'm drawing it: The results should be a nice sprite with transparency, but I get an image with a blackbackground where the transparecny should be !!! What's up?? Please help.. thank you so very much :)
I'm having trouble with the mail module of my program. I get a lot of errors when I try to send mail. I think there may be several defects. There's an attachement to the source below, maybe someone can figure out the problem is with my code. If you do, please explain it to me and possilbly attach the update module. THanks a lot! BTW - free dibs for all on the source, it's not copyrighted (yet!). :pmailclient.zip
Yes VolteFace, I know how this forum works, thank you. I just don't want the code to get into the wrong hands if you know what I mean.
If you want the source, pm me and I will give you the link.
I have an array of vertices. The program only does this when I load up the vertices and create them. Strange, the memory count nearly quadruples after I load them.
It worked fine after I installed the DirectX 9.0a Developer Runtime. Although, I had to manually extract the dll's to the directories.
It's wierd, whenever I try to close my window (that's running on dx9), the windows closes, but the program is still in run mode, then when I try to end it manually, it freezes for a long time and then closes. Can anyone tell why it's doing this?
http://www.thefishingwell.com/images/untitled.JPG Whenever I load up a project, I get errors that the DirectX library was not found.
well i have spent the last 5 minutes looking through each reference item - DX9 is either not installed or does not exists, which ever comes first. What reference are you using, becasue I can't find mine?
1. Downloaded complete Dx9sdk 2. Installed Debug and retail versions of dx9 3. I understand that C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Managed DirectX is where all the important files are.That folder is blank excpet for some xml files 4. Visual Studio cannot find any references to DirectX9. It seems as if it doesn't exist. I tried to extract the files from the cabinet files, still didn't work. Seems to me like the deadly Micrsoft strikes again, or at least they pulled a Homer on the sdk.
What's up! I just downloaded the huge 200mb sdk and now ir won't run on my VB.NET 2003???? Stupid Microsoft! Can anyone help me here? thanks
What's up! I just downloaded the huge 200mb sdk and now ir won't run on my VB.NET 2003???? Stupid Microsoft! Can anyone help me here? thanks
Drag and Drop Events *Please respond quickly*
RazerWriter replied to RazerWriter's topic in Windows Forms
still doesn't work. I can't drop anything onto the treeview. The cursor doesn't change or anything. here is the code: ___________________________________________ Private Sub TreeView1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles SiteTree.DragDrop Dim dropp As New System.Drawing.Point dropp.X = e.X dropp.Y = e.Y Dim newNode As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode newNode = New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode With newNode .SelectedImageIndex = 1 .ImageIndex = 1 .Text = e.Data.GetData(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.Html Or System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.Rtf Or System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.Text Or System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.UnicodeText) .Checked = True End With TreeView1.GetNodeAt(dropp).Nodes.Add(newNode) End Sub ___________________________________________ -
I don't understand how to use the Vb NET drag and drop events. I want to add an item to a Tree View when the user drops text onto it. How do I do this? Please respond quickly. I am short on time with this project. Thank you!
How can I bitblt onto a picturebox with that code? Is it possible?
Excel Startup Problems
RazerWriter replied to RazerWriter's topic in Interoperation / Office Integration
------------------------------------ Option Strict Off Public Class xlManager Public Shared xlApp As Object Public Shared xlBook As Object Public Shared xlSheet As Object sub xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'Late bind an instance of an Excel workbook. xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add 'Late bind an instance of an Excel worksheet. xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1) xlSheet.Activate() xlBook.SaveAs(strFilename) end sub End Class ------------------------------------ Apparently VB NET has a feature called "late-binding". Somehow that code made it work! Strange. Well, I had to go through tons of msdn articles to get it. Thank God it works and I can go on with my life :)