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Everything posted by desmondtan

  1. Thank you stustarz and Andy . I applied the Andy method , it works . Both of you are my Lucky Star
  2. How to write the checking of databse to prevent the duplicate duplicate of certain ID ( such as Employee Number ) when user do the data entry in Windows form ?
  3. In VB.NET , I tried to update "date" filed in my table form my Datetimepicker from a Windows form. The SQL is : strSQL = "UPDATE Employee SET Dob = Datetimepicker1.value WHERE EmployeeID = 10001" However , the DOB field is always updated as 01/01/1900 The databse I used in MSDE , the Dob field is smalldatetime . I tried get many get answer from some reference book ,but most of example are in updating String and Integer . I really need someone who knows the ways to update "date" field. Thank you .
  4. No . This is my course project . I designed a database system with VB. net and MSDE. How do I upload the database after install MSDE during Setup ?
  5. Yes . When it was shipped or when database was transferred to another MSDE . I knew that SQL Entreprise has provided such kind function but not MSDE.
  6. How to backup /restore a MSDE databse by using VS BASIC.NET ? Can anyone provide me the coding or show me where can i find the sample ? Thank you very much .
  7. The DOB column is datetime and allow null .
  8. Hi Nerseus I populate the form manually by using dats reader . My code: If mydataReader.Read() Then txtDOB.text = myDataReader.Item ("DOB").To string() txt..... End if I tried to write as : txtDOB.text = myDataReader.Item ("DOB").To string("d") but errors on code. Thank you .
  9. I do it as manullay by coding . Here is part of my coding : ****************************************** Dim strSql as String .... ... strSql = "UPDATe perosnal SET " & _ " Name = " & 'txtname.text & _ "....... & _ "DOB = " & 'Me.txtDon.text' ' Update to table scnSQL = New sqlconnection(Connectinstring) cnSQL.open() cmSQL = New SQLcommand(strSQL,cnSQL) cn.Close() ********************************************** Thank you
  10. When I run Sqladapter1.fill(Dataset) , one of the textbox filled with date and time . How to I format the textbox so that It only displayed Short date (without time) ? TQ
  11. I have a form where user can enter personal details into personal table. The table contains a DOB field which is datetime type. The form can insert or update string filed to table succesfully . But when comes to DOB field , the error occured . SHould i convert the textbox date to Date format ? How do I write the code ? Thank you .
  12. Thank you the comments . However , Most of the refrence book are talking about the MSDE and SQL . It is very difficult to troubleshoot a problem , get a reference and sample code when use Acess .
  13. I would to develop a database application used for single PC or single user only . The database only contains hundred of customer record , data entry form and reports . Which data source should I use : MSDE or Acess ? Please give commnets .
  14. I received an error - "The following exception has occured: InvalidOperationException: Cannot call Invoke or InvokeAsync on a control until the window handle has been created." The errors seems only appeared after I closed the runtime program and when I closed VS.NET . I suspected that this is data grid and tab control problem . Thedatagrid is located in tabcontrol . Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much. Inappropriate post? If so, Red Flag it!
  15. I used coding to bind datatable to datagrid e:g myDatagrid.Datasource = mytable The table contains 4 column : CutomerID , OrderId , price , qty How do I change the data grid to display only price and qty ?
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