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Everything posted by desmondtan

  1. In crystal report .net , we can select the databse source . After I selectso the database urce ( e:g SQLNorthwindDB) , I can only see those available tables but no views . If I using crystal report 8 , I can see both tables and views . There must be an option to filter the option . Do you know about that ?
  2. When doing crystal report , I can't see the database view from data source . I only can only select the table . I think that there is some option has disbaled this function. Anyone has idea ?
  3. You may run the batch which contained the "osql" command"attach" . I used this before and it is successful . You may go to microsoft knowledge base web site to find topic " attach MSDE2000 database" to get the answer.
  4. It is great and so easy.....
  5. The problems is when main form loaded first , we must disabled the toolbar and main menu before the user can successfully login. Do you have idea how to disabled these two control , and how to enabled it back after the user login ?
  6. My start up form asked the user the correct password , if password is correct , the main form displayed and close the star up form. Dim main as new mainform if passowrd = txtpassword.text then main.showdialog() me.close() else (retry ....) The main form can be displayed , but the starup form still would not be closed , but at the back of main form. Anyone knows ?
  7. Get it ! Thank you
  8. Does anyone knows how to prevent people type in combo box , but allows to select the items by drop down ?
  9. How to validate a field format , eg : 99-999999-999 in easier way ?
  10. What is UDF ? Could you show a simple example to explain this ?
  11. Yes. it works ! thank you very much. Another questions , what if we want to execute a batch file ? waht we should replace the "*iexplorer.exe" in syntax.
  12. Yes . I get it. In the batch , I do this way : SET para=hostname osql -E -S %hostanme%\instance .......... At command prompt , type the batchfilename . You can execute the osql in differnet machine.
  13. In my datagrid , there is a column display the boolean data from database filed ( True/False) . Instaed of True/False, I would like to format the boolean data to Yes/No or checkbox . How to implent this function ?
  14. You should state the problem clearly so that we can help you
  15. very that I still new in Vb.net , the MSDE is installed on local machine, deployed together with the program . Could you show me where I can find explanation on how to use ADO.NET to backup/restore database ?
  16. Hi joteke, thank you very much . I have one question to ask : 1. when attach/detach database using osql , we must specified the servername\instance , eg: osql -E -S servename\instance - i sp_attach.sql In Vb.net , we can replace the servername with [local] ( if msde is on local), but osql doesn't allow . How to I do it if I want to create a batch file for this command sp that it can run on diffrent machine (assume that the instance is same)
  17. Hi joteke , need advice form you . Do you have any experience to deploy the MSDE 2000 databse to another machine ? If I would like deploy my MSDE databse to another machine , which method is going to use - "backup/restore or attch/detach". "osql" can only run at command prompt , how to I run on Windows form based ?
  18. What if the HTML page is not a web address , HTML we page.( e:g help.html)
  19. Does anyone knows how to open a HTML page in browser when user click a button ?
  20. I deveoped a database in MSDE 2000. I would like to deploy it when installing with MSDE2000. How should I do that ?
  21. Does anyone knows how to backup and restore as well as attach anda detach databse from a MSDE 2000 Sql server ?
  22. Dopes anyone know how to deploy Vb.net application which it contains crystal report ? What are the file we should added to packaging in order for crystal report to run ? Is it the must to register crustal report in order for deployement and packaging ? Thank you very much in advance
  23. Hi Nerseus , follow your link provided , I managed find the Key based on solution . But I don't understand how to "add the "ASPNET" account from the local machine " in the article. Do you what is meaning of this "ASPNET" account ? What actually the account user I added into permission. Hope that you can help me. Thank you .
  24. TYou can downlaod 101 code sample form Microssoft web site . There is a data entry sample using Northwind . http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/downloads/samples/default.asp
  25. Can Weuse Try....catch...End try to catch the duplicate ID when updating ? What exception should use ?
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