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Everything posted by Hughng

  1. Don't use the class. It is buggy and will crash your application if selected path length > 135 characters (very unpredicatable when it will crashed).
  2. Take a look at the 4th line: Dim sLen As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(i).Length - 2 Don't you suppose to declare sLen as integer instead of String?
  3. Folderbrowserdialog If you are using .NET 2003 then you can use one of the control that builtin with it. I am assuming you are using VB.NET. Folderbrowserdialog control but be very careful when using this module. It contains a bug that will crash your app if the directory path longer than 135 characters (not everytime though). So it is fairly unpredictable when it crashs. Otherwise, you can use some of the browseforfolder class that will do it much better job but require some code change.
  4. What I did is created a hiden file in some directory and upon load my project I check with that file. Make sure you calculate the Hash with some other prase to avoid password hacking.
  5. Cool. Thank you very much for everyone help. Your helps are greatly appreciated.
  6. This software is using internal to about 10 - 20 users. I want to build a database so they can query what version software other machines have, their license number and who register it. This information is required to setup a tracking system that recording the exact location of each machine. To make the long story short, I need this information to be able to service any machine using my software and be able to know I should to go (we have 2 buildings and I don't want to go to the wrong one). And I don't want them to have to do anything beside send the hash key at registration time. Currently they have to send me the MAC Address + User Name + Hash key which is already stored the MAC Address + User name + HD serial number.
  7. Not a big problem but I want to keep track with some information from user system. Ex: The hash is generate from MAC address and HD serial number + user name + private key. I just want them to send me the Hash value then and I retrieve all other information from the hash key instead require them to send out those information. Basically, I just want to build a database of who is using my software. Thank you.
  8. Yes, it is not fully tested in .NET 2003 version. It also contains some bugs. One of the bug I found is that if you path length really long then you get exception raise when getting the path length. It is unpredictable when it happened. Basically, I start getting error around 155 characters or above.
  9. How do I decrypt an encrypted MD5 string. My program allow password to be encrypted using MD5 encrypting. Currently the only way I can checkk for valid password is encrypt the password and compare it with the original password. They match then I allow access otherwise don't. My question is how do I decrypt the original password so I can compare with the input from user instead of the current method which encrypt user input and verify with encrypted original password. Thank you.
  10. Ha, that's it. I did not know that I have to do that. Thank you very much for your help.
  11. Hello, I am using VB.NET 2003. I am trying to get the drive serial number + mac address through System.management name space. For some reason, it is not available in my machine. VB.NET 2003 does not know system.management name space at all. Do I have to do anything special to enable this name space? Thank you for your help, HN
  12. Thank you for your reply. Yes, it is excessive amount of item. This is one of the test routine that loop throught the whole list box. I use the list box to store the path to the correct reporting file for that single instance. To make the long story short, it is best if I leave the whole thing there.
  13. Does anyone know what is the max number of items listbox can hold? I have a program add a bunch of items in the list box. It always crash after around 12,000 - 13,000 entries. If that is the upper limit of list box, what should I use to get more number of items? Thank you very much, HN
  14. You can also set the text box properties to upper case then all characters appear in the box will be upper. You don't have to manually convert them :-).
  15. Go to the Options under Tools menus. Environments -> Help. Make sure it set to the correct Help collection you want to. You can either use the internal with is MSDN 2003 or external which is whatever you want to. Hope that help.
  16. Before you execute anything on that button, check to see if you barcode is filled. If not, set the focus on the barcode input box and request for re-scan. For better way to handle this by using button_KeyPress method. If the KeyPressed is not an enter Chr(13) key then re-direct the input to your barcode box. That way, you get what they scanned in.
  17. Thank you for your help. When I try to put the switch (-i) in the short cut path it keep telling me that it is not a valid path. Look like windows does not like the switch statement after their executable. Ex: C:\Programs\Form1.exe (FINE) C:\Programs\Form1.exe -i (NOT WORKING) Thank you. Also, how do I cast the value of a constant (changing it after initialized).
  18. I am just wondering that how I can accept external arguments for a VB.NET form application. The project does not have the main sub routine so I can not get it from there. Ex: When user click on icon A it will call C:\Programs\Form1.exe I would like to have icon B also call C:\Programs\Form1.exe -i -t or something like that. Can I do it with window from application? Thank you very much for your help, HN
  19. I would like to execute script command and/or file from VB.net form application. For example: My program will prompt for a input either file or command then it will execute the appropriate command or file after use select okay. How do I call Perl program and pass it the file it suppose to run and get back result from its run. Thank you very much for your help. HN
  20. Just wondering how I can invoke tickle or perl script in from VB.NET window form application? Thank you for your help.
  21. Hughng


    I am not sure what your question is. Are you try to parse the date format of mm/dd/yyyy to date type or you try to print out the date type to the format of mm/dd/yyyyy? - To parse the string to date use the parse function: Dim tdate As Date tdate = Date.Parse(m_textbox1.Text) - To format the date format to the format of mm/dd/yyyy Dim strDate as string strDate = Format(Now(), "MM/dd/yyyy") Hope that what you are looking for.
  22. I am not sure it work but try to replace the product ID code with package file *.msi. It might be able to pull the product name out of this instead of the "this product" stuff.
  23. Thank you very much. Activate method did it for me :-).
  24. I guess it depends on what you try to do with each line? - Are you going to parse the whole log into small section and do something else with it? - Are you going to go back and use the data somewhere else later? If you are going to use the log record more than few time and have to do a lot of stuff with it. Then my best guess is read them as array of string with each line is 1 string index of the array. That way, if your log is really big the array still be able to handle the log file.
  25. Thank you for your help divil, but bringtofront() does not work because it only apply with in the form. The problem is the whole form goes to inactive window so it does not help. HN
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