I am working my way through Jack Hoxleys DirectX9 (http://www.directx4VB.com) example. When I try and compile the application I get this error:
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'DrawText' accepts this number of arguments.
The line of code giving me this error is this:
fntOut.DrawText(sDevInfo, _
New Drawing.Rectangle(5, 5, 0, 0), _
DrawTextFormat.Left Or DrawTextFormat.Top, _
Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 128, 64))
fntOut declaration is this:
Private fntOut As Font
When I look at the declaration for the drawtext method of the font object the first parameter is always a sprite. It also says sprite can be null (which is what I want). How do you specify null in VB?
I have searched google for examples of this method but have not found a single example that uses the sprite object.
Can anyone help