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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Banjo

  1. I have noticed recently that the little icons in the left hand column do seem to work as you would expect. Its just the large blue "new post" buttons that remain when they shouldn't.
  2. Remember that the user statuses here are a snapshot of the statuses on EVBF when this forum was created. Obviously Lebb hasn't been promoted here yet.
  3. One for every occaision.
  4. Is it not out yet, or is it just a case of letting others find the bugs?
  5. Also, the quick jump item for Legacy VB takes you to a thread browser page with no threads. It would be nice if it took you straight to the EVBF main index.
  6. I don't know if it does this but it would be quite cool if it checked for MSDN and if not present tried to find the page on the MSDN web site instead. [edit]Oh, and what happens to people using different browsers.[/edit]
  7. What are they?
  8. What did you do to fix it?
  9. Banjo


    No, they are different DBs. The EVBF one was imported here so all current users there are valid here too. However, new signups will not automatically cross over. The .Net posts from EVBF were also ported across but none of the others. This is why your post count is different here (and hence your status). Hey, I have 5000+ posts on EVBF and I'm down to 51 over here ;)
  10. The trouble is that people rarely read the title text and this lack of attention will just cause the mods more work. The blank board category for a lot more obvious. However, I do think that the link need to stand out more. Maybe underlined all the time.
  11. So you what to do this in .Net?
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