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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Banjo

  1. I don't see the point. You have/or can download the Platform SDK easily enough. What's the point in duplicating it here. A besides, if you come here then you're looking for a way of doing a specific task. An alphabetical list is not the best way to find it. A categorised list would be much more useful.
  2. If you'd bothered to read some of the other posts in this forum (or God forbid, done a search) you'd see that this has been raised before. We're aware of the problem, but the resolution is being slowed by the change of owners. It'll be fixed as soon as possible.
  3. Incidentally, Derek, do you know if Longhorn will support existing VB6/API programs or is it going to be purely .Net?
  4. ok, nevermind. Here it is:database.zip
  5. Happy Birthday
  6. You can prevent an app from being closed but not from being terminated. There is a difference.
  7. Firstly, you can not prevent your app from being closed purely in your code. You can disable the close option on the window menu (and the close button in the control box along with it) but the user will always be able to kill your program using the task manager. The only way to prevent this is to use Window user security to deny the users access to the task manager.
  8. Part of the trick to using the help system is to read the articles. They give you a lot of information about how things slot together, including practical examples.
  9. Heh, the only thing I ever used a BBC for was annoying the librarians with endlessly repeating .... er.... "hello world" programs. ;)
  10. Derek, that may be the case in the States but over here many schools are struggling. Not enough investment from the government (while MPs simultaneously increase their own salaries way above inflation, but I'm not going to get started on that ;)). The trouble is that since schools don't generate revenue the decision to give them discounts or not often relates to the price of your product in the first. For example, we sell our main product for £2000 a unit. This is way more than schools and hospitals can afford and so they get a sizable discount. However, if we were selling something like Winzip at say £30 per unit then there'd be less need to discount. And of course you have to consider the implications of getting more people using your software. To again use the company I work for as an example, our software is used both in schools and universities and in real world companies. We have around 80% market share in University stations and we are increasingly finding this is benefitting us since as these students move into the commerical stations they are pressing to use things they are familiar with. So basically the decision to discount or not should be based on how much you think you can get away with charging them full price and the potential benefits of getting your product used early.
  11. I actually do quite like that new toolbar look, although it should probably be used with slightly paler tones than they have used.
  12. Divil: So long as it doesn't become modern art then your ok. ;)
  13. In addition to posting here about .Net specific programming problems, if you want to discuss general game writing techniques/algorithms then you could try the Game Programming forum over at http://www.visualbasicforum.com. Just remember that most of the examples and general thinking will be for VB6 so you will need to translate the approaches they give to .Net and decide if they can be made to fit better with the properly OO nature of VB.Net.
  14. I agree. Nice site Divil. Crisp, clean and stylish. And not a flash movie in sight; Amen brother!
  15. Mozilla would be a great browser and I would still be using it if it weren't for the fact that if you keep opening and closing tabs for long enough it just grinds to a halt or crashes. Annoyingly this is a bug that present back in Netscape 4. You'd think they'd have fixed it by now. Opera has a similar although not as drastic problem but has a decent solution if not a fix. The autosave sessions mean that you can simply fire it up again and continue where you left off.
  16. Oh yeah, and make sure that both the redirect checkboxes are checked. Nerseus: Opera is much improved in its latest incarnation and the only thing that I've found it incapable of is Windows Network Authentication. The main reason for using it is the tabbed browsing capabilities.
  17. Well, I have the one that works set to: No document or other caching. You can leave image caching on (and you should as it'll speed things up). Server Checking is set to 5 hours on all three.
  18. Yes, the decision is still being discussed. [visble to mods only] Right, gag him! [/visible to mods only]
  19. I have a similar problem sometimes. Just hit F5 to refresh to page.
  20. Wow, talk about hedging your bets!! If you have a stable and deployed app then I would only consider re-writing it if you want or need to add some major new functionality. Don't re-write it for the sake of using .Net. That said, if you're going to do a major re-write then you may as well go with .Net.
  21. Win98 will not run services. And mutant, it is possible to set a machine to automatically log on.
  22. Ok, so I just need to wrapper class. I am aware of the need for the framework. We were just looking to make use of some of the .Net functionality without needing to re-write a major product from VB6 to VB.Net.
  23. ok, but what about existing compiled assemblies (in particular the .Net framework assemblies)? Is it possible to generate COM reg info from a compiled assembly and if not do you know if the framework assemblies have the necessary options turned on?
  24. Is that possible and if so how is it done?
  25. No, I have no idea, not having done any serious work with .Net yet. It just seemed like a weird thing to omit. Hang on, why'd you need a toolbox icon distributed anyway. I assume that the license does not allow your customers to pass on the dev license to third party developers from their clients.
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