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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Banjo

  1. Yeah, the trouble is that without going through the training you'll just die horribly when you play the game for real.
  2. I hate Halo's vehicle handling. It's so sloppy. I'd have to say UT, although I used to play Doom alot when it was first released. They're really showing their age now. And of course, any of the Jedi Knight games. No realistic weapons quite compare to using a Light Sabre.
  3. If you look at it the other way, MS are still finding security holes in Win2K even after 3 years.
  4. Joe Mamma and ArchAngel: You have yet to provide a single solid example that supports your argument that C# provides real productivity gains over VB.Net. Perhaps you could do so.
  5. There's a simple reason for that. There are no MS based forum packages that have comarable feature sets to vBulletin.
  6. Oddly, here ISDN is much more expensive than ADSL. No idea why.
  7. Is that 3.5 megabytes or megabits (don't you just hate the acronym people :)). Either way you have a significant speed advantage over most users. If it mbits/s then you're 2-6 times faster than my home connection and if it's mbytes/s then multiply by 8! I think that might explain why page load times aren't a factor for you. And of course, I'm on a 512kbits/s connection here so I'm ten times faster than the poor dialup users. I know a couple of users who have mentioned being really fed up with accessing the forum on a dialup.
  8. Of course. That is always the case when doing cross platform work. You code to the lowest common denominator. This is a concept that is already familiar to web designers having to code for several different browsers. You either keep it basic and compatable, use the clever features of one platform and exclude access from the rest or you can re-write the clever bits once for each platform using the proprietry technique available on each. I didn't say it would hard, just not a priority for *nix users. And C# being more professional thing is just a hangover piece of snobbery from the C/C++ vs. VB6 argument. In .Net there is no real difference between the two and certainly no speed advantage to use C#. The main difference comes down to which syntax you prefer. You're not kidding! :) Of course, you're assuming that that is their original roadmap and not one that keeps getting revised as deadline come and go!
  9. I suspect the reason that there is no VB.Net compiler is that *nix people aren't familiar with VB in general. They are mostly C programmers and so C# is the obvious choice. Of course .Net assemblies are platform independant (to a point) and so in theory you could compile your VB.Net on Windows and then build it into a *nix executable using Mono.
  10. PWNettle's point applies here too. VB6 has been around a lot longer than .Net and so there are many, many more articles on the web. Even so that forum still thrives. The page bloat issue is slightly harder. XVBT is much larger and has much more inertia. I think that the slow page load times are having a more influential effect here due the small size of this forum. We are looking at the possibility of coming up with a slimmer style but that is a large undertaking that iNet are not interested in doing themselves. As Robby should, he and most of the Admins have many constraints on our time. Just bear with us. Paul: How fast is that cable modem? I'm on a 1mbps ADSL line here and there is a noticable amount of page loading going on.
  11. Remember that Windows has a huge market share. I wouldn't be surprised if MS is just waiting for .Net to become the primary platform on Windows. When this happens (and hence the vast majority of applications are .Net based) then it will be in the interest of Apple and Linux to write CLR for their own systems. This way MS avoid the cost of doing it themselves when they will see very little direct benefit. Remember that MS makes nothing from the framework. They make money from selling the IDE.
  12. Smart phones have small screens when compared to a PDA because they are still phones. If you are a heavy PDAer then I'd recommend you get a blueooth PDA and a small bluetooth phone. All in one units are still a compromise. That said, the Nokia Communicator isn't too bad, although you'll feel like you're back in the 80s. ;)
  13. All the legal wrangling is particularly amusing now since MS and Sun have just signed a cross licensing deal that will make Java available to MS again, if they want it.
  14. As was mentioned above, there is already a thread rating system. It is hardly ever used. The trouble with rating systems like this is the same as Iceplug mentioned earlier. It's always the extreme ends that vote regularly. The middle never vote. And with the extremes it also seems to be the case that the negative people vote more religiously than the positive ones. This results in a data slew that makes the system misleading and irrelevant.
  15. This is why you should never throw/give away old computers when you upgrade. Keep them around and test your programs on them.
  16. No, not at the moment.
  17. It should be fixed now.
  18. The problem doesn't affect Opera either.
  19. I think Bob meant that as a work around solution until we've fixed the bug. I've narrowed down the location of the problem but want to have a chat with iNet's vB and style guys since they're the one's who did the upgrade so it'll be Monday before it's sorted out. In the mean time follow Bob's advice and disable script error notification.
  20. We've decided that at the moment the level of CF traffic does not warrant it's own forum. However we will keep your suggestion mind and if demand picks up we'll re-visit it.
  21. Firstly, my avatar is the same in both places. The eyes thing is lebb's speciality. She added glowing red eyes. I also have a Christmas "fairy light" version which glows red and green in sequence. Again blame lebb for that one. Bill's avatar is Bill wearing a KFC bag!
  22. Thanks for the suggestion. We'll consider it.
  23. If you have access to VS6 that comes with two little utilities that could help. Depends (for standard DLLs) and OLE View (for COM ones). I have no idea if VS.Net comes with similar programs.
  24. LOL, I have a thing for large jewels :) It's Edwin the Mage from Baldur's Gate, although I chose it because it does sort of look like my (minus the robes of course).
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