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Everything posted by whosyodaddy

  1. Can you put Macrodmedia Flash files and have them show up & play in Visual Basic. NET? The .swf? I really need to, thanks!
  2. Hey! I am tottaly new to Visual Basic, and im using .NET. I saw the book "Visual Basic. NET Step by Step 2003" scanned it, and it seemed pretty easy. Is this a good book to buy? Any comments? And are there any site's that offer Visual Basic . NET Tutorials for free? I search and all I can find are those programs you have to pay. Please help:rolleyes: Thanks:D
  3. Hello All. I know this is sorta a large question to ask.... but, I think It's simple to answer.... Ok, here it is, how do you make it so when somebody clicks on a button it searches for updates for that program from a website? For example, when you click on it, it goes to my website, and a certain part of the website tells the program that there is a newer version, so it downloads it. It shows a progress bar for the download too. Thank You.
  4. thanks for the info! aLthough i dont know how to create a web service nor try and catch...
  5. ok, well, how do i change the image whenever i want when other people have the program too?
  6. my website. or my computer. whatever one is easiest.
  7. i want it so that i can choose what image they see and what text they see daily. whenever they run the program, yea, transmitted over web...
  8. ok, I am making a simple program, which is basically has new info everyday. What I am saying is, everyday when you run it, different stuff will appear. Sort of like a news-tracker. What I want is the user to open it and, lets say, a certain image appears (although the image is not built in the program, so It will have to be updated everyday automatically) and i choose the image. how would i go about doing this? It is quite a large question. I've read some books, and still, have no clue how to do this. Thanks. :D
  9. Grimfort, i am new to .NET and just need to know some simple stuff. Books don't provide the answers i need though. I'm thinking of buying "Visual Basic.NET Step by Step". These forums are also a friendly environment and understand what i need help with.
  10. ok Thanks :) , i will try these codes in a little bit.;)
  11. how do you make it so that lets say you click on "Food" in the MainMenu on Form1, then Form2 comes up. And then when you click on the button OK on Form2, Form1 and Form2 quits?:confused: :D
  12. what is the code for a basic HTML link? for some you put "" "<a href=></a>" what is the basic HTML code in VBNET to create a link to a website.
  13. thanks:D
  14. is it possible so that when the user clicks on exit in the mainmenu, it exits, and then displays a messagebox? vise-versa. this doesn't work: Form1.ActiveForm.Close() & MessageBox.Show ("This method does not work please help!") if there is no way then how would you link the Exit to another Form, and then when you click OK on the other form it quits both forms?
  15. is it possible to put a link in a message box? also, can you link to another form?
  16. ok thank you!
  17. ok, but how do i align something? like align text to the center?
  18. how do i put a picture in a message box? if this is the code...: MessageBox.Show("'Operation X' version 1.00 Copyright 2003")
  19. wow thanks alot!!
  20. if i wanted 2 new lines would i do like "System.Environment.NewLine & System.Environment.NewLine" ?? ok i tried that and that worked. THANKS TO EVERYBODY!!!
  21. oh thanks! and to make it easier to read, how would i bold a certain part? If (s.Equals("007 Agent Under Fire")) Then TextBox1.Text += Golden CH-6 & System.Environment.NewLine & Beat level 2 with 50,000 or more points " "Infinite missiles while in the car: Beat level 3 with 70,000 or more points, " & _ "Get Mp model - poseidon guard: Get 130000 points and all 007 medallions for level 11, Get " & _ regenerative armor: Get 130000 points For level 11 " & ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() ElseIf (s.Equals("Aggressive Inline")) Then TextBox1().Text = "Bam!" End If how would i Bold Golend CH-6 in visual basic? (NET)
  22. hey thanks, so if i do '& _" after i do System.Environment.NewLine, it creats a new line instead of always doing "System.Environment.NewLine"?
  23. where would i post those codes? right after the text i want returned? If (s.Equals("007 Agent Under Fire")) Then TextBox1.Text += "Golden CH-6: Beat level 2 with 50,000 or more points Infinite missiles while in the car: Beat level 3 with 70,000 or more points, Get Mp model - poseidon guard: Get 130000 points and all 007 medallions for level 11, Get regenerative armor: Get 130000 points for level 11 " + ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() ElseIf (s.Equals("Aggressive Inline")) Then TextBox1().Text = "Bam!" End If if i want a return in between where it says points and Infinite Missles, where would i put the code you gave me?
  24. ONE MORE QUESTION INVOLVING THE MENU: how do you make it so that when you click on something in the MainMenu, a message box appears?
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