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  1. uhh..yea...thanks..but my question was about non-urls like system file paths..those are what i want to show as links. in other words, something like this: c:\test\db and not something like: http://www.yahoo.com. is this possible?? :confused:
  2. Hi, I have a RichTextBox that contains links to files in my system directory, i.e. c:\db\files. I would like to display these file paths as clickable links similar to how the detectURLs feature creates clickable links for URLS like http://www.yahoo.com. Is there a way to do this? Thanks.
  3. Yes, but for paths like "c:\documents and settings" that won't work. :(
  4. Hi, I would like to search a string and return any filepaths within that string. Is there any existing method that can do this for me? Thanks.
  5. How do I check if a file is currently already open for read or write?
  6. Hi, I have an array that contains strings like this: "Connection_1.xml" "Connection_10.xml" "Connection_2.xml" "Connection_3.xml" I would like to sort the array so that "Connection_10.xml" is last rather than 2nd in the list. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? Thanks.
  7. Hi, I am new to Visual C++. I have a 2d array in my function. char array[MAX][MAX]; I then fill in the contents of the array, say, like this: array[0][0]='a'; array[0][1]='b'; array[0][2]='\0'; Now when I run the debugger and want to view the contents of the 2D array, I don't see them. If I type this in my watch window: array[0] it says "error: index 0 out of bounds for pointer/array 'array' " same error comes up if I type something like this in my watch window: array[0],4 Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I really need to be able to view contents of my 2d array! Thanks for any ideas.
  8. THANKS! you rock! i'm dumb..shoulda noticed that :) thanks again! :cool:
  9. lol..no no..i just wrote "file path" so that i don't have to write out the actual path. weird why it wont work for me - this is what im doing: Dim fi As New IO.FileInfo(filen) fi.Attributes = fi.Attributes Or IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly MsgBox("locked") Dim fileS As New System.IO.StreamReader(filen) searchMe = fileS.ReadToEnd() fileS.Close() fi.Attributes = fi.Attributes Or IO.FileAttributes.Normal MsgBox("unlocked") I get the same error message when I try to write to it after it is locked and unlocked... :confused:
  10. It gives me the same message that I get when the file is set to read only: CANNOT CREATE THE "FILE PATH" FILE. MAKE SURE THAT THE PATH AND FILENAME ARE CORRECT. :(
  11. hey thanks! that worked nice. one thing, how do i set it to read and write access again after that? I tried: fi.attributes=io.fileattributes.normal msgbox("unlocked") But when I try to write to the file after the msgbox comes up, it won't let me. Thanks for your help!
  12. Hi, I am trying to make a file read only in VB. My code is as follows: Dim f2 As New System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission(System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess.NoAccess, filen) MsgBox("locked") Once the message box appears and I open the file, it allows me to write to it. What am I missing? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Hi, I have the following code: Dim htmlfile As System.IO.StreamWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(newstr) What I want to do is: if newstr exists, overwrite its contents. how can i implement this as the above code does not do this. thanks.
  14. the folder browser dialog box is a component of visual studio 2003 that allows the user to select a directory in a dialog box..similar to the file dialog box..except it only shows directories. so what i want to do is display the directories on the ftp server in that dialog... any ideas are appreciated.
  15. i am now wondering how i can display the files and directories on the server in the folder browser dialog box...anyone know if there is a way to do this? thanks!
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