I have got the function working, but I cannot get the RichTextBox to actually scroll to the of the scrollbar. If I click on the scrollbar it scrolls to the value, but only if I click on it.... can anyone think of a solution?
Dim s As String,Value, Min, Max, temp As Integer
GetScrollRange(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT, Min, Max)
Value = GetScrollPos(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT)
If Max - Value = rtbData.Height Or Max - Value = rtbData.Height - 1 Or Max - Value = 0 Then
rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength
rtbData.SelectedRtf = s
rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength
temp = rtbData.SelectionStart
rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength
rtbData.SelectedRtf = s
rtbData.SelectionStart = temp
SetScrollPos(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT, Value, True)
End If
' This code scrolls the scrollbar if it is at the max value, if not, it does not scroll.
' Look at the chat windows in AIM and mIRC to see at what I'm trying to accomplish.