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Everything posted by cRuLo

  1. the .net framework is a large file. i would suggest just offering a zip file with the .net framework and your app and one with your app and without the framework.
  2. i am having the same exact problem. this is what the Message Box looks like APPLICATION.EXE - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services ----------------------------------------------------------- Application has generated an exception that could not be handled Process id=0xffc08637 (-4159945), Thread id=0xffc251a3 (4042333). Click OK to terminate the application. Click CANCEL to debug the application. Ok Cancel
  3. enter is Chr(13) .... not Chr(10)
  4. How do I use this message in VB.NET. I have sendmessage declared and it works with other messages, just not this one. Public Function GetWordUnderCursor(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As String Dim pt As PointAPI Dim As Integer Dim ch As String Dim txt As String Dim txtlen As Integer Dim _start As Integer Dim _end As Integer pt.x = x pt.y = y ' position of character under cursor = SendMessage(rtbData.Handle, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0&, pt) 'This shyt wont ing work! If <= 0 Then Exit Function End If txt = rtbData.Text ' get start position of word under cursor For _start = To 1 Step -1 ch = Mid$(txt, _start, 1) If ch = Chr(32) Or ch = vbCr Or ch = vbLf Or ch = vbNewLine Then Exit For Next _start _start = _start + 1 ' get end position of word under cursor txtlen = Len(txt) For _end = To txtlen ch = Mid$(txt, _end, 1) If ch = Chr(32) Or ch = vbCr Then Exit For Next _end _end = _end - 1 End Function the x and y values are grabbed from the MouseMove function and passed over to this code. When it goes to run the " = SendMessage(rtbData.Handle, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0&, pt)" part, I get an Invalid parameter error or something... what's up? Everything is declared. This is how you did it in VB6...exactly how. For some reason all the "p o s" (without the spaces) were replaced with three whitespaces.
  5. I have got the function working, but I cannot get the RichTextBox to actually scroll to the of the scrollbar. If I click on the scrollbar it scrolls to the value, but only if I click on it.... can anyone think of a solution? Dim s As String,Value, Min, Max, temp As Integer GetScrollRange(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT, Min, Max) Value = GetScrollPos(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT) If Max - Value = rtbData.Height Or Max - Value = rtbData.Height - 1 Or Max - Value = 0 Then rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength rtbData.SelectedRtf = s rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength Else temp = rtbData.SelectionStart rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength rtbData.SelectedRtf = s rtbData.SelectionStart = temp SetScrollPos(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT, Value, True) End If ' This code scrolls the scrollbar if it is at the max value, if not, it does not scroll. ' Look at the chat windows in AIM and mIRC to see at what I'm trying to accomplish.
  6. i got what i want, but im still having problems, check my new post.
  7. well, no answers... anyone know where i might find one? help site...?
  8. what are you talking about...? the values of the scroll bar on controls are not visible in the property window. I am not talking about the scrollbar control. i am talking about the scrollbars in like text boxes. The ones you don't have control over...i want control over them.
  9. what would I do to access them?
  10. Scrollbars Many controls allow a scroll bar to be visable. Is there a way to find the max, min, and current values of these scrollbars. And can you set the position (value) with .net code?
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