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About karatekid

  • Birthday May 26

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    porgrammer, student
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
  • .NET Preferred Language

karatekid's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Once a dataview is filtered, to do something using its first row, would u say: for instance, label1.text = dataview.item(1)("MyCOlumn") OR label1.text = mydataview.item(0)("MyColumn") Which would bring up the first row in the filtered dataview.
  2. harhar yep. to hog: :p and to rodrigo: Public CLass Sociallife Public friends as integer Public cool as string Public looks as string End Class Adam.Sociallife.friends = 500000 Adam.Sociallife.cool = "over the top" Adam.Sociallife.looks = "hot" Rodrigo.sociallife.friends = 4 Rodrigo.Sociallife.cool = "sigh" Rodrigo.Sociallife.looks= "sigh" :p (btw im kidding dont blow a gasket)
  3. SORRY Hey guys - sorry i couldnt rspnd. For the rpg AND space captain thingys: both are discontinued due to short attentiion span :p! But me and my attention span made apact and were gonna work together on a new game: Timewar. The story of timewar is that a time machine was invented, and food\money was no longer an issue, u could go back in time give ur ancestors some cash and ur whole famiy tree'd be rich (same reason for food). But the rebels to the U.N. steal a machine and send their "General Matt Kerss" to the major wars of the past to ruin them (for example, allowing napoleon to win would change the future, eh?). "you", John Bait has been sent to chase Kerss around his traveling and stop him. Gameplay is basically advance wars-like... Bait and Kerss are made the leaders of the two teams in every war they visit... We have the basic 3d engine made. email me @ adamcoimbra@msn.com if u have any questions. -adam
  4. when i posted that, i meant that i wanted to assemble a group or team to make it, i didnt mean that i wanted advice
  5. Hey everyone! I got a pretty good idea for a captain of spaceship like game engine. It consists of deployment (ie deploying scout miniships to enlarge your map and fighters to help fight enemies.) Also ship battling, using a targeter, with your choice of available weapons. Also, it has movement control in which you can use auto pilot or fly the ship yourself. I need help badly, though if your interested im me, email me, or reply to this post. I want to make it in C# or Vb.net NOT C++. PLease help me guys, this is a pretty good oppertunity. Thx in advanced ;)
  6. I was wondering if anyone knew of an up to date rpg game tutorial for vb.net? Thx :)
  7. Listen... I dont think that a game programming forum should sway you one way or the other. This is because u dont have to view it and <most likely> it wont sway your time at dotnetforums. On the other hand, there are many ways that others could benefit greatly from it. SO why would you care? maybe if there was a game programming forum you would be helped by it too. I know for myself, programming visual basic is a hobby and i just a kid so... if any of you were 11 year old children who love playing video games what do you think you'd want to find a forum about programming? And dont say to yourselves "oh children shouldnt be messing with programming anyway" because, if im gonna be a programmer when i grow up... I'll have started young enough to have mastered stuff like ado.net and directx at 16. I think u should find it in your heart to actual help the cause, because its a nice thing to do for others - why do u care if other people get assistance. PS please dont like hack my computer or do anything like that i DONT want to start anything - this is just my opinion....
  8. sorry yo guys my aim is either: adamcoimbra coimbraadam karatekid840 SOrry for the inconveniance CUrrently using coimbraadam
  9. THX THX evrybody still open to suggestions but 1 question: Is c# like C++ cause c++ is really hard looking. Also i need some directx help it is also confusing. If you know of any tutorials please show them to me. Once again THX Adam
  10. YO- Cant specify full age but I am a kid who recently got into vb.net programming and was wondering if anyone who is also below age like 16 would mind im - ing me or emailing. AIM: adamcoimbra MSN: Adamcoimbra@msn.com EMAIL: Adamcoimbra@msn.com OK specifically kids who like game prgrmmng - always open to help...:D:cool
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