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About WaddellG

  • Birthday 05/19/1975

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Lead Application Developer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio 2008
  • .NET Preferred Language
    VB.NET, VB, C# at a push

WaddellG's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi, I hope you have this solved by now but just in case anyone else out there is wondering how to deploy from an Express edition you need to do it with the ClickOnce deployment instead of creating a deployment project: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/t71a733d(VS.80).aspx You can also use ClickOnce from any of the other editions of VS ( I think from VS 2005 on but could be wrong..)
  2. Hi, I've written an app in VB.net for bulk mailing of clients customers. As part of this app I have to insert OMR markers into the documents that are being printed off. The issue that I am having is that I can open an Acrobat file and insert the markers then print off the document for the first customer but when the app gets to the second customers documents and tries to open the same acrobat document for them I get an error telling me the document is already open by another user / processs. When I look at task manager, I can see an Acrobat process is still open on my machine. I've tried specifically closing the app, the avdocument and the PDdocument Here is my code, basically I copy another PDF template doc into the one I'm printing and copy the Annot that contains the correct OMR on to each page : Public Sub PrintAdobe (byref sFile as String) dim destFile, strOMR as string dim acroApp, acroAV, acroPD, acroAV1, acroPD1, srcPage, destPage, PageSize, srcAnnot, destAnnot, acroRect As object dim intPage, endPage, srcPageNum, PageHeight, intAnnot as integer On Error GOTO ErrHandler if File.Exists(sFile) then 'copy to new destination file destFile = replace(sFile, ".pdf", "_OMR.pdf") if File.Exists(destFile) Then File.Delete(destFile) File.Copy(sFile, destFile) 'Initialise our Acrobat objects acroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App") acroAV = createObject("AcroExch.AVDoc") acroAV.Open(destFile, dir(destFile)) acroPD = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") acroPD = acroAV.GetPDDoc endPage = acroPd.GetNumPages - 1 'need to insert a template PDF page with OMR markers perdefined as Annots acroAV1 = CreateObject("AcroExch.App") acroAV1.Open (OMRTEMPLATEPATH, "OMRTemplate.pdf") acroPD1 = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") 'inserting Template acroPD.InsertPages(-2,acroPD1,0,1,False) srcPageNum = acroPD.GetNumPages - 1 srcPage = acroPD.AcquirePage(srcPageNum) for intPage = 0 to endPage 'increase global page count gPageCount = gPageCount + 1 strOMR ="OMR_" 'if last page in the batch need envelope Insert if gPageCount = gLastPage then strOMR = strOMR & "I_" else strOMR = strOMR & "S_" end if 'add our OMR sequence Number strOMR = strOMR & gIntSeq ' now we have the name of the OMR Marker we are looking for e.g. OMR_S_1 'get the current page object destPage = acroPD.AcquirePage(intPage) 'need to find height of page in order to place OMR PageSize = destPage.GetSize() PageHeight = PageSize.y 'parse through each template Annot and find matching name for intAnnot = 0 to srcPage.GetNumAnnots - 1 srcAnnot = srcPage.GetAnnot(intAnnot) if srcAnnot.GetTitle = strOMR then 'add the src annot to the page destPage.AddAnnot(-2, srcAnnot) destAnnot = destPage.GetAnnot(0) acroRect = destAnnot.GetRect with acroRect 'position our annot .Left = 3.3 .right = 54 if PageHeight > 253.85 then 'should be but just in case... 'N.B. Acrobat coordinates in points @ 72pt/inch starting in bottom left of page .top = PageHeight - 163.75 .bottom = PageHeight - 253.85 end if end with destAnnot.SetRect(acroRect) 'update our Rectangle destAnnot.SetOpen(1) 'Open our Annot in print gintSeq = gintSeq + 1 if gintSeq > 7 then gintSeq = 0 Exit For End If next next acroPD.Save(PDSaveFlags.PDSaveFull, destFile) acroAV.PrintPagesSilent(0, endPage, 2, False, False) System.Threading.thread.sleep(1000) 'give it a second to print end if OUT: If not acroPD is nothing then acroPD.close() acroPD = nothing end if If not acroAV is nothing then acroAV.Close() acroAV = nothing End If If not acroApp is nothing then acroApp.CloseAllDocs() acroApp.Exit() acroApp = nothing End If killAcrobat Exit Sub ErrHandler: On Error Resume Next msgbox(Err.Number &": " &Err.Description, MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) Resume OUT End Sub I even tried writing a routine to go through my computers processes and kill / close Adobe Public sub killAcrobat() Dim myProcess As Process On Error Resume Next If Process.GetProcessesByName("Acrobat").Length > 0 Then 'acrobat is still open Do Until Process.GetProcessesByName("Acrobat").Length = 0 'get each instance of Acrobat For Each myProcess In Process.GetProcessesByName("Acrobat") 'Attempt to close it myProcess.Close() Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) 'wait either a second If Not myProcess.HasExited Then 'still not gone myProcess.Kill() ' force closure End If myProcess = Nothing Next Loop End If myProcess = Nothing End Sub
  3. Hi, Not sure if this is useful or not but it maybe part of the issue. Unlike Word, Excel etc Acrobat does not base it's page coordinates from the top left of a page but rather from the bottom left. e.g. If I want to put a 3pt * 3pt square shape into word that is 2 pt in and 6pt down I'd use: wdDoc.Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 2, 6, 3, 3).Select() However in Acrobat, I'd have to find the height of the Page, set the top value as the page height - 6, then specify the bottom value as pageheight -9 (6+3)
  4. WaddellG

    Edit PDF?

    Hi The Acrobat SDK is full of examples but you must have Acrobat installed (not Reader) to manipulate a file. You should be able to download it from here: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/
  5. I'd say you aren't the only person who has run in to this mine field.... You could say that your server has a licenced copy of Excel and that only a single user (whoever your app runs under is accessing it) but it is a tricky one as you will be hitting it concurrently. In all honesty if Microsoft can't tell you then look at the EULA for Excel/office and see what it says - I'd recommend a strong cup of coffee to get you through reading that!!!
  6. Hi You don't actually need to specify the printer in the PrintOut command, instead you can set it at the Word Application level: wordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass(); WordApp.ActivePrinter = YourFaxPrinter If you want to specify the Tray you would use: wordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass(); wordApp.ActivePrinter = "YourFaxPrinter" Word.Document doc = wordApp.Documents.Open(ref oFaxFile, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue); doc.PageSetup.FirstPageTray = "TrayName" Not sure how to specify the other fax properties though.
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