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About Algar

  • Birthday 05/07/1980

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    IT Manager
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio.NET
  • .NET Preferred Language
    Visual Basic.NET

Algar's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Algar


    Ahh great, thanks
  2. Algar


    Sorry, whats CLR ? I am closing, disposing, setting all object to Nothing, forcing the collect at the end of the load, and its still the exact same.
  3. Algar


    Ok, well then that explains the vast difference, but still leaves the question of how could 1 small form take up 22 megs right after being loaded ?
  4. Algar


    I have a small VB.Net application, couple small forms. Main form has a ListView, Listbox, statusbar, main menu and a 100k jpg. The load event populates the listbox and listview controls with 2-3 items each from an access db. The following is the memory at variouse stages: After Load: 21 megs Move form around screen: 22 megs Minize form:600k Maximize form: 4 megs Move form around screen: 4.1 megs Minimize form:600k Maximize form: 4 megs etc... The Virtual Memory remains a constant 10.5 megs at all times. I dispose the connection object and close the DB reader... why does it hog so much at first and reduce so much when minimimzed ? I read a previous post from a long time ago about someone having the same problem as myself, though it never really got solved so I thought I'd try now.
  5. Ok, sorry, time to reduce font size :) thanks a lot !
  6. In VB6 the combo or listbox control had a drop down style. I don't see a dropdown style in .net, and the only control I could find is for web forms. Is there another way or do I need to prevent editing of a combobox somehow ?
  7. Ok, I guess the form designer code managed to trigger something cause I put a boolean var holding the db operation till the end of the form load and it works fine now.
  8. To be more accurate, the error is: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll Additional information: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. with the line: sSql = "SELECT * FROM Courses WHERE Name = '" & cboCourses.Items(0) & "'"
  9. Doh, thats the first thing I tried :) Brings around more problems then.... I have a sql string using ComboBox1.Items(0) during the form load which is giving me an out of bounds error, but its after the code which populates the list. If I call MsgBox (ComboBox1.Items(0)) after the form is loaded it works fine giving me the first Item in the list. How is this possible ?
  10. VB.NET ComboBox I am trying to get the Text of a Combobox item by refferencing the index of the item. Sounds pretty easy but ive been fooling with it for half an hour now and no luck. Thanks in advance.
  11. Ok so I forgot about IsNumeric.... my bad :)
  12. sorry thats http://www.allapi.net
  13. You can find all the API's you need as well as download the API list/viewer at http://www.allapi.com
  14. With all these new .NET things im wondering whats the best way to test if a textbox contains any non-numbers. The best I came up with was: Dim i As Integer = TexBox.Text.Length Dim ctr As Integer For ctr = 1 To i If Asc(TextBox.Text.Chars(ctr - 1)) > 57 Or Asc(sender.Text.Chars(ctr - 1)) < 48 Then 'its not a number End If Next Seems like there must be a way to improve on this ?
  15. Ahhh im pretty new to .NET. I didn't know about Strict, or the object methods. Thanks a lot !
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