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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. No, it isn't going to recognize the whole array. You have to do the AddHandler for each member of the array.
  2. Where are you putting the code? divil's code works ok for me.
  3. With .Net, I don't assume anyone has a cd. Since all the core components are basically a free download, and cheap/free third-party IDEs are starting to appear, who knows what anyone has.
  4. From the Microsoft web site of course! It is a 20mb download though.
  5. Put your code inside of [code][/code] tags, or you could try the new [vb][/vb] tags, but they mostly understand VB6 keywords.
  6. Similar recent question... http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33180 I expect you need at least the pro version.
  7. Maybe this will help... http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22142 There are a number of good samples in the .net framework SDK.
  8. This is so frustrating. That looks like a great replacement for the TextWidth, but MSDN.net makes no mention of it in the areas talking about what methods to use to replace ones that don't exist anymore. (See Graphics Changes in Visual Basic .NET)
  9. With VB6, it would be a simple matter of using the Form.TextWidth but they did away with that in .net. If you are using the Graphics.Drawstring method, there are overloaded versions that have a RectangleF parameter. I think you could use that to set the area where your text is drawn.
  10. Good question. I suggest you look it up on the MS web site. If the standard edition can be upgraded, it will tell you there. But if you find that it can, try searching the web for a dealer that sells the upgrade because the prices quoted on the MS site are usually higher than a dealer sells them for.
  11. If you are asking why events like Activated don't fire in the Child, then all I can say is, Good Question. There is probably a perfectly logical reason for it, but I can't find it right now.
  12. There is a sample in the .net framework SDK. It would be a good idea not to post in all caps. It looks like you are shouting at everyone.
  13. Well, the reason you can say Form4.Hide or Form3.Hide is because VB6 automatically creates global object references for you (including the Forms collection). So it really wouldn't be inefficient for you to merely duplicate in code what VB6 was doing whether you needed it or not. In this case however, it appears that the mdi parent already holds a collection of mdichildren (referenced as Me.MdiChildren). So, you should be able to use that collection to determine what forms are loaded, etc.
  14. One possible way to handle it is add a public sub to your mdichild class and in the MDIChildActivated event call that sub. Let's say that the mdichild class is called myMDIChild and the sub is GotFocus. In the parent it would be... Private Sub MDIChildActivated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MainForm.MdiChildActivate Dim temp As myMDIChild If (Me.ActiveMdiChild Is Nothing) Then 'being closed Else temp = CType(Me.ActiveMdiChild, myMDIChild) temp.GotFocus() End If End Sub Then in the myMDIChild class... Public Sub GotFocus() MsgBox(Me.Text & " Got focus") End Sub I hope I am understanding what you need.
  15. Not having a clue about doing a .net install I don't know how you do it, but there is no doubt that you have to somehow include mdac_typ.exe
  16. I would look into the MdiChildActivate event.
  17. Everything taken together, XML is to INI as the ocean is to small pond. That doesn't mean it would be better when all you need is a simple way to save some options, but as has been said, XML is on the MS marketing machine top 10 list.
  18. It does come with a special version of Crystal Reports (at least the enterprise version does). I don't think it directly relates to any standard version number of Crystal Reports. The version number of the components in the Add Reference dialog is 9.1.3300.0
  19. Thinker

    .Net Setup Help

    What O/S are you trying to install it on?
  20. Sounds like the Constructor might be the way to go. Please take my advice with a grain of salt. My .Net skills are very early in development, and this advice is a combination of what I know about .net classes, and what I know about OO programming with VB in general.
  21. It could be a parameter in the Constructor, or a parameter to a Method, or a Property. I guess it depends on just how much of the lifetime of the class object it would need access to the listbox.
  22. I *think* you have to pass a reference to the lstCameras to the class object.
  23. There are about 13 overloaded constructors. This helps explain why the Font object properties like family, style and size are read- only. It does seem a bit obtuse, but it isn't in any way a restriction of capabilities.
  24. Once again, as divil said, in this code... Dim fntFont As Font fntFont.Bold = True You are declaring a font object variable, then (without instantiating it) trying to set a property. Instead, you should use one of the overloaded Font constructors to both create the font, and set the bold property, something like... Dim fntFont As Font = New Font(fntOldFont, FontStyle.Bold)
  25. It doesn't look like that on my win2K so I would expect it has something to do with a style setting on winXP rather than to do with .Net or the MainMenu control.
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