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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. Glad you got it fixed. :)
  2. Is programnameSetup.tmp a file, or directory? What happens if you just delete it from Explorer?
  3. I wouldn't think 9 or 10 levels would be too much myself. But I haven't done anything recursive in .net that has gone more than 3 levels deep.
  4. Can't take the time to write code for you, but you might need a recursive function that you can pass a node to, and it will process all the child nodes, calling itself for each child node. This will work down to whatever level you have (or until you run out of memory).
  5. Does it help to say that in VB6, strings were simple datatypes, and in VB.Net, they are objects with properties and methods? Do you know you can do this in VB.Net... strMyString = "Now This is a test".Substring(4)
  6. I agree with 1. I wouldn't inspect the assembly more than once.
  7. I am not getting what you are asking. You could never use CStr on an object in VB6? And an object being Nothing is not the same as a database datafield being Null.
  8. You can choose to ignore any class which doesn't follow some naming convention you dictate, but it would be breaking the spirit of OO/Interface programming. I know how I handle it with COM. I make the user browse to a DLL that is supposed to contain a class implementing my plugin interface. Then I iterate through the classes and interfaces, looking for the GUID which is the interface ID I assigned. I don't know what the equivalent is in .Net, but it sounds like you are doing something similar.
  9. Good point Bucky. I should have pointed that out. You would have to do one more conversion to get the Char converted to a string. It has to be that way, because the ToString method would just change 34 to "34".
  10. There is no such thing as a Null object. Either it is Nothing, or has been instantiated and uses resources.
  11. Not sure if this is really any faster, but you can use the native System.Convert class. System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(System.Convert.ToChar(34)) 'Chr$(34) System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(System.Convert.ToByte("Z"c)) 'Asc("Z")
  12. You won't be inserting any .Net controls inside of ActiveX container controls. There *might* be a way to get other ActiveX controls inside the container, but there could be some licensing problems.
  13. You don't use As New when you don't need to create an instance of the object at the same time you are declaring the variable. You do use As New when you do need to create an instance of the object, so you might just as well do it at the start. Parameters for As New statements depend on the constructor(s) defined for the class. Intellisense should let you know what constructors can be used, and what the parameters (if any) can be passed.
  14. One more thing. If you are going to use the Load method, first create an AssemblyName object, and set the Name property (or FullName). Then pass that.
  15. How about using the Assembly.LoadFrom and specifying the path and name of the DLL file?
  16. There probably aren't many choices for .Net (especially if you don't want to buy something very expensive). But there is an install packager as part of .Net. According to MSDN, from the file menu you select Add Project - New Project. Then in the Add New Project dialog, select Setup and Deployment Projects, and select the type of deployment project.
  17. I don't know if this is what is happening to you, but here is what MSDN says... You might be able to force this by setting the LoaderOptimization member of the AppDomainSetup to a LoaderOptimizationAttribute object with the value of SingleDomain. Maybe... setup.LoaderOptimization = SingleDomain The only reason I can see for loading dll assemblies into other domains is so that they can be unloaded by unloading the domain. Are you unloading the domain somewhere else?
  18. What does this line do? colecaoNomesDLL.Add(libraryName) I can't see what colecaoNomesDLL is declared as. Is it just a collection object?
  19. Sender is the object that was clicked. Since one sub can handle the events of many control objects, you have to have some way to know what control object was clicked. If you are only handling the event from one control object, you can pretty much ignore it. e as EventArgs is an object holding arguments that could be passed from the event. Once again, if there aren't any arguments, you can just ignore it.
  20. If you can use APIs, then CL's VB6 example in the Code Library should be easy enough to convert. http://www.visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11040
  21. Are you using a DataAdapter? If so, you should check the return value from the Fill method when you use it to populate your dataset. Once you have used Fill, a new Table object will have been added to the DataSet Tables collection. The Table object has both a Rows and a Columns collection. As each Row object is selected, the Columns objects have the values for that Row. This is all just theory to me that I got from MSDN and an ADO.Net reference. However, it makes sense to me, and I expect it works pretty much as described.
  22. Are you sure it doesn't work? The values are just stored as doubles internally. You are allowed to use convert(), so maybe... Results.Expression = "Convert(Convert(FINISH_TIME, 'System.Int32') - Convert(START_TIME, 'System.Int32'), 'System.DateTime')"
  23. Good article! Pollymorphism wants a cracker - bhaawk
  24. I get the feeling this is ADO.Net. I don't have a clue what the Expression property of a DataColumn object might be, or what it can accept. I do know that ODBC can be quite limiting in what it allows. It is possible that DateDiff would work with OLE DB but not ODBC. I just don't know. I am moving this to the ADO.Net board. [edit]I did look this up in my ADO.Net reference and now have a clue what the DataColumn and Expression are. I still can't tell what is supported in an Expression. [/edit]
  25. I am lost. What is Results.Expression supposed to be?
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