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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. I'm not sure why this is just showing up here and not on the VB forums, but it happens when a user has a 1969 signup date, and has posted on a thread, and you have your timezone < -6. I am not sure it is worth hunting down what exactly is happening as long as we can just change the signup dates.
  2. I am still lost as to what needs to be hacked. The automatic recognition of a mshelp url? http://ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.2002OCT.1033/dnmsdn/html/msdnstart.htm using url tag [edit]Testing changes[/edit]
  3. Been testing the mark this forum as read option on this version of vBulletin, and so far, it has been working perfectly. Can't wait to move visualbasicforum.com over to it too.
  4. You have come to the wrong place to complain about .Net. It is a serious improvement over any earlier version of VB. There are pieces still missing, but it can only make good programmers better (while making bad ones worse).
  5. Thanks - had just discovered it when you posted. And on a bright note, the hack to make the Legacy Visual Basic jump was really quite simple while I was fixing the other quick jump hacks.
  6. This is a bit of a problem. Yes, it shows up on any subforum on the assumption that a subforum is supposed to take posts. Even though this one isn't supposed to, using this box will cause a thread to be stored under this forum. But you can't see the thread after that (unless you find it in the list of posts for your username). Not sure if it can be fixed to first look if the forum is supposed to take posts. [edit]Never mind - was simple to fix just by setting one option for the board from the control panel.[/edit]
  7. Just checked and it is now listed as vBulletin 3.0 Alpha 2 Still no beta release date listed. You can see it at http://beta.vbulletin.com
  8. I think it is alpha only. Need to go to the vBulletin site today so I will check on what they are saying now.
  9. That will probably take a serious hack. While I have high hopes that vBulletin3 will do away with the need for many of these hacks, it isn't likely we can go to it till the middle part of next year.
  10. I am a bit confused how this would work? Would these links try to open msdn on the user's computer? In my case, my internet computer doesn't have VS.Net/MSDN installed, so that would fail. (But I guess I could try installing the .Net MSDN alone on it.)
  11. It won't work until the hack I did gets back into the code. It will at some point.
  12. Just curious (since I haven't yet had the joy of working with ADO.Net) since the error message includes... Does ADO.Net support ODBC drivers at all? If not, then how can he even make this connection?
  13. Yeah, already know about it. Either I will fix it when I get FTP access, or Bob will. It is a minor change to a .htaccess file.
  14. And I am sure it will remain that way for some time to come. I just have too many things going to become a .Net guru right now.
  15. That would be a relatively safe assumption, but still not guaranteed. One thing I do believe. MS is seriously on the XML bandwagon, and wants it to be received as an internation standard, not just an MS one. They have been involved with 3 different XML schema methods (that I have heard of anyway) and just want to be on the inside track for whatever method is finally widely accepted.
  16. Last thing I read was there wasn't (yet) an ADO.Net provider for Jet. You have to use ADO.
  17. Try using For XML, AUTO, XMLDATA at the end of your Select statements. The Schema will be included in the return. The biggest problem with this is it isn't exactly the w3c xml schema format. I would check the MS web site to see what the status is of them integrating the w3c xml schema standard into 2000.
  18. Well, MS is no longer selling VB6 (except in very specific cases), but they plan on supporting it through 2008. Certifications for VB6 aren't close to being retired, but MS is moving most of the msdn VB6 and below stuff to archives. It is going to be used extensively for many years to come, but will probably lose ground to .Net each year. This is a pretty good description of what legacy software is.
  19. Guess what, Mr. "VB6 is pretty much dead to me". Legacy doesn't mean obsolete. If it did, there is no way I would have stuck that there.
  20. I messed around with the Title for the Visual Basic forum header and turned it into a link back to http://www.visualbasicforum.com. I realize the Title Visual Basic is a bit generic so it might be better if it said something more specific. Maybe Legacy VB?
  21. Attachment test
  22. In case it was missed, it is trying to insert attachments into the database, causing an SQL error. Seems like the hack installed on the VB forums to only put links in the database is partially here and partially not.
  23. It will require a change in all the templates. Probably can use the mass search and replace but I have never tried it.
  24. Well, glad you figured it out. Until something like this happens to me, it is all just guessing. Sounds like you did the right thing.
  25. Did you change any of the Imports or References for the project? Did you turn on Option Explicit? Sounds like the problem is either in the .vbproj or AssemblyInfo.vb file, but that is just a guess. Maybe open them in notepad and compare to working versions of those files in another project.
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