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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. I don't own a bad WROX book.
  2. Since it has been released, they are sticking it in the box, but all VS.Net boxes before didn't have it. This one from Ebay is from before J# was released (which is a good sign as far as authenticity goes).
  3. J# didn't come originally with it, but once you register, you should be able to download or order a CD with it.
  4. You said (much earlier) that you were stopping all services. Did this include all IIS services?
  5. I believe your only hope is to link the other odbc datasources to either Access (linked table) or SQL Server (linked server). If it requires separate connection strings, you aren't going to get the data into one dataset.
  6. I think if there is a demand for it, we can certainly add this option.
  7. That isn't a definition of lazy, that is an example of how laziness is acted out. It is like The Force. That is just the dark side. VolteFace's original statement made no distinction between the ways laziness can be directed, it just said flat out... I am a very lazy programmer. But that laziness is directed at the kind of concepts that gave us OOP to begin with -- encapsulation and reuse -- rather than toward poorer, sloppier code.
  8. Maybe your questions aren't as stupid as you think, and someone else could benefit from seeing them and the answers. If you just do it by email, you are the only one getting any help. This isn't the point of having this forum (to find private mentors).
  9. I can't let this go by. Never was anything further from the truth. When it comes to the history of computer programming, from the first programs entered in with front panel switches, to the most advanced languages we have today, laziness is the single most important factor in this evolution.
  10. No, the focus has changed since the release of J#, but C# isn't a replacement for C++. They wouldn't have gone to all the trouble to upgrade C++ for managed code. C# is still the main focus, J# is to make it easier for Java and especially J++ users to make the transition.
  11. While I agree with this statement, I wonder about all the examples I have seen (even in professional books) using late binding (which Option Strict will refuse to compile). Also, many examples don't even seem to be consistantly using explicit casts. Has anyone here who normally uses it found they had to turn it off to accomplish something unusual?
  12. Laura has now explained to me what she is talking about. I have always looked at the first unread post arrow as the sign whether a thread is read or not. I have never looked at the envelopes as to whether they are open or closed. I see now that they close.
  13. I have never in all the time we have used vBulletin seen a thread marked as read by reading it. I wish I knew what you meant.
  14. I have had very little problem with the mark forum as read on this site/version of Vb. It isn't supposed to mark individual threads as read just because you read them (at least it never has at any time for me). But when I mark a forum as read, it resets all the posts as read.
  15. I am guessing Volte is right because I am using Lite With Blue on this forum rather than BlueVelvet. I expect if I was using a style with the virtual URLs, it would work. And it is only when clicking Bucky's link. Of course, I am using IE6 SP1 too, so you never know. ;) [edit]Yeah, changed to BlueVelvet and images come up.[/edit]
  16. I see them too. However, for some strange reason, when I click on the link to go to that forum (using the virtual forum url), all the images fail to load.
  17. It isn't an error, it is a feature. ;) We strip junk posts off of threads all the time, and it has always done this.
  18. Thinker


    The ms web browser is part of IE. Once again, it shouldn't be part of your install package. I don't know why it isn't smart enough to know that, but I would try to take it out. I expect the diwhois.dll doesn't have any dependencies so you can probably ignore the warning for it. [edit]When I say take it out, I mean from the install package, not the project. Obviously, you need it in the project but it should depend on the IE components already installed on the target computer.[/edit]
  19. Thinker


    You should not be trying to include shdocvw.dll as part of your project. It is only distributable as part of IE. Without knowing what diwhois.dll is, it is hard to say how it should be handled. But whoever you got it from, they should have instructions about what, if any, dependencies to include.
  20. Since no one would come to her party, she just decided to call it off. Now all we have to do is get her to actually open up her VS.NET once in awhile. ;) [edit]Looks like thread rating works just fine.[/edit]
  21. Thinker

    New to .NET

    One very good place to look for samples is in the .NET SDK. Look in the Samples directory.
  22. That is because you don't have the regular .Net MSDN library subscription version. ms.vacc is the version that comes with visual studio. Which brings up another reason this link thing isn't going to be as useful as other url links. Some have the library and some don't.
  23. First attempt has been installed. Please try it out and see if there are any problems.
  24. I believe it would be - for a regular expressions expert. For me it will only require that I become a regular expressions expert. No big deal. ;)
  25. I modified it, but not sure I have the names right. Bob will need to check it out.
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