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About Thinker

  • Birthday 02/04/1957

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  • Occupation
    Software Developer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    VS .NET Enterprise Architect
  • .NET Preferred Language

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  1. First you select whatever nick you want to register, /nick mynick. Then you use /nickserv register password . Include the email if you want to be able to have your password emailed to you.
  2. How about "Gutenberg Inquisition"? :D
  3. I think divil hit the nail on the head.
  4. What kind of amusement can you get from an AS400? Don't you know those things cause cancer - you should get rid of it. ;) ;)
  5. So if I take it out, will I later on find a bit of code where Volte refers to divil's pos control?
  6. Dim betterOS As String betterOS = "VMS" & ControlChars.CrLf & "+ 1" & _ ControlChars.CrLf & "====" & ControlChars.CrLf & _ Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte("V"c) + 1) & _ Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte("M"c) + 1) & _ Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte("S"c) + 1) MessageBox.Show(betterOS, "What is better?", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _ MessageBoxIcon.Information)
  7. The thing that always gets me about these arguments are the apples to oranges comparisons. Computers and O/S good at desktop work rarely are good as servers and vice versa. MS started the concept of an O/S that would do both well (and have since somewhat backed away from it). Linux is now trying to do the same because if all you can do is run servers, you are never going to have enough market share for people to take a 'free' O/S seriously.
  8. A poll on this subject isn't necessary. We close and sometimes delete polls when they are unnecessary.
  9. Would you like to contribute some money to help pay for newer and faster servers and more and more bandwidth? The sites on these servers are very popular (http://www.visualbasicforum.com is here too) and are supported by the webmaster and donations. It is very expensive each month.
  10. Not at all sure what you are referring to. Do you mean in your control panel?
  11. Ah, cool! That should help make MSDE much more popular. I know Microsoft really wants to transition people from Access to it as the low-end database of choice.
  12. That SQL Server icon opens up the Service Manager. It is useful for starting and stopping the services and checking their state but you will need something else to do things like create new databases. If you have Access you can create an Access project (.adp) that acts as a front end for SQL Server. There is a dosbox/ command prompt interface called osql that will let you execute any command in the server. There are other third-party admin tools out there too (although I don't know if any of them are written in .net). MSDE is very useful but if you are used to having the enterprise tools available (enterprise manager/query analyzer) it can sometimes be very frustrating.
  13. Unless there is something special needed for .net, everything should be in mdac_typ.exe. (Unless you are asking for MSDE?)
  14. Fixed now (except for the stupid <br /> before and after code in PHP tags).
  15. There is very little I can do about the PHP tags, but all else should be ok now (except for a strange effect I now see when I scroll anything in these tags into view).
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