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Everything posted by jasonseay

  1. Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server using DefaultLaunchPermssion. The server is: {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} The user is NETWORK SERVICE/NT AUTHORITY, SID=S-1-5-20. This is the error in the System log that occours everytime i try to run the program you have to go to a command line and type dcomcnfg.exe go into component services find microsoft excell and grant asp.net account the rights to open a dcom application. this is on 2003 server.
  2. thanks I Tried the Dim aExcel as Excel.Application aExcel = cType(CreateObject("Excel.Application"),Excel.Application) but i got the error "Cannot Create ActiveX component" also tried Dim aExcel as new Excel.application and got the error "Access Denied" Both of these worked on my development machine but wouldn't work on the server. I even went to the extreme of installing Excel on the server and still got the same errors can anyone help me out?
  3. I'm having trouble with a web application that i wrote. it runs fine when i run it locally but when i try to deploy the project i goto the report page and it says : Cannot create active x component. I don't know what it is looking for. I even installed excel 2003 on that server and it didn't help. does anyone know what the problem is?
  4. can someone give me an example of how to read data from an excell spreadsheet into a vb.net application. Thanks
  5. I'm trying to get records from an oracle database based on dates. But when i send it the command : Select * from TableName Where Timestamp > '12/01/2003 10:00:00' it gives me an error I have tried several formats for the date time string and i get errors on all of them. The only thing i can get to work is using sysdate, and making calculations based on now() and the date given. This works somewhat but it is not exact. can anyone help with an example query string in vb.net to send it a date and time and have it return the records between that time. Thanks.
  6. I have looked everywhere, and i know that this is simple and that i am just stupid but..... here it goes on my home network, which is just a router and two computers hooked together sharing an internet connection. one of the computers is used for web development and has several web projects on it. how can i set the web pages to let any annomous surfer see the home page. without having to login to the workstation. Please help, i know that this is just a simple setting but i am out of ideas. and i used home as an example but i need this for my job. so pleeeease help
  7. Here is the answer Well since no one has the answer to this question i had to find it somewhere else so the answer is as follows asp code: <script language = "javascript"> Function checkall(o){ for (var i = 0; i < document.myForm.elements.length; i++) { if (document.forms[0].elements.type == "checkbox") { document.forms[0].elements.checked = o.checked; } } } </script> ....... this is part of the header of the datagrid - and it will check and uncheck every checkbox on the form. <input type = "checkbox" onclick = "javascript:checkall(o)">
  8. i finally figured out how to get a checkbox into a datagrid and how to determine if the box is checked or not. my problem now is this: The list is long (about 287 entries) each entry has a check box and i need to have a button to select all or deselect all. ..........any ideas
  9. i got it the report was working correctly i just didn't have enough room at the bottom of the report to fit another group so i closed it in and the second group showed up on the page. thanks for the views though.
  10. Sorry not enough info i have the report connected to a dataset. the dataset is reading from 2 different tables. the data at the top of the report is from one table called daily the data in the group is from a table called trains. the sql statement that is loaded into the dataset looks like this: select daily.*,Trains.* where daily.datestamp = '11/02/2003' and trains.datestamp = daily.datestamp when this comes back with data there are two rows, both have the daily values in them and the trains data is different for the two trains. how can i get this to group them so that the train data is grouped by the daily info. or is there a better way to do this Please help
  11. i have a daily report that shows everything that came in on trains all day long (at the top of the report). below that i have what came in on a specific train. if there is more than one train in a day then i need this group to repeat. how can i do this
  12. what about this then there is a program called processbook and from the command line you can open it and pass it perameters so that when i starts it brings up a trend for a certain point. i want to execute the shell command that will open processbook. can i excute this command and have the processbook trend show up on the screen.
  13. i tried that i tried this as a test : system.diagnostics.process.start("C:\windows\system32\Notepad.exe") and nothing happened ps. i'm testing this locally so if the page is running off of my machine then i thought it would open on my machine
  14. i would like to either open an application or execute a shell command from an asp.net web page. i found an example in c# but i need it in vb and i can't seem to get the c# one to work.
  15. There is no real relation between these datasets except for the column names. these are actions that happen in time order.
  16. i have three datasets with the following fields in each dsAlarm timestamp Type name text dsSoe timestamp text dsText timestamp type text i would like to merge the three into one datagrid and order them by timestamp. i have tried using another dataset (dsAll) and used dsAll.merge("datasetname", true, missingSchemaaction.add) this only puts them into seperate tables in the dataset dsAll. and when you bind dsAll to the datagrid it only shows the first table. can anyone help to get these all in one datagrid?
  17. i tried recordset.recordcount and it gives me -1. any ideas?
  18. i need a simple way in vb .net to get a record count from an adodb recordset. does anyone know a way without going through the records and counting them?
  19. This is the code that i have ListBox1.Items.Clear() ListBox1.DataSource = rkn.dsDates ListBox1.DataTextField = "Datestamp" ListBox1.DataValueField = "ID" ListBox1.DataBind() I would like to add another column to the listbox called "Notes". the field is in the dataset rkn.dsDates. but i can't figure out how to add another column. been through the help files and can't find anything. can anybody help?
  20. i finally got it to work changed line: ons.logon("yourvalidprofile", missing.value, false, true) to: ons.logon(<emailaddress>, <password>, false, true)
  21. i posted the question on how to get emails from my inbox and i received the code at the bottom of this post. now the problem is that this only works if outlook is open. how do i call the inbox when outlook is closed? Imports System.Reflection Module Module1 Sub Main() ' Create Outlook application. Dim oApp As Outlook.Application = New Outlook.Application() ' Get Mapi NameSpace. Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace = oApp.GetNamespace("mapi") oNS.Logon("YourValidProfile", Missing.Value, False, True) ' TODO: ' Get Messages collection of Inbox. Dim oInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox) Dim oItems As Outlook.Items = oInbox.Items Console.WriteLine("Total : " & oItems.Count) ' Get unread e-mail messages. oItems = oItems.Restrict("[unread] = true") Console.WriteLine("Total Unread : " & oItems.Count) ' Loop each unread message. Dim oMsg As Outlook.MailItem Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To oItems.Count oMsg = oItems.Item(i) Console.WriteLine(i) Console.WriteLine(oMsg.SenderName) Console.WriteLine(oMsg.Subject) Console.WriteLine(oMsg.ReceivedTime) Console.WriteLine(oMsg.Body) Console.WriteLine("---------------------------") Next ' Log off. oNS.Logoff() ' Clean up. oApp = Nothing oNS = Nothing oItems = Nothing oMsg = Nothing End Sub End Module
  22. anybody know of a way to get the mails directly from an exchange server?
  23. tHANKS Thanks alot. by the way, that is the best quote that i have ever read!
  24. i need to be able to either get mail out of my outlook box or directly from the smtp server. anybody have any ideas?
  25. the xml file i'm trying to add to has a node "cfgappif" there are child nodes for each instance of "cfgappif" i want to add another "cfgappif" i can read it in just fine with the statement dsSettings.readxml("xmlfilename.xml") dt = dsSettings.tables("cfgappif") dr = dt.rows(x) i add a new row to the dataset. when i try to write it back to the xmlfile with the statement dsSettings.writexml("xmlfilename.xml") it gives me an error that writing would result in an invalid xml document.
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