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About dotnetguy37

  • Birthday 12/30/1960

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  1. It says here: It doesn't say what tasks you can accomplish without membership, however.. :confused: So I looked around a little more. This page says: It's step one of "Deploying and Testing on Your Windows Phone" I found a link on this CodeProject page, which sent me to the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 Download page, where I was able to download "vm_web2.exe" without having a subscription. Looking at the "Windows Phone Development QuickStarts" page, I noticed under "Getting Started & Fundamentals", there was a "Getting Started (Hello World)" link to this page where the "Installing the Developer Tools" section had some download links for tools (without mentioning needing a membership), including the link for updated emulator package. So basically you download the tools and test on the emulator, but as soon as you want to try and transfer the app to your phone it's time to pay Microsoft for the privilege. You wouldn't want Microsoft to go broke, would you? ;) :rolleyes: I don't know about Windows 8, but you might want to read through "Microsoft to address Windows Phone App Hub issues", which mentions them planning changes by "late summer". Also of interest Microsoft was recently caught releasing Windows Phone Apps that "borrow" a bit from the iPhone interface (bypassing Metro guidelines). :eek: This page has the screenshot.
  2. Hey..I think I can almost understand Slovenian now (:)). Thanks for the the translation validation.
  3. Slovenian commentary No idea on the SQL question, but for other forum members info.. Google translate recognizes, ..as Slovenian, and it translates to: ..however the namespace name "Tarok_turnir" doesn't translate from Slovenian or any other language that Google translate recognizes, but I know there is a Slovenian card game called "Tarok", and so maybe "turnir" means "turn". From the translation of the Slovenian comment above, "podatki" would roughly translate as "data" or information, so "class cPodatki" would be "class cData" "PreberiIgralce" doesn't translate via Google translate, but there is a film called "Preberi in za�gi", whose American title is "Burn after reading", so I'm guessing "Preberi" probably means "read" (google translates "read" from Slovenian-to-English as "preberite" - its close..) "Izgubljamo igralce" means "losing player" so I'm guessing "Igralce" means player, which makes "PreberiIgralce" something like "readPlayer" (possibly).
  4. Re: Getting someone to write code for you without any attempt on your part.. ArtinSoft�s Visual Basic Upgrade Companion (VBUC) -used to help upgrade code VB6 to VB.Net There used to be site called "Rentacoder" where you could contract out to have code written/converted for you - it's changed it's name to "vWorker".
  5. Re: Research please I agree with Ida_3, it's obvious you didn't do any research at all if you can't even come up with a specific name of a bar code type you want to use. You can check out a list of "Generating Barcode Symbologies" in this the middle of this "Barcode Generation Component for .NET, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET Projects" page. There is also a Barcode Rendering Framework, which: The coding project's documentation page has a list of barcode fonts and the accompanying Wikipedia pages which will help you research the amount of data each can store.
  6. Yes, snarfblam is right...a few more coding details would be helpful. For instance, there is a Mesh.Torus Method which could produce a 3D pipe that is curved into a 3D circle (torus), (but I'm not sure if that's what you want). If it is a fairly complex set of twisty-turny 3D piping sections you might want to use something like Blender to generate the necessary .X file(s), and bring it into DirectX to render it programmatically using the 3D person Viewport method described here. The other approach might be to "Draw 3d Ring object" (or series of 3D ring objects) using a ID3DXPatchMesh structure for tessellation.
  7. gridview events and javascript You have not shown any code which makes it difficult to access the context of your question. I'm going to assume you are talking about System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView. The MSDN page lists several events, which do not require user interaction, that can be used, including: Init, PreRender, Load, and Databound events. Since you are needing the gridview to be populated before the columns are read the Databound event seems the most likely candidate. This client side javascript in this Asp.Net article might be of use, (which shows how to set up a callback event handler): Asynchronous GridView in 5 simple steps Further info: MSDN: Implementing Client Callbacks Programmatically Without Postbacks An extra little gridview control "nicety": I know you, Haak3n, are probably doing this already, but for many programmers it is often overlooked.. A gridview programmer has the responsibility to explicitly set up the control to make it more accessible to users of assistive technology devices. Of course this means correctly using/setting the UseAccessibleHeader property, but there is a little more to it if you want the GridView control to generate the necessary thead, tbody, and th elements. "MSDN Walkthrough: Accessibility Guidelines for Using the GridView Control" shows how to use javascript to hook into the page load event and update the page heading caption (depending on a particular section group the page may display).
  8. Usually besides a setting .datasource most code like this also involves setting a data member. There some code of this MSDN page that shows how to do this. I believe the DataGridView control also has a Refresh method, which this MSDN page says: (So you might try also adding a "dgvSummary.Refresh") If none of these help there could be other issues. Here's some links: DataGridView Not Showing Data My DataGridView won't display data
  9. Re: Altering Button down state ("pressed") with key Have you tried: Private Sub Button1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Button1.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.M Then 'MsgBox("do something") e.Handled = True Button1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat End If End Sub Private Sub Button1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Button1.KeyUp e.Handled = True Button1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard End Sub
  10. Re: Iframe URL not loading in chrome There was someone named "gopal krish" that asked a similar question (with somewhat similar html code) in an EggHead Cafe page. You can read the answer he got here. Don't know about Safari, but Chrome is a little funny about iframes. If you read here you'll find: ..a small code snippet showing "Example of good encoding placement" follows the above quoted text on the linked-to page.. As regards to debugging for Safari you have not shown any CSS code that may be tied to: id="ifrmEBOOK", So all I could do is offer a few tentative links (1, 2) to explore.. I myself have fallen prey to this little javascript generated iframe onLoad "gotcha".
  11. It's always nice when posters give a little "context" to their questions. Of course every programmer knows that CRUD stands for "Create, Read, Update and Delete", but not every programmer may know that: ...per the "Developer's Guide to Microsoft Prism" Secondly it looks like you, gopal_nivas, crossed posted several other places to get your question answered. This one produced no responses for now, but your msdn thread, which asked the same question, did get a reply and the link it porvided, "How do i implement the CRUD method on MVVM via DataGrid..." has some good info.. Making the assumption your were looking at using the ViewModel (or business object) implementing INotifyPropertyChanged, I would also suggest looking at some of the links provided in this StackOverflow thread:"Good examples of MVVM Template".
  12. I also did a "report post" as well..
  13. firestarts post today to a thread whose last previous last post by EFileTahi-A was on 11-19-2011, 10:53 AM. Please feel free to delete this thread if it is not applicable or already being taken care of..
  14. Re: Remove Duplicate items from a ComboBox How? Did you do a search of the forum? I did and found some code in this post (don't know what ..Net framework it goes with). Make sure the DataSource property is not set though, or else. If that code doesn't work for you try the code on this page.
  15. Re: c# Capture Screen and Pixel Search I see you also cross posted to CodeGuru (so this must be really important to you): http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2058440 The question is/becomes: Which code routine is causing the leak - the screencapture or the pixel search? Are you using any leak detection tools like: ANTS Memory Profiler 7.2 If you don't have access to any such leak detection tools the best troubleshooting method is to find code to do each separately, insure that neither routine is leaking, then try to merge them. Capture a Screen Shot It looks like the pixel search function you posted came from here. I would take a step back and look at writing your own pixel search routine. The LockBits function has better performance than GetPixel but can be somewhat more involved to implement. Here's a good overview: Using the LockBits method to access image data Surprisingly enough MSDN actually has an actual example of how it recommends using LockBits (which might be a good starting point for a pixelsearch class/routine since Microsoft is not in the habit of release code examples with memory leaks included). The example is at the bottom of this page. When I ended up developing a screencapture utility of my own I ended up starting from using the C# source code for Cropper. Some other code for looping through LockBits pixels to search for a color can be found here and here.
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